Half Elves in TWW

Yes, as a customization added to the selective races. I’m going to make a Keebler elf gnome.

Also yes.

The very few high elves on Alliance were very lonely and decided to be friends with other races.

The DNA code is very unforgiving.

Imagine an half dwarf half draenei, monster race lol!

Arator had been introduced as an half-elf in bc.


What are they?

Because Tolkien’s foundation would sue the buildings out from under anyone who dare gets a hair’s breath close to describing Hobbits.

Besides, you can’t say everyone is ripping off of Tolkien about hybrid races when Tolkien himself explicitly stated it rarely happens over thousands of years.

I like half elves after chopping a whole elf in half :smiling_imp:

neat…this aint Tolkien

stealing this monster concept

I’m not shaving to look like one irl

if thats how it is then.

Incorrect, The Dark Sun setting contained Half-Dwarves.

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We have enough elves.

Hoping for shorter eyebrows too.

I think it would just be customisation

FIRST OFF. she is clearly less elf and more human based on all the other half elves we know of so far in lore so we should not refer to her or any one who isnt 50% elf as half elf. im an elf supremacist and i find half elves disgusting and an insult to elfkind so i view them as human. second NO WE DONT WANT THAT no half elves as playable no elf ears for humans no human ears for elves. NO!! keep them as uniques and not common.

Windrunners ran off and family’d a whole new race.

this is why windrunners cause all the cosmic problems… they cant resist breaking the norms of reality.

I dunno they are pretty darn popular in d&d.

But anyway this isn’t LotR or d&d so Tolkiens vision not in play here.

wows players dont realize that metzen based his elves off the elves in warhammer, and not tolkien.

Does Warhammer have half-elves?

that i know of its rare. even more than wow. if we are going to mention warhammer 40k no… they dont exist because the humans in that are racist and kill non humans. so do the elves orks. they are not xenophobic they believe their races are superior and are 100% against the race mix. but if we are talking the fantasy one they exist but far rarer than wow, its a very differnt franchise than wow.