Halflings for alliance

Yeah that’s what they’re like in dnd n stuff but in wow elves and gnomes have no relation, in fact gnomes are more close to humans.

ok, agrarian gnomes.

do you want to be a gnome orf a halfling

what is that

They got gnomes, mecha gnomes. Halflings? At this rate the Horde won’t need anything but just a bunch of jogging Tauren to mow down the Alliance. :joy:

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halflings can tickle taurens and then flip them in the air and win :open_mouth:

I had nights like that when I was younger. Hey, it was the 1960s.

nights like what

what nights are you talking about

we can always use new races

it would be nice expecially since there is a new LOTR moving coming out

Yes, Kul’Tiran gnomes please.

Instead of hobbits just and normal humans but with dwarfism.

Female gnomes are currently closest tbh. If you look closely, they have little points at the top of their ears. Why this is a female only thing is beyond me, though. Sorry.

My overarching problem with the tiny people in this game is that ALL their heads are completely disproportionate in comparison to larger races which makes them look really terrible. I can understand the megamind jimmy neutron meme but I think it goes too far when youre half the size of a human but your head is 4 times larger than the human male’s.

Plus, whoever thought up the idea to give gnomes 4 fingers and 5 toes… uh well. I have questions. Like. Were they under the influence? Because that is a very odd art choice there.




what is a kender

A walking talking excuse for poor player behavior in DnD

Basically slightly taller halflings with practically no fear and no societal concept of private property.

are there DnD video games that u guys play

nah, this is from tabletop. Might be coming back up as I’m seeing them getting mentioned in the run up to the Spelljammer boxed set release.

never playued tabletop game before