Half Elf Thread

Hi there! I’m unsure if there’s already a thread for this, or if anyone’s actually interested in such a thing… But, here goes :slight_smile:! Personally speaking, in the near future - though not any time soon, as I am certain there are plenty of other Allied races that take priority, and I don’t want it to be up there in lines of next allied race - I’d very much like to see the idea of a half-elf race be implemented :slight_smile:.

Though it’s not the most out there idea, and the appearance more than likely wouldn’t be that significant, as it’d mostly use the human rig with slightly smaller Belf/Helf/Velf ears, it’s something I’ve thought about quite a bit these days as to the many allied race possibilities.

My main basis around the idea is mostly simply the amount of noteable Half-elves, that being: Alodi, Arator, Kalec, and Vareesa’s two younger children. There’s also the fact that Elisande in Legion makes a jab to Vareesa about the amount of High elves that were mucking up their bloodline. Though the numbers are probably a bit too slim to actually make an allied race anytime soon, it’s still an idea for the future is all!

Let me know any opinions on the matter or even ideas :slight_smile: as the actual idea isn’t entirely planned out as any of the megathreads, it was simply something I felt like discussing.

Edit: The topic doesn’t solely have to be Half-elf/half-human, it can be any form of hybrid race you’d like to see added to the game, I’m simply throwing out Half-elves because it’s a much more common mixture I see people like and RP. I also personally simply like the idea of half-elves.


No high elves. Bad juju.

Half-elves I can get behind. I welcome the idea.


Arator the Redeemer as racial leader or we riot. :grinning:


I like it. :+1:


I personally actually wish Arator was put into more storylines, or at least around a bit more often :slight_smile:. I never quite understand why they don’t do that, though I do believe he was in Legion right?


Briefly. He was on Argus because they found his parents, and he was part of the paladin campaign. He had a bit of a revelation when they found out Turalyon had reached out through Khadgar’s little cinematic, calling for to help the Army of the Light.

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I probably wouldn’t play one, but tbh I do kinda like the concept. Fantasial, but…grounded I guess. Something to add a bit of variety while not seeming too out of place among the boring hoomans :stuck_out_tongue:

Though while I know other playables have pretty low populations, only four known individuals is a bit small.

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Yep! He was in Honor Hold at Outland during TBC, and he was on the Vindacaar in Legion to reunite with his parents.

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Ah yes, that’s right… For some reason I thought he was involved in something else other than that in Legion, silly me :stuck_out_tongue:. Though I’m sure they’ll eventually put him in the storyline once more. Honestly, I’m kind of hoping his ‘dream’ that he tells you when you speak to him isn’t -just- a dream, I guess that would be kind of neat? Idk :stuck_out_tongue:… I just want more representation outside of the major leaders, though that may just be me.

Edit : Darn you Blizz for not letting me reply multiple times to other people in my own thread shakes fist I will just reply in this reply…

Yeah sadly the fact that only 4-5 really known, known half elves does sort of put a damper on some things, though I know the non-canon RPG has a few more known half elves running around. Which, is partially why I threw in what Elisande says to Vareesa :slight_smile:. I think the only real “argument” against that is the fact that Void Elves are technically pretty small right now but it’s obvious there has to be a way to make more simply because…it’s an allied race.

But, I figured it was something neat to add in, even though it technically still is another elf race in the world of elfcraft as many like to call it now lol. I also feel the update to certain models - like Kalec - would pretty neat to see if it were to be implemented.


I wouldn’t worry too much about this one, to be honest. How many notable void elves were there before they showed up?

See where I’m going? Notable people don’t mean that much in the whole creation of half elves. All that’ll really matter will be implementation. If they’re implemented properly with a good story line and some kind of reason for them to come to the front lines, it can work.


I’m half hearted about Half Elves.


How would one make it whole hearted for a half race :thinking:?

Probably a good bribe.

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I like the idea of it, mostly because it would be something new. Yeah it’s kind of a new elf race but at the same time Blizz could also go with the option of Half Orc/Half human like Garona Halforcen.


I like the idea of Half Elves specifically and hybrids in general. As far as War3 they created concept art and in game models for Half Elven Rangers (which ended up being the Sylvanas model) and with all the relevant Half Elf characters it could be implemented in the current timeline.

It also would make the Mok’nathal the perfect counterpart, and they already have they own population; we already have seen Rexxar being based of the KT model, so it wouldn’t be too hard.

Overall yes to Hybrid races, and Half Elves (which could get a better name) and Mok’nathal would be great choices.

Also they would be half playable, half NPC race of their respective faction, which is nice.

Half orc half draenei, in fact.

Which I’d love, but they do seem to be too much of a rarity, lacking much impact and relevance besides Garona and Lantresor.

On the other hand, Lightforged Half orc/draenei from the crazy AU would be so bananas and I’d love it.


I want to be a half elf.

Half night elf and half draenei.

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Give up! If Blizzard can’t make High Elves a playable race, it’s not the controversial Half Elves that will see the light of day!

And if Blizzard ever creates the possibility that Half Elves exist, guess what! It will not be in the alliance that they will be present!

The concept of half elves is so unfathomable that blizzard has inventeded purple blood elves and given them to the alliance, like placebo!

If even Blizzard doesn’t like to remember that they exist, don’t expect to see them andan around the game!
Maybe half orcs could come into existence !!
half elves? Maybe on time, if a lore is made that explains orcs and trolls getting interested in blood elves!

At alliance, if blizzard wants to make another joke, we can see half gnomes or half pygmies!

She’s not wrong, just look at these abominations:


Congratulations, you are a 12 year old.

Most likely around 11 yo tho if we assume gestation period is around 9 months and apparently there were 3 years between Vanilla and Cata in game rather than the 6 years in real time.

I actually RP my blood elf as a half-elf! Wouldn’t mind playing one in-game ^^