Half elves. Core race? Win

i don´t ignore it, but you speak about…aesthatik, and now the void elves fill this astethic, i don´t beliefe any second that the alliance will ever get a race called “Highelves”

Considering there are very few high elves on Alliance, half-elves would at least make more sense.

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They don’t fill that aesthitc. Part of the aesthitic is story, the alliance affiliated high elves (not void elves) chosen integrity over use of consuming magics. They also as Elisande stated, started to mix their blood with humans producing half elves. These elves would not touch void magic because void magic is well known to be a magic that seeks to consume all things and currupt. As such when your “aesthitc” void elves goes into entropic embrace or open void portals, that “Aesthitic” is made null and void. (hehe void)

I know the story of the high elves and voidelves…i know the story about them, but in terms of Astetic, the Voidelves fill a void…(hust)…and thats the nearist thing to expect to ever get…on the “highelf” astetic

Instead of half elves how about full elves?

Again they don’t fill that aesthitic beyond just a look-a-like of blood elves. They don’t even fill the fantasy of the high elves with the racials, nor their personality (They are mostly magisters, they have very little from other high elf lore beyond that, just void lore about fighting for control from the void)

“If you want a “full” elf, the horde is waiting for you!”

Have I won any meme rewards today?

Depends on how you look at it… Are Half Elves half empty or half full?

I have edited the OP with some more imagining of what a half elf should look like and to thank a few of the people that contributed to the topic.