Half Elf Thread

I made a buzz comment because I misread the title you silly! What do you think, I went into everyone who liked my post and went: “Oh boy, quick! Let’s make this a compromise in disguise!” Less paranoia!

And I don’t care what you can get behind. The OP is making a specific thread with specific efforts. Respect it. Blaming the OP and snapping at her for a comment I made as a jest is completely illogical.


I’ve said before that I understand the frustrations from both sides. The people anti-helf clearly frustrated because it’s something continuously asked for after blizz has shut it down multiple times. And while I do like the Helf lore, I don’t care enough to continuously advocate for that race, and one no is enough for me in the way of any allied race. If they come out and say no to hybrid races then that’s fine and I understand. It could very well possibly complicate certain things, but I can’t know that until they confirm or deny.

But, no where do I want to sit here and shove some sort of ‘compromise’ down people’s throat for something that’s already been compromised for, for an allied race I actually kinda like despite it being absolutely shoehorned to the alliance. Nor did I say it was my intentions, and I have said that to multiple people.

While your infatuation of Half Elves is considerable the lore actually has few to no Half Elves so they probably wouldn’t be a playable race.

Maybe a sub race or something along those lines.

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Confuse me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that basically what Allied races are? Just sub-races from the original races that were made? In any case,

The statement I already made to you about the numbers is still the statement I’d make to this.

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Hold the phone, where are the numbers?

I don’t know, it sounds like a half measure to me. :smiley:

I’ll see my way out now. :stuck_out_tongue:


Where I stated the numbers themselves of the half-elves aren’t actually known to any of us? Yeah.

I think we should get high elves that have options to look like half elves as well. Two birds, one stone and all that.


There are at least 3 half elves. Arator the Redeemer aka Alleria’s son, and Vareesa’s twins who are still children if I recall. I don’t know of any others, but there are probably more.

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Alodi is also another half-elf :slight_smile: there are also RPG (non-canon lore) Half elves, one even being half human half kaldorei. There’s also the number of unknown, not named high elves that mingle with humans.

In all seriousness this girl’s all run down about a fantasy game that isn’t even real. Give yourself a doll to be a half elf and you can go on many adventures to come.

Sound suggestion. It appears great minds think alike :stuck_out_tongue:. After that I think sanlayn will be the last request and then all elf bases are covered.

So the question is: instead of an allied race can half elf be utilized better as a customization option? Sounds like the best for everyone to me.


We already have playable high elves, please do not derail this into one of your alliance high elf debates. We are discussing half elves which are not playable on either faction. Altho blood elves hate half elves so i assume we are taking alliance half elf AR.


:thinking: Not really, sure what you’re trying to say here. Like I said, this is all merely suggestion to an allied race of the future :woman_shrugging: If you’re against you’re against though :slight_smile: no sense in trying to sway really. All opinions are different.


I think it’s a thing in which all pureblood elves tend to dislike or seem skeptical of half-elves in general. But I do think it’d make a bit more sense to make the half-elven race an Alliance specific race :slight_smile:.

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I believe this was also discussed on the high elf megathread, personally I’d rather keep half-elves as they are in their unplayable state and maybe build up something with the void elves instead but that’s just me.

Besides imo, arathor would look horrible with the current human model + pointy ears.

I don’t think that just because there’s a new allied race coming in that other races’ lore should take a back burner. But that’s personally my opinion, since I feel like Blizz in general has needed to delve deeper into multiple people’s lore regardless of Allied races or not.

Though these are my personal opinions on the option, and I also think they’d look pretty neat if it was made :stuck_out_tongue:.

Edit: I also believe that each race that comes out, I feel blizzard really should delve deeper into a bunch of their lore and how others in their faction view them before they introduce the next race, or at least bake it into each patch or something… Idk, something to make it so the information people want is actually given.

I think half what ever would be interesting given how races on both sides have been allied for a reasonable amount of time in WoW history by now.

Of course the big three that come to mind are half elves (due to Windrunners mostly, but also Alodi, Kalecs mortal guise), Orc/Dranei (Garona sometimes, and the darker events on Draenor), and of course Mok’thanol (hope I spelled that right but yeah Rexar).

But if I were a dev/whoever made this happen, I wouldnt go AR with it but maybe la special customization option for all races. Of course they could limit it to races within factions but id have to say with elves the potential for elf/human or dwarf (that would be odd but yeah they did have some brief alignment with Wildhammer) or Orc/human would make sense too. But given the work it would take I doubt we would ever see it.

I would support it, my human is RPd as half elf and I would race change her in a hearrbeat if it was an option. It doesnt need a big contrived story, these races live, work and fight together. In war darker things happen, its more of an evolution of the population just as our real life races have mixed throughout history. But again, beyond half elves I seriously doubt theyd put forth the effort.


As long as they are Alliance or at the very least neutral, and could be paladins I would be all for this.


I also totally forgot to add that technically Kalec’s intended mate (who is canon in the game) was actually under a half-elven guise as well… At least I’m certain she was under the half-elven guise as Kalec was. But yes those are the three top hybrid races that are really known, though I don’t think they’d make Garona personally, I think hybrid races would be cool to be seen implemented way later in the game… After other races come out for more diverse purposes.

So OP, this is how i think, i don’t think Half Elves work as their own Allied Race, after all they aren’t a race, they are half-bloods that work and live within the High Elf organizations and groups of the Alliance, and making Half Elves would require a lot of re-writing and retcons of High Elven lore, because it’s clearly stated that the Silver Covenant is a militant core of High Elves, so if they are to be playable, they can work as customization options for an High Elf Allied Race, so the Allied Race will encompass the High Elves from Highvale, Allerian Stronghold, Dalaran, Stormwind and the Half Elves and unite them under the organization of the Silver Covenant. So they would be customizations like shorter ear options, normal eyebrows, natural Human eyes and maybe more muscle.

I’m not opposed to Half Elves, i think they can add some differentiation to the High Elves making them more distinct than the Blood Elves. They can even bring Paladins.

I’m just bitter over Half Elves because in many occasions Anti High Elvers tried to push and shove them over the High Elves fans as a substitute and compromise for them, so i got resentful over the idea because of them, and comments like the first response here don’t help me get behind the idea either.

TLDR, Half Elves in my opinion can’t work as their own Allied Race, but it would be great if they add them as customization to a possible High Elf Allied Race as a way to make them more distinct from the Blood and Void Elves.