Half the Playerbase is gone?

Try it again…lol

Where does this piece of genius come from?

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I don’t think that’s really the case. No one complained when the end game was max leveled areas or complete zones. Scaling works for leveling in legacy content, not in current.

Like you mention, progression is key and folks don’t feel progression when things scale with the items that make them more powerful.

Also this. I’m not blind even if I’m enjoying SLs. SLs is already feeling like WoD 100%.


but where did they go to?

theres nothing else worth playing until d2 remake shows up :wink:

True. In vanilla 90% of players were casual, so no one felt out of place. Now a casual players feels out of place since they can’t spare 5 hours a day to play how SL is designed. Not everyone can dedicate time to a weekly raid night. In vanilla, everyone didn’t raid regularly if at all. The game is designed for raider, M+ and professional streamers now. Casuals mainly left. 12 million down to 2 million, because in Cata ,blizzard decided the game should take more research in order to learn mechanics on normal 5 man dungeons. It went downhill from there.


Honestly, the video wasn’t as bad as some of Bellular’s usual stuff. He had some thoughtful consideration to what these numbers show, and honestly being critical of Blizzard isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What was in the beta and what we got seems to be at odds with each other; for example, Torghast was so much more fun on beta and they delivered a weekly chore.

So for those discounting it, I would recommend giving it a watch. It’s critical where it needs to be and offers points of improvement, as a critique should.

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I don’t see much difference between Live and how the game was in TBC or Vanilla when you boil it down to the core.

All the things you could do as a casual/solo/non-guilded player can still be done today. You always needed to do harder group content to get better gear than you could solo and the harder the content the more powerful that gear became. That hasn’t changed.

The big changes are there are more avenues to gearing than just Raids. Mythic Plus, World Quests, etc didn’t exist back then and allow players to progress their power without the need to join a Raid team.

Which is why WoW needs to return to MMORPG roots IMVHO!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Didn’t Blizz take their time to release shadowlands to make it “good”?

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To me, WoW has been on a decline since WoD. MoP tried to bring back that old school feel woth dungeons needing CC and whatnot. But a shot shighted crowd didnt like that at all and called for more change. Which Blizzard gave them and that still wasn’t enough to make players happy. Now it seems like Blizzard has devolved into this odd facebook game situation.

We have tables that constantly keep you coming back every few hours or checking your phone with the app to keep your table use to a minimum. They keep adding in flavor of the xpac skills and bringing very little back to the core game. Majority of my time is spent leveling an alt cause im very tired of grinding the same WQ for the end game. And for so few rewards its a massive grind.

Like others i barely play and can barely convince myself to stay subscribbed when i spend more time playing other games. Like Valheim or Yakuza 7. I would love to run around in Azeroth again bit with the core of the gameplay is just get to max level as fast as possible then run WQ and M+ until you raid lock goes away. Theres not lmuch there.

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Most game companies would need 8-10 years just to build Torghast.

Preach said in a video he’d expect 9.1 around August. It’s not definite or anything. But he’s usually right.

Does the info include revenue based on layoffs? And how much revenue they made on those layoffs compared to say microtransactions and active subs?

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I dont think they are going to have covenants sitting fallow for months at max renown. I expect an extension to that at least pretty soon

Do you just pull this stuff right out of your behind?

Because it’s blatantly dumb.


People dont necessarily mind grindy. Its all about how the content is presented. Shadowlands failed to hide the grind.

WoW is in a weird place.


Yeah you must be a genius.

and crappy community half the time in keys and anything that requires focus, and dont get me started on LFG lol

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Ah this is normal. People rush through the content, claim there’s nothing to do, then leave until the next big patch.

9.1 you’ll see an increase for a month or two, then they’ll drop off till 9.2, repeat, then 9.3 repeat, so on and so forth

I didn’t realize (and didn’t agree before) about this being complicated until I had a friend join and needed to explain everything to him. Yikes!

All the systems, restrictions, and content that you can/can’t do for a variety of reasons and all the pitfalls of “do this first before that”. It’s pretty crazy to pick this game up and try to play with new people.

How exactly do you “rush” through time gates?