The shutdown caused serious problems everywhere, as companies adjusted to work from home, remote work, etc It was a serious complication for weeks.
The other problem is there are too many systems.
Wait till you read about WW2
Please tell me the specific problems they might have encountered. What pajama’s they will wear in their home office? I have a friend who is a programmer and he has the same programs on his home computer as he does for work. He leaves his job and comes home and keeps working (for some reason).
Just when I get youtube to stop suggesting Captain Clickbait videos I have to see his stuff here.
Talk to your programmer friend and he’ll explain it to you
Well if you can figure out how to get youtube to stop showing me earwax removal adds or the same cat video from 8 years ago, I’d be mighty grateful.
You’re kind of gaslighting if you don’t don’t mention things he actually said in the video and are purely going off his title. The whole part where he said this is kind of the norm since wod.
Is it a good thing? No. But it’s by no means as big of an issue I’d imagine the forum will take it.
Look that part.
Blizzard does appear to have found a way to increase how often expansions are able to boost earnings. The publisher recently announced that it will be adding the 2007 Burning Crusade expansion into World of Warcraft: Classic this year. Alternating between releasing all-new and classic expansions could cause WoW revenue to spike annually for the near future, instead of every two years (the typical development time for the title’s expansions).
It seems accurate, Blizzard now learned to live from HYPE. That’s it folks, next xpac we will listen to your feedback, COME BACK LATER to give us your money…
I’m asking you. You tried to make a point and I refuted it. When someone makes a claim it is up to them to back it up with evidence. I’m asking you for some evidence.
Both my Husband and my son have worked from home during these troubling times and both got their work done without any hiccups. Just another damn excuse for Blizzard before Covid it was we are been DDOS. Since Covid they don’t use that excuse anymore now its Covids fault.
WW2 ended 75+ years ago.
As are you thought as well, by not mentioning that WoD and BFA were universally reviled, so following their pattern isnt great, and we didnt; see the pattern in eralier better expos.
Moreover, SL numbers are made worse by teh reality that COVID restrictions have been big boost across stay home activities such as gaming, so to do this bad in the current environment is really evben worse than it looks … and even more so given how much hype SL had going in …
Click bait
Warrior is awesome in pvp. And I love warriors, I have been one since the beginning.
I was more talking about DPS in pve setting and the lack of interest I have to login.
You chose the wrong faction.
Roll horde and see how much better the devs have made it.
This. I need more practice than a hardcore player but I get there in time. Problem is, there is not any tolerance for mistakes or M+ PUGs and I’m raiding in Classic on my guild’s big M+ night. Right now PUGs are either people running high keys that I’m not geared or practiced for, or running low keys on alts but expecting me to play as if I’ve run the dungeons dozens of times. (I haven’t.) It’s stressful enough that I gave up on M+. I don’t even have a keystone in my bags. I went and worked on the Maw and Torghast. Now I’m just raidlogging Nathria.
Hit the nail right there . I hope eventually the developers of this product can understand that. It’s their forums after all.
They look awesome in pvp, but I wouldn’t say that “awesome”.
playing less now, getting burned out i guess: i hit a gear wall and progression stopped. so now i play d2 lod instead, a 20 year old game provides more enjoyment than this expansion. it’s also quite depressing that 9.1 is so far away that i have to play this crappy 9.0 for at least 4 more months. motivation killed.
BlizZard’s art team is A++++.
More customization can be done with systemlands.