Could… they maybe give Void Elves the option of “human” looking eyes instead? In game, that seems to be a major differentiator for Half Elves (and it used to be how High Elves looked in game for that matter), and it’s also not “stolen from Blood Elves and/or making VEs a BE clone”, which seems be a concern.
This is one of the things that most ruins Blizzard’s void belves.
The constant ‘you stole something from the horde!’ Always rubbed hard in the alliance’s face, when in the middle of some conversation, it should be remembered as a reason why we can’t have other things besides tall humans, short humans, hairy humans, fat humans that the horde always cites as one of the reasons for alliance is a non-fantasy faction diverse when it comes to fantastic races.
And indeed, until yesterday the void blves were happy in the horde, spitting on the alliance because of Garithos, then re-enacting the same event that led their ancestors to exile themselves from Kalindor, only instead of using arcane energy , this time it’s the use of void energies.
The race repeated the same plot twice, only this time they didn’t have another continent to go to and for whatever reason, Umbric and his 40 void scholars (who apparently are now related to amoebas) managed to become a race playable, while the 2000+ High Elves or half elves, outside of Silvermoon are not.
Either Blizzard should have given some other race to the alliance or not have given anything, as we have more causes dissatisfaction and discussions both in the horde and in the alliance, but then, what did the alliance have in BfA that was not a reason for dissatisfaction or left everyone feeling like they’ve been wickedly shafted?
This stole stuff from the horde is off topic, but natural thallasian themes is indeed stolen from the horde through VE without any alterations (unique assets)
At any case, I created this topic about half elves to be playable with unique assets, ideas of what those could from poses and what not and possible art.
Would’ve been nice at some point in the past but we’re a bit past the point where it makes sense anymore, what with Void Elves having the natural hair/skin colors and short ear length options coming.
The only way I see it working if is the Horde got Mok’Nathal, but even then it’s hard to picture it happening.
If you don’t want dissenting opinions or feedback not to your liking, don’t post it on a public forum.
People are allowed to say what they like about your idea, for or against it.
Those who in the past used to say they had the right to post their opinion against High Elf stuff now all of sudden feel entitled to censor the dissenters.
No one is censoring anyone, trying to keep the topic on topic from trolls like yourself are being.
Let us talk about half elves. I would prefer to make this a megathread, though it looks like I may have to make a new thread if the toxicity you guys keep putting out keeps up.
From what I seen from the new Ren’dorei customizations you can create your Alliance Half Elves now also, seems like the Ds are using the Ren’dorei model to make all the Alliance Elf requests the base for everything else requested. The Title may say Rendorei but you’ll look like what you want. The Ds might to put in a option to turn off the blue berry if player wants to, or does that exist already, who knows.
I’m just going by what Arator looks like is all. He is what WOW considers a Half Elf /Half Human, To be honest you probably seen him a few times and never noticed him like I have until I read the lore.
I seen him, How ever his official art depictions has him younger then his actual model, although he is the only half elf that kept his high elf looks as well, the other half elf references had stronger human sides.
Not talking about kelecgos on that though lol.
Half elves themselves should get new models at the very least. A new playable race though is also a want.
If the alliance/horde get ever new Elfenraces then it will be more like Undead San’layen/Darkranger elves and …“Classic” highelves (at this point…a waste of time if you ask me, because void elves will fill this fantasy now)