Halflings for alliance

what do you mean

For the first sentence?

Basically, Kenderā€™s thing was they didnā€™t believe in private property and had a tendency to have other peopleā€™s stuff in their pockets. This can be done well, but you need to work with the other people youā€™re playing with. Unfortunately the general experience of people when Dragonlance was big, was that people played kender as an excuse to be a prick to the other people at the table.

Like you can make it work if your kender is like pulling out the healing potion another player thought they had in order to heal that player at a good point. What tended to happen more was that the player with the kender would just use it as an excuse for stealing from the rest of the party. Thereā€™s a reason ā€œBut Iā€™m just doing what my character would do!ā€ triggers a lot of dnd horror stories. Itā€™s kind of like Malkavians in Vampire, a neat more off the wall option that people tend to dial up to 11 and clash with other players, either intentionally or not.

The second. As mentioned, they have a habit of borrowing without asking very frequently. And other than a few locations that give them the creeps they tend not to show fear, like they get bonuses to morale checks from it and all.

so you want to be the leader of the kendar :open_mouth:

No, Iā€™m just worried about what is going to be unleashed on games around the world if they come back

I want to be the top Giff

what is that a picture of

what is that hello. i am flying

Thatā€™s a Giff

so it is a hippo boy ???

With guns in space.

what game is he from?


Specifically from Spelljammer which they just released a new boxed set of rules for this month I think.

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got it never played that

I could see Halflings a Option for Gnomes.

So basical!y, gnome-sized human models with big feet.

This person is a troll. He has no actual interest. Check the post history of him and his worgen alt above you. It is all stupid inane crap the moderators are too stupid to recognize comes from the same person.

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I like WOW (World of Warcraft) and LOTR (which stands for Lord of the Rings) - - I actually posted this idea as there is a NEW LOTR movie coming out soon, It is a prequel to the others on DVD now. I like the idea of hobbits and halflings even though you might despise the LOTR movies, books, etc. So it is a legit Idea to bring up halflings or hobbits.

This is a great example of the trolling.

Since the movies, pretty much everyone except your granny knows what LOTR stands for.

A fan would know it is a show not a movie.

A fan would know Amazon was not involved in making the movies and the 2 have no connection to each other, and in fact Amazon has to tread carefully not to violate intellectual properties.

Assumption made on my LOTR preferences, for no other reason than as troll bait.

By itself it might have been simply just an odd suggestion. Taken in the context of your consistent trolling, it is more of the same nonsense.

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We already have dwarves and gnomes.

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yes kid - I understand that you are a troll so you are going to harrass other people

You do know that if you disagree with someoneā€™s ideas or really hate the ideas that much you can

  1. disagree with them like a normal Human or whatever you are in the game
  2. just do not even respond to the post. Instead of beihng obnoxious and opening your mouth and say things that are wrong and rude - you could keep it to yourself.

Just an idea to make you a better person than you are currently

watch out as Cur harasses people - he might thinks your comment is trolling as hobbits and halflings are not human sized if you ever watch LOTR