Half the Playerbase is gone?

I have pulled the slot machine a zillion times hoping to get a weapon on my main
Many many many full raid clears, three m+ choices every week
Haven’t seen a single one in my vault

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If there’s no concession or nuance in their arguments, then I highly doubt they work for the company. A real company person would be far better at it than the Slarks of the forums. I think it’s just people on the other side of the fence. Point is, though, either you like it and subscribe or you don’t, and you don’t subscribe.

Even if they had agents twirling around the forums - it’s not going to change the minds of people who are simply not enjoying the product - it’s done. Those people are leaving. Sounds like the apostasy is happening now.

People arguing that you’re wrong to not enjoy something - is kind of stupid. It’s like saying why isn’t your favorite colour blue and not orange or whatever. People like what they like. End of story.

A cushy sit down job where you work maybe 50 hrs is a workload?

Again, you owe nobody an explanation here and you certainly do not need to feel obligated to justify your ability to have an opinion.

Ehh… because I don’t spend my time researching subscription numbers. I browse the forums while waiting for groups to fill.

You’re right–it was reflexive.

I haven’t changed my opinion in that thread.

I do play right now with a RL friend, but that’s in Classic. I like Classic more because of the slowed down combat, mechanics, and longer leveling experience.

From what I’ve seen on these threads and the forums across the web it seems that a lot of players want a slower game and not a go go go go go game that Retail is, but I’m also very much aware that Retail is the bigger game and dominates the MMO market, but that market has consistently continued to shrink over the years.

Obviously the work done on Shadowlands was massive.

The idiot bio-weapon caused massive obstacles and basement dwellers can’t relate to work anyway.

They think excessive entitlement refers to the “casual” players, while being casual about reality.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. If they abandon all the tenets that initially ushered their success, they will continue to fail. Personally, I’d like to see more positive things happening with the franchise, and I’d like to see them around in 10 years, still thriving. If anything, the current expansion is instructive going forward.

LOL so true. I mean, so what you’re working full-time, have a home to manage, children to raise, a spouse, and who knows, a social life and god forbid - hobbies/non-wow activities. But you’re lazy because you won’t push keys and get your IO score up.

Okay. I also have disposable income and I know just where I no longer want to put it.


Oh believe me, it shows.


You said months ago that wow feels like a action RPG. Man you’re right lol. Torghast feels like d3 rifts which was something I didn’t like.

Well he isn’t wrong people simply stop rading. There isn’t enough loot and is much easier to get loot via vault. People do their m+ wait for the vault and that’s it. No point in doing more for less reward. Also CN is a boring tier what unfinished boss that have tons of bugs.

I think you accidently replied to me quoting somebody else… or…

You are right…The reply was to Ravens…
I’ll fix it.

LOL that made me laugh… oh man.

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Probably isn’t, but that’s irrelevant for GD. Whatever pushes the “WoW is dead” narrative is the truth and the opposite is lies coming from Blizzard toadies.

"Come pay $17 bucks a month to play my game, you will be bottle necked into repetitive chore-like content that will cost you a heck of a lot of time everyday and end in sub maximal rewards. The best part is, as a solo/casual player, your money will fund the fun of “the few” the elites that do not pay anything to play and continue to maintain a stranglehold on public opinion as well as end game success.

Wait! Come back! Doesn’t that sound like a good deal?!


Daughter and I both fall in this category… Both have cancelled and will not renew.

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As someone who has played waaaaaaay too much, this expansion is starting to feel like WoD. I don’t mean Blizzard is giving up on it, just that it’s more so being tailored to a higher end player.

Even I, someone who has done thousands of world quests/daily quests, tmog runs and all that, feels bored. Doesn’t help I can’t easily solo the old raids I want to (a lot of Legion ones for example). Was really looking forward to that…


you forgot the liberal use of predatory design tactics to recover lost sub revenue via cash shop

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