Half Elves in TWW

Hello half elf race seem super high population in TWW. Are they going to be made playable? or as added customisation for humans?




I could see them adding pointed ears to the customization. No idea if blizzard will actually do it though,

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I think the pointed ears for humans and round ears for Blood Elves/Void Elves will probably be an unlockable cosmetic option sometimes during The War Within.

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Likely customization, there’s even an odd requirement in their models and even include Void Elves. :8ball: :robot:

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What the game really needs is the all robot gnomes from Wrath.


I hope so.
I play my void elf as a half elf using the short ears.
But having an official non vague customisation like round ears would be great.

Just play a mechagnome with the heritage armor on.
Youve got the looks and the name with that.

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Elf Scrooge spotted.


At least there’ll be a break from the Night elves when we explore the Harronir. :8ball::robot:

Possible we should encounter some Mimiron presence around the Earthen. :world_map::robot:

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what does t his mean?

Louder for those at the back!! :raised_hands:

Especially High Elf threads, like jeeze they’re like cockroaches — Don’t we have enough High Elf threads?? lol

Heck, anytime a Blood Elf thread is made you get the “Alliance only High Elves!” mobs even invading those too; deluding themselves into thinking the Blood Elves are “stealing” from them :man_facepalming:

  • It’s been refreshing seeing a few goblin, troll and the odd gnome threads lately …

Plus we got a Quel’Thalas themed expansion content around the corner from TWW anyway lol.


HALF elf. not high

Possible achievement. :microscope::robot:

I was mostly mentioning in advance, given how these threads escalate.

But they’ve already confirmed Half-Elf customisations coming forward in the future.
I’m rather curious to whether or not they’ll give Arator a unique model with such features :thinking:

They did?!?!?!

read post 5 in the topic half elf ears coming

this post doesn’t say anything confirmed from bliz

They did.


Half-elves are an unspeakable atrocity; while Tolkien created the concept, he made it absolutely clear that over 7,500 years there were only 3 elf/human unions (Beren & Luthien, Tuor & Idril, Aragorn & Arwen).

That later writers have run with this like it’s just another shade of lip gloss is tragic.