Half elves. Core race? Win

It’s a different link.

That’s official Blizzard Art of a Half Elf.

Keep in mind the only half elf that hasn’t looked exactly like a Quel’dorei is Kalecgos.

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A hunnit percent this.

It was bad enough they wasted 2 allied race slots on more elves.


How many varieties of pointy eared humans does the alliance need to be satisfied

Vereesa’s children (which don’t count because child model is universal)

It would have been nice but now it’s a bit impossible.
We’re clogged up with blood elves and their color copies.

With purple blood elves, it doesn’t have much chance of existing. Would it be good for the alliance? They would be better than blood elves borrowed from the horde.

But if blizzard hasn’t done it by now, I’m skeptical that half elves are a playable race in some future.


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It’s unrealistic, they’d have to fit decades of armor into 4 legs. Satyrs are a possibility because they have similar models to Draenei but they’ve never shown interest in either faction.

whatever it takes to make the appeal to Alliance greater.

There’s multiple solutions to faction imbalance, and I really believe that adding cool race options are one of them.

although I thought Blood elves/High elves already were the result of human & elf breeding

We need more cute green races

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I stg Im going to make a chrome plugin that word-swaps “elf” for “panda”

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Eh, ofc it will take a while and resources but in the end they could use it for enemy NPCs too or recycle it. :woman_shrugging:

Ooooor take the lazy route and don’t add the leg part of the armor, only boots and the upper body.

Night Elves try Diplomacy on their cursed brothers and sisters if they want something from them. Could add a bit of a struggle inside the faction, good for the story I think(and them probably making more unfit decisions in the eyes of the Night Elves but they get their job done, maybe in the future even get a strong bond with their uncorrupted brothers and sisters).

Why would you want a gnome elf hybrid?

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Always pictured WoW half-elves as human in build but with short pointed ears and non-glowing eyes (it would be nice to have an elfish option with non-glowing eyes since all the pure elves have glowing ones). But frankly this could be accomplished by adding customization options under humans. Maybe one day when we go to create a character we click human/dwarf/troll/etc and there are sub-race/category options under it with their own customization options.

Like Dwarf: Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Frost Born.
Troll: Zandalari, Jungle, Forest, Ice
Human: Half-elf, Kul Tiran, etc


I agree except for the Forsaken. They feel like something else to me. I know that they were humans, but they just don’t seem human anymore to me.

They could, but really the only thing in this game that seems to define an elf is a pointy eared human

Idk how they could make them visually distinct enough to show that they’re a half elf

It would have to be something super obvious like orc + elf = green elf. Just something that would very distinctly show anyone who sees them what they are. Otherwise I think they’d just end up looking like a blood elf or void elf

They look pretty high elfy in the comic.

He’s got a human model in game, but in the comic he looks like a high elf.

I mentioned him.

Possible concept: Gorcs

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Short ears basically give people half elves imo.

Plot twist: disgusted with Human indifference to Elven concerns, the half-elves make common cause with Silvermoon, and join the Horde. >:)

Roleplay. Learn how. Half elf problem solved.


Half elves for Alliance…

Half troll half orc for Horde.

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