Half elves. Core race? Win

That looks like a whole horse to me.

Hey now. I’m not the one that named it. :sweat_smile:

I do agree with this. Even if they choose not to make them into their own player race, I think the game would benefit since theres already three in game and two others noted in lore.

Mok’nathal are to my knowledge the only other half race mentioned much and they got a model.

Oh! Half Orc Half Draenei I suppose with Garona. Wouldn’t mind her getting a unique model either actually.

Slots are mostly a thing of the past with the new character creation screen. Plenty of room for everything.

I’d go for that too.

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Personally, my preferences lie with model toggle lfd with other races (topic for sub race threads) furbolgs and possibly vrykul. Other then half elves of course.

I like this idea, especially if it was well put together. All sorts of wild mixes you could do and could honestly make the game well…bit more interesting as it’d be more of a true RPG aspect

I mean more there is a 90% chance whatever Horde allied race they’d pair it with would lead to yet another round of Alliance screaming how boring their allied races are and its Horde favoritism.

Personally as well the only elf I’d say we need is the Sanlayn to fil the missing Horde undead elf aesthetic.

Half elf further could just be customization options for humans.

It’s impossible to get anything from blizzard that isn’t a corrupted wish.
Even when they can make a compromise, we have things like junkgnomes being humiliated, paired against vulperas.
Do we have vrykul? No, but we have humans with an exclusive model made from scratch, which didn’t add anything.

Could we have half elves, saberon, arakkoa? Not.
They invent a purple version of blood elf that doesn’t give what the alliance wanted and only serves to unnerve the horde.

Half elves would have been something from the ally and not cloned from the horde but the devs’ imagination has that orientation, because they have no idea what the players like.

I hope that sethraks, saberons, arakkoas, furbolgs, gnolls, sauroks jinyus are races that can become playable and that at least one can join the alliance.
Sethrak has no history with the alliance. Only in a dream.
Furbolg gets a dislike from the devs, so it might not show up.
Jinyus is also in the same situation as the furbolgs.
Sauroks has more of a horde vibe.

That leaves arakkoas, saberons and gnolls.

But it’s up to the horde not to claim ownership of these 3 in any possible development.

Fine, Alliance gets half elves while horde finally gets Ogres.

I disagree with this on moral stand point. Yes blizzard did do alliance dirty on some races in bfa, how ever, with the new leadership taking helm and seeing what they are doing now it seems to be the time to push for new races/customization and I feel this time blizz will deliver them properly.

Being half Elf is a RP backstory, not a playable race.

I think the game is ill need of yet another elf race. We already had far too many elves when they added nightborne and void elves.

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Why not core elves? Because there sure isn’t enough playable elves within the game….

It should be playable, as we have a side if the story that is still unplayable.

Unfortunately there is still story that is unplayable and needs another elf race for it to be.

Tdlr we need another elf race.

That is your opinion, it’s not a we thing.

Others feel time should be spent on something else, some diversity.

There are plenty of other options beside just another elf.

Still waiting on my tauren elfs that just have ridiculously pointed large ears.

You know with the inclusion of Void Elfs I didn’t think they could make a race that would literally have less of an actual population but here I stand corrected.

Void elfs are Blood Elfs who study the Void and were exiled and Blood Elfs are High Elfs who now call themselves Blood Elfs after the attack that made the scar.

However if for some reason we get another elf race and it happens to be Half Elf then how about breaking the mold and make it half elf with literally any other race than human. Including worgen and kul tiran.

enough with the elf talk. good god. its getting sickening.

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lol what? it’s your own personal RP backstory, make an Elf, tell people your half X.
This post is ridiculous


Having a half race adds diversity.

When I speak high elves, I refer to the branch of uncurrupted high elves that choose integrity rather then use consuming magics.

We could, but lore strongly points human and elf as more populated.

Not until all of the alliance story is playable in some fashion.

Rp =/= canon lore, I want the lore story to be playable. Void elves does not cover that.

Let’s not go there ,please.