Half Elf Thread


If that one does not work click this one.


Second and last time I nibble on the bait.

But conversation would be to even come up with some dissent like some have in the thread, and I mean actual dissent not “b-but High elves!”. Tossing around conspiracy theories based on nothing it’s not “keeping the conversation”.

Videos are always an option.

EDIT: Also, it’s not loading for me but with the title I think I know what it is.



It isnt the same

So with a straight face you can sit there and say if a Half Elf race was introduced, that when Alliance Playable Quel’dorei were asked for,no one would say there is enough elf races represented, or no you have half elves.

No, because, first, those that think that there’s enough elven races have the right to think so already specially with 4 playable elves.
Second, at least, Half elves would be half of that and a whole new interesting concept of hybrids (specially if they are introduced with Mok’nathal)
And third, you’re still thinking that Alliance should get blue eyed blood elves when there’s not even a hint of that happening and really, it shouldn’t, since even their children would be a more uinque concept and interesting flavor to the game than they ever would be.


Hate to break it to you, but the anti Alliance Playable Quel’dorei already do it with the introduction of the Ren’dorei a Half Elf race would make it worse. That is not a conspiracy theory that is a fact.

When we say Half Elf, we do mean Half High Elf and Half Tauren right?

:sob: I ran out of likes for the day, so I will give you people likes through posting :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: !

Same goes to you

:purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: As I enjoy you guys’s honest opinions and actual kind conversations to the topic.

The discussion is purely half-elf based, not anywhere do I wish to discuss the high elf discussion. As again it’s very tiring with the back and forth, since neither sides will give up their stance. And honestly, I don’t particularly care for the race, but to show common curtesy for the one person making a forum thread solely because they like the idea of the race itself and feel it’s somewhat plausible in the very distant future shouldn’t be that hard.

Sorry you’re genuinely this upset over blizzard refusing to give you high elves, but I have zero intentions of making this discussion for this race some sort of compromise for the race. People that are anti-helf already make the arguments listed, and you guys still argue for it regardless. The idea of any hybrid races would be something after a majority of all races are introduced, therefore the argument of “you guys have enough elves” wouldn’t really hold as much ground. As I too feel like it’d be nice to introduce other races before other things atm.


That would be interesting.

Guys…quit chewing on it. Here… let us having some neat music.

I mean, if you really wanted to then sure :slight_smile: though not sure if that’d really work.

Make it a night elf for a real barbecue



I choked on my coffee. Thanks

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Hmm, you know while that wasn’t actually put into words I say that argument is probably the most solid argument I’ve seen all day.

Would a half tauren/elf just be a furry elf with horns?

I honestly had to re-read this sentence so many times and I still can’t fully understand what you tried to say so I’m going in blind.
If you don’t understand how half elves are not the same than regular, lotr, boring elves, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I will always support ideas that I consider contribute something new and not overdone :wink:

I’m sure that in one server you might find… nvm, I’ll stop there before I get in trouble.


Gotta have the floppy ears and brows too.

Urrrgh, really hate the limited likes lol :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: . There, there are some likes. But yes! I think the idea of bringing in the older expac races as a cool idea… I know a lot of people like the idea of tuscar…tuskar? idk how they’re spelled, but I know those are in high demand lol.

Idk, like I said I came up with the idea during raid late at night. I think it’d be cool and open up tons of cool interactions amongst many people based on the mudblood as Shadina put it.

Now that you bring up this idea, I feel the strongest desire to see what this would actually look like. No troll, truthfully… I am mildly amused.

I don’'t. It means someone died, or had their hips broken.

All this “wonk” with BE = HE = VE was created by Blizzard!
Everything about this is wonk and since Blizzard deals with the lore issue, that a crack squad is more numerous, I don’t see Blizzard using an alliance-based hybrid race that has elves!

I even wish Half Elves were a possibility for the Alliance but blizzard didn’t remember this and preferred to invent that there are purple blood elves, rather than something more believable, to ally!

I don’t see something like Half Elf being made for the alliance!
Maybe some other orange blood elf!

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