Half Elves in TWW

Humans in Warhammer Fantasy aren’t quite racist, The Halflings quite literally are a part of their empire, and I think technically Imperial Elves, Dwarfs, and Ogres exist (Some Kislev Dwarfs too.).

Likewise I think Laurelorn is part of Nordland technically, albeit it’s more of agreement between the 2 not to mess with each other.

Likewise the Dawi and Nations of the Empire and I believe Kislev are allied as well as the High Elves technically being allied with the Empire to some degree.

That being said…Yeah they are still fairly racist, but that’s not exactly…unique to them.

in 40k everyone (Except the Tau partially.) are racist towards each other.

Kalec’s visage at least used to be half elf I’m almost certain.

Traditionally, half elves tend to be rejected by elven society anyway because they just don’t fit in.

Also, there’s an entire race in the elder scrolls games that are basically half elves. Direnni hegemony interbreeding between men and mer created the Bretons.

Heh. I’m a lore nerd. :frowning:

The beta has now confirmed that the pointed ears are because they are Descendants of humans and high elves.

I remembered that we were in disagreement about it, when this thread popped back up. Faerin says that her ears are because of distant high elves in the family. At this point though she just considers herself Arathi.

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… they are …

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There’s some Japanese literature literature in that direction that’s your thing.

We do not talk about kalec. It is an abomination.

Even then we cannot use dragon visage forms as canonical half elves as they are part of their unconscious imagination.

1% elf is still not half elves. The elves only sent a small number of elf magus to train humans. Also if they are “half elves” they would show more traits of their elven heritage then just pointy ears. Which leads me to beleive they are more of a magic influence change then a heritage one.

Learn arathi kingdom lore.

They are not.

Faerin literally comments on the ears.

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Faerin says it’s because the Arathi people are mixed with high elves in her beta dialogue. But because it was so long ago they just consider themselves Arathi now.

Sylvanas had a solution to this but you all had to hate her for it

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There are Arathi using the Thalassian models, complete with eyeglow, so it seems to be something of a spectrum.

Also, we have no idea how many High Elves joined the Arathi when they left the Eastern Kingdoms. Could’ve been like, thirthy or fourty, or thirty or fourty thousand for all we know. We don’t even know if the High Elves who sailed away are still alive or not.

Regardless, what we can say is that they are not Humans, and they are not High Elves. For all intents and purposes, they’re Half-Elves, just with their own nation and culture.

Kind of like how Kul Tirans and Gilneans are still humans, the Arathi are still Half-Elves.

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Seems like blood elves will get a round ear option, and humans will get a pointed ear option eventually.


Ok and? That does not imply that they are half elves. (They are not, there was only a hamdful of elves that was sent to train humans, this is implied in arathi empire lore)

Or if they are not magically changed.

And also the lack of other elven traits implies the lack of elven haritage.

Wr know how many trained the humans with magic. It was mor many. So more likely less then 20 went with them.

That would be dumb and i hope we do not. We should mot be ok with blizz not giving quality work. If they can give rexxar a model, then they can give half elves one with proper lore and traits from both races. Not just one or the other with one difference.

Half-elves in-game have always been depicted as looking like one with a feature or two of the other.

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And apparently, the Arathi left the Eastern Kingdoms… what? 1,200 years ago or so? The Troll Wars were roughly 3,000 years ago.

Like I said, we don’t know how many High Elves went with them. Is there some snippet from the Alpha/Beta that specifies it was the ones whom originally taught humans magic who left, and no others?

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Be cool to have some half and half races.

Love half orc half ogre in a way (rexxar).

Plus as weird as it is to think about, elves live longer than humans.

The elves human partners could easily have died, and then the elf met another human. Rinse and repeat.

So even if it was just 20 elves and no more, they could have had many different offspring spanning many generations.


And that’s not even considering the possibility that -gasp- the High Elves with the Arathi might have also had children with one another, and not just exclusively with humans! So Scandalous!


Gnome elves!