Half Elf Thread

Tis but a flesh wound.


I think their logic was, “They want the thalassian model, but we don’t want to give them Helves as it doesn’t work, so what do we do?” thinking man pic, “I know! Give them the model, but just not have it be a high elf.”

I think that’s what they were thinking really… I don’t think they disregarded the idea entirely, but I could be wrong. What I do know is that the thalassian model is given for the thalassian model that is wanted, just not…what you guys wanted lol.


Indeed, in the RTS it was said she was half human, but later (I think as early as WarIII the timeline didn’t make sense for her to be half human even being artificially aged, so later lore before WoW already said that she was half orc half whatever humanoid could be in draenor, which ended up being the draenei)

On the Warcraft movie she is indeed half human.

I mean hybridization in WoW has already been confirmed as a thing so that’s not the issue, there are already mixed populations

I’m one of those weirdoes that would love those adorable pudgy balls of floof (tuskar) to be playable. In fact, I’m surprised that they didn’t use this chance to bring in the Taunka too, but maybe in the future.

Yeah it would be an interesting approach. granted, as always that all depends on blizzard actually exploiting that potential (I’m still hoping they do that with Ren’dorei because, boy, that’s a goldmine that they’re severely overlooking right there), so there’s always a lot of doubt there, but still, it would be a whole new point of view, especially since they could come up with a different approach to halfbloods that would be exclusive for WoW but again… blizz.

That is certainly… a way to go… >.<


:slight_smile: Yes! That’s what I thought. I can’t say the movie really means much though :stuck_out_tongue: I feel that it is kinda sad they had to leave so much out, but I did like it nonetheless just because I got to see WoW come to life through a movie…

But, I do hope to see hybridization come to life as a playable thing, whatever it may be. I have no qualms with any ideas… :slight_smile: even if they decided to give cross faction mixes it’d be pretty great. I also thank you for your opinions on the topic, heres a like since I ran out : :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: .

Edit: Lol I do think the tuskar are kinda cute I suppose…in their own way… I like the mustache breathing where it moves while they breathe, maybe that’s just me. I find it amusing is all. But, I think they don’t bring those in atm because they’re not current races of the expac that could be potentially recruited at the very moment… Idk why they don’t, that’s just my thought :thinking:.

Ahh yes, don’t even get me started on how long me and others I know have been waiting for more expansion on void elves. While some people dislike them, I absolutely think they’re neat, and the void itself is a cool concept. I truly hope they delve much deeper into their story both lore and story writing for the race as a whole in the future…


It is a hysterectomy or a hip replacement. Either way you’re suffering PTSD!

That’s why I don’t see half elves happening for the alliance!
Blizzard thought we wanted the blood elf model and came up with the void themed elf placebo!

The alliance imagines something and blizzard does something else!
It was like that with kultiran, high elf and with junkgnomes!

Surely it would be the same with half elves!
Blizzard would just give something different to the alliance!


A thread about Half Elves? This should be interesting.

Sees the faces of the same Anti High Elvers

Goes away


No, no…tis but a scratch! :stuck_out_tongue:.


To my knowledge, the people that got wanted Kul Tirans got Kul Tirans, and ‘junk gnomes’ are indeed the mechagnomes people wanted. It’s just not their preferred model they had in mind, despite this being a Blizz game and them trying to be unique to their game… They’re still the races people demanded, it’s just not… a normal human model with the title “Kul Tiran” slapped onto it.


No, they’re evolved trolls, think Eevee from pokemon :slight_smile:.

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No. Night elves were trolls changed by the Well of Eternity.
I laughed at the eevee comparison. Its accurate.


First of all, I didn’t say I condoned anything. I explained why it is happening and taking the time to try and say “this isn’t about High Elves” when people keep dragging it that direction (not necessarily the OP) means there is going to be overlap. Best to ignore it, or direct the discussion on a better path.

Second, you don’t know if the OP has or hasn’t done anything in any of the megathreads. Not saying they have, but can’t prove that they haven’t. I have watched people make threads on alts purely to troll about High Elves. I have watched them plan it ahead of time, no joke. Then of course there was the innocent act “oh this isn’t about High Elves”.

And it looks like the usual trolls have shown up. Yay;.


Indeed, Eevee has so many evolutions, it’s practically Blizzard with the evolution of trolls to elves, to high elves, to blood elves, to nightborne :stuck_out_tongue:.

Tbh I’ve never actually delved into that Megathread…or threads? I think there’s multiple. I think I’ve only perused it once, and by peruse I really just mean the actual OP and none of the discussion that happens. I like to admire the well thought out plots of people’s megathreads, and will give full credit to the person who made the megathread and the artists that put their time into it, but I just don’t really care for the thread itself. Like I said, the only real thread I’ve looked into was Kelfin and San’layn, but I haven’t actually looked in those threads in quite some time either.

I just feel the helfers and anti-helfers will never agree on anything regarding that discussion, whether its the current compromise blizz gave helfers, or whether it should be a thing or not. I like the lore of helves, as its neat, but I don’t care enough to make an uproar for the race by any means and truthfully like thinking about all sorts of allied races, hybrids only really being one of them.

Though there just seems to be trolls anywhere and everywhere, unfortunate you feel this way or had this happen but :woman_shrugging: no intent here.


The devil tends to do the same when answering his pacts! give what the person wanted differently than they imagined!

Do you guess what will happen if people start talking about half elves at the alliance?

The same thing will happen as justification! Some hybrid race is more likely to happen on time!

Not in the alliance! Half elves?
Maybe Blizzard makes up that half elves (more blood elves) came from the horde to the alliance!

The half elves, like Arathor, who exist in ally?
They are not playable, as with Silver Covenant, their numbers are too few to set up a faction or group, unlike purple elves playing with void!

Like I said before, it’s not that I didn’t like to see half elves!
But I don’t see Blizzard doing something like this on ally!

So if anyone wants half elves, the horde will surely be waiting for you!

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Only if you consider eagles to be kinda half pterodatyl!

I had a child with an elf once didn’t think it could happen. He just looks like an elf and not a Draenei so you can’t even tell he is half elf.

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The last thing we need is another race that looks like it was pried off the face of those ‘hidden objects’ shovelware CDs you see at the Walmart PC game section.

:thinking:I can’t say I know what you’re talking about.

it’s very specific, true.

She looks over it in that picture.


More so I just don’t really pay much attention to that section :stuck_out_tongue:. So, I have no clue what you mean.