Half Elves in TWW

Why does everyone assume pointy ears means elves when Goblins, Trolls, Orcs have them, also Vulpera and Tauren.


Half orcs in game had always bern depicted as just bigger orcs until bfa.

In that case then there would be even less elves with them. As the ones that trained humans left or helped found dalaran.

None stayed in arathi after they trained mages.

This is a big red shirt guy moment blizz is having if they forgot that.

And dreanei.

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There are literally humans with pointy ears and elves with round ears.

It’s not 1%. It’s fluid %. You know, what real half elves are meant to be.

Learn TWW lore. I know that’s hard for you and your typical naysayer attitude.

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Ah, yeah. The population of humans and elves who mixed and had offspring between elves and humans. The most logical assumption is to think their pointy ears are because they’re actually half Goblins.


Has the term half-elf even been mentioned by anyone at Blizzard? Who’s to say she isn’t half human/half harronir? The harronir have stubby pointed ears, and they’re down in the pits with the rest of the content from TWW.

Yeah, I get the ears options for humans and blood elves.

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ya but they were slaves first those humans they eventually became to numerous and the direnni are practically extinct. the bretons are more human but they do have elf blood however they tend to live less long than most of the humans but they have higher magic. the only group of their human ancestors are now the reachman. remember that time the nords nearly wiped out the snow elves for burning down one city?

Kind of rude.

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When asked about her pointed ears Faerin Lothar says that it is because her people mixed with high elves a long time ago.

Theoretically you can rp as anything if they decide to add it as a customization option.


so her ancestors were basically outcasted my guess why they ended up where they did. half elves like elf orcs tend to be outcasts.

Is there a video of it?

(not the Q&A, if you get me)

It’s in the beta currently if you ask her in a speech bubble. I can try and find it.

I agree in principle, but it’s not easily fixable. Most people don’t want to play ugly races and almost every race besides elves are ugly. Why the WoW dev team thought Kul’tiran should be the new model to invest in is beyond me.

What I’d really love is a short race that looks somewhat normal/attractive besides being a bit short. Another good one would be a human male model which doesn’t look like they go to the gym 5 times a week but also isn’t obese (human male casters look kind of ridiculous).

I feel like a normal human model wouldn’t even be that hard. Just use the male evoker model as a base, remove the dragony bits, give them human ears, and you’re mostly there (though I also wouldn’t mind having some control over muscle tone).

One thing I’m a little hopeful about with all this new AI tech is that maybe it will make it easier to add new models to the game. I know there’s a ton of work right now since they have to go back and make all the old gear work with any new models.

TLDR: I think people don’t necessarily want more elves, but they do want more pretty/handsome/normal races.

the half elf in warwithin linege might be more human than elf kinda like bretons in elderscrolls so they are so far removed from the other humans and elves they can be considered a completely differnt race. think mok’nothal like raxxar.

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Beta is down for 2 more hours

This wouldnt work from a timeline perspective.

Ignoring the fact that harronir hide themselves from the other races, the arathi have only been there for 15 years.
And faerin was a child when she arrived.

Imo, an ear doesn’t make someone half of a race. I mean sure it’s possible but I would think we’d see other traits showing up.
I kind of agree with you. It could also be a genetic mutation within humans, like why not?

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i think there is some elf blood but its so far back the only thing that shows elf blood is the ear and even that its more human.

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Tbf the beta does just flat out say that the arathi empire was a combination of humans and high elves and thats why they have mixed traits.

And its a mixed bag.
You have those which use the elf model and those that use the human model.
So its not uniform either.

They say they dont go by human or elf, just arathi.


He reintroduced it in the modern Times, but it’s a Norse concept half elfs

So… They’re adding half elf before alliance high elves…