Half Elf Thread

I’m confused about this… how do you cut a elf in half? It’s like trying to cut paper from it’s side. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Paper can be cut from any side as long as it has the right tools :stuck_out_tongue:.

As people have mentioned, half elves have been discussed at length in the high elf megathreads so that discussion will bleed into here. Since you are discussing half elves with the half elf part being high elves its going to happen. If you were talking about half night elf/nightborne then it would be a different story.

Is it just me, or does the new Wrathion model look like a half elf model? The stance and face is clearly Thalassian, but the ears aren’t elven.


That shouldn’t mean anything though. Unless this OP has gone into the high elf mega thread and derailed the conversation, then sure. But that hasn’t happened. The OP brought forth an idea that has no thread dedicated to it with clear disclaimers over and over stating that they wish to take nothing from other AR’s, nor should half elves take some kind of priority. The pro-helf community should have the courtesy to let this thread act as a standalone and not turn it into a high elf thread. Discussion is welcome, but not if it’s gonna be nonsensical BS like that other person tried.


Half elves aren’t solely stuck to half human half/high elf idea, it’s simply the more known one and one that is actually currently a thing. And I’m well aware that the two will mix together, as seen by the multiple high elfers that have come into this thread. The question still stands as to how some people can’t think that a half-elf race doesn’t work nearly as well as another race. But maybe that’s just me.

Also, I didn’t see you’re post and apologize! So here’s my reply in this one also:

While I understand the frustration with anti-helfers pushing the idea onto you guys, I’m not one of those people, nor do I care to. The compromise was already given as I’ve already said.

But, with that aside… I don’t quite see how they’d require any sort of retcon. As I’ve put in my original post, there are obvious intermixing of races with humans and high elves which was given information in Nighthold. So to say that it would require any sort of retcon falls short on my part as I’m not quite sure what you’re discussing. And, honestly to my knowledge the Silver Covenant is still a neutral based faction still under Dalaran’s that chooses to help the alliance. But, I could be wrong since I don’t keep up on that sort of thing, nor do I know if they retconned that itself verbally.

Half-elves as a whole have a very different cultural standing in a lot of societies, as technically purebred elves are skeptical or often dislike the fact that they are halfbreeds, therefore I can’t exactly see them getting customization options under elven races.

Edit: I also don’t really see half-elves having solely thalassian model, and I’m going to be honest…wouldn’t really want to see that either. I figured it’d be more along the lines of a human model rig, to which blizzard can customize however they choose. But still, human model nonetheless.


Then that also applies to the high elf megathread derailment, which happens nonstop and is also complained about, which just derails it further. So I guess the cycle continues, yeah?

I read the OP a few hours ago, so I didnt see that mentioned, but maybe it was and I dont remember. A good idea perhaps would be to add the combinations you want to see to include more than just high elf/humans.

You and I disagree a lot, Kirela. I can’t even understand that line of logic, as you’re essentially condoning the punishment and mistreatment of someone who never did anything to your high elf megathread in the first place.

So rather than argue, I’m gonna tell you I disagree, and move on.


I wouldn’t be behind Half Elves, would be the same as Ren’dorei, another cheap half attempt to give us something other then we asked for.


I’m not opposed to any ideas of and half-elven race, the only reason I specifically think Half helf/human works more is simply based off the much more established canon characters in the game and lore to back it up. The only actual non helf/human half-elf isn’t actually canon and there’s only one actual known one in the RPG, which is why I didn’t suggest it. Mostly because at that point the basis of my argument kind of falls flat due to the…non-canoness of it all.

I personally don’t mind the idea of any hybrid classes being implemented. I personally think it brings far more realism into things in regards to how “love lives” actually work in WoW since I highly doubt all races are sticking to their own race. I probably wouldn’t :stuck_out_tongue:. But, as it stands half-elves are the most popular on RP realms, and a bit more established than the other hybrid races in WoW.

Also, while this is very unfortunate, I don’t see the reason in doing that to other people’s thread because it happens to you… you know, the whole “do unto those you want done to you” sort of way of thinking I guess. But, sorry it happens? I guess that’s really all I can actually say.


Except it’s not… It’s not a compromise for what you guys asked for. I’ve stated this multiple times throughout the thread. Rather than focusing on it as some sort of compromise (which blizz already did), why not think of it as something someone genuinely wants?

I’m sorry people feel the need to shove the idea down you guys’ throat, but again that’s not my attempt and it’s a genuine want to see hybrid races into the game way, way later into the future after other races have come into play.

Are you silly? The OP has said more than once, this is standalone. It has nothing to do with high elves. She’s not saying she wants it instead of high elves. She’s saying it as a standalone thing. Treat it as a standalone thing. It’s fine if you’re not interested, but acting like the OP wants it instead of something when she has made it clear that’s not the case is wrong, and dumb.


Then that’s you’re own opinion on the idea of such an allied race, but again rather than thinking of it as some sort of compromise try and actually fathom the idea of someone genuinely wanting that race to be playable for the race itself. I don’t care for you guys’ fight for the high elves. Genuinely do not care. If you want that race then that is on you. But no where have I once tried to make this some sort of compromise for high elves.

Jeebus… I forgot about this one and how I thought that I honestly believed blizz had standards for artwork.

And sigh I was wondering while scrolling how long it would take them to show up… keep digging that hole guys, you’re doing great.

Anyway. I’ve been on board with the idea of Half Elves for a long while myself as long as it’s a more slender human model with longer ears and, as I saw while scrolling, I think that pairing it with Mok’nathal would be perfect.


Or it could simply be an idea someone wants for blizzard to think over as an option for a very distant future, after there’s plenty of diversity for blizzard to consider putting more elves into the game?

Edit: I also state somewhere in this thread that it can be rejected by blizzard and I’d be fine with that. If it’s a direct response by blizz stating no it can’t happen then that’s fine and I see no reason to move on with my life.


Half elves can work because the precedence for their existence has already been there. Nothing would be retconned by lore, because none of it would need to involve the silver covenant.
I find it utterly ridiculous that you are using this as a foil to request high elves and then say “well we can do half elf customization too” so you can get TWO races in one.


Half elves are their own separate race.


Careful bud, this goes both ways.

Also, stop derailing, I know well what you’re doing here.

You’re expecting courtesy? Shad, I thought you knew them as well as I did :stuck_out_tongue:

This right here it’s very important. All it would be needed to be done is to bring them forth little by little since it’s always been implied they exists.


I’m not really interested in high elves, but like I said, I do like the idea of half elves (and not just to spite those who want high elves). They offer a bit of both worlds, especially in the Alliance which I think is a little more split than the Horde.


I get it, trust me, as I said, I was expecting it because anything that is not related to that bunch of elves will get infiltrated. But hey, they apparently love to muddy their image more and more to the point where The swamp thing would be envious, I say let them and don’t take the bait.

EDIT: But I’ll say, there was one of them that at least managed to stay in topic. Shame I’m not sure I can’t mention without breaking the nebulous “call out” rule since it’s positive, but hey, I’ll say, GJ hooman mage.

There’s always room for a “dude” gif :stuck_out_tongue:

To be honest, I think they could use more variety in the form of Ankoan or Vrykul, but I don’t see why Half elves can’t be tossed in there too, and if anything it’s at least a little more original.


I wish I had trust level 3 to post gifs

You call it a infiltration, I call it keeping the conversation honest.