Half Elf Thread

Its not just Horde mains. Not all Alliance players need to agree with you and your opinions.


Like the Void Elves right?

That’s enough for me.


Answer. My. Question. You made a claim stating that Horde mains are doing all this nonsense to you. How do you know the OP mains Horde? You’re gonna come in here with your snark, I’m asking you a legitimate question which you used as the premise for your entire argument.


I’m sorry but you really can’t make a thread about Half Elves without touching High Elves, they are directly related, and i’m really curious to why you directly said that i shouldn’t mention High Elves when literally the first response to your thread is someone mentioning High Elves, but you don’t do this remark because you agree with. Confirmation bias.

No matter how much you say that you don’t see Half Elves as a substitute for High Elves, most people that against High Elves like to push Half Elves as a “compromise” for High Elves, in reality don’t give a damn about the Alliance story of the Thalassian descendants in the faction, they are just opposed to High Elves, the rest isn’t important.


Me saying I don’t think high elves should be a thing to maintain my consistency in every single thread isn’t somehow the OP being biased to me. I made that comment because I misread the title in the first place.

And the OP isn’t confirmed to be one of those “most” people. You’re derailing a thread for no reason. Either discuss how half elves could, or couldn’t work, or leave it alone and go back to your echo chamber.


Uh, again reread what I stated, where I stated

Meaning, I don’t want people coming in and taking over the thread’s main discussion with things pruely high elf based when this thread is purely hybrid race, half elf related.

Any time someone’s come in and made a comment about it, I’ve immediately shut it down as I am not a high elfer who is advocating for high elves, and I’m not someone who keeps up with high elves nor do I care about them. It’s not confirmation bias, it’s simply me wanting the discussion to purely be about hybrid races and the options for them, specifically half elves.


That compromise is already done and overwith, it’s why we have void elves. There is no other reason to give yet another compromise when blizz has already given that compromise once.

I feel like this should be the case if no where am I saying, “Hey, rather than high elves, let’s get half elves instead so we can get all the helfers to stop asking for them!” Please state where I’ve said that :slight_smile:. I’m merely asking for an option all on my own, of which I haven’t actually seen on the forums before. So apologies if people have been shoving it down your throat, but i’m not doing it for the sake of your races that you want.


Half elves have been discussed a lot as some sort of silly compromise and I am sitting here wondering where the compromise was for any horde allied race.

Ask for maghar. Get maghar. No strings attached.
Ask for Zandalari. Get ZD.
Nightborne were requested by both sides and could have gone to either… Horde get them.

Requesting half elves isnt in itself bad for those who just want them like every other request, but the agenda often tied to it is bad.


No problem, they’ve done that nonstop, specially in the High Elf Megathread (at least when it was on), that’s why i’m usually annoyed at Half Elf suggestions, because normally it’s just secondary intentions and i never saw actual interest in them from their part.

And what is upsetting me here is that they are doing this here too. If you don’t think that way i apologize too, but i owe no apologies to the others who just shove Half Elf in our throats as a High Elf substitute.


Then perhaps you owe the OP an apology yourself for snapping at them unnecessarily and maybe you can provide some actual discussion pertaining to the subject at hand which has been made clear more than once has nothing to do with any other race and is purely standalone. They apologized to you. Being civil’s a good thing.

Edit: Ah, edited right as I posted. Good timing.

And no one here’s done that. Take it to the people who do.


because blood elves are high elves. they represent well over 90% of the high elf population and control the high elf state and its armies. while the ‘high elf’ exiles are just that, exiles of quel’thalas whose ‘story’ is raising children in dalaran or living in a hut in the hinterlands

high elves are a horde race now. it doesnt matter if blood elves changed an adjective, the race is high elf. that a few individual alliance high elves exist is irrelevant. half elves are not playable and i am ok with alliance asking for this. moknathal are also not playable so the alliance can ask for them too for all i care

and congrats on turning this into a playable alliance high elf exile debate


Void Elves are High Elves too, depending in the way you see it :slight_smile:

Which means High Elves are also a Alliance Race that way.


This isn’t about high elves. Why are you derailing a thread over and over? Discuss the idea proposed by the OP. It’s not that hard.

That goes for everybody.


Said this to the people that keep repeating here that Blood Elves are High Elves too.


Half elves are a thing but they are very rare and don’t usually exist in a high fantasy setting. I mean it’s possible OP is enamored by the possibility of half elves but the fact is there aren’t many of them if there are any.

Most if not all of the time in high fantasy lore all elven and human pairings end in tragedy

I already said:

That goes for them too. Stop derailing it.


You people are saying that you guys have no intention to push Half Elves as a High Elf substitute while at the same time keep throwing remarks that Blood Elves are High Elves and keep showing how against High Elves you are by directly saying it and liking posts from each other.

For me it sounds more like “I’m against High Elves, so make Half Elves as a substitute and be done with”.

I’ve seen enough.


You seem to love going into some deep stuff. In any case, while there aren’t many of them currently that we know of, the numbers could be quite up there depending on the amount of high elves actually mixing their bloodline as Elisande says. There’s also the discussion of half elves pairing together.

The question on if there is any isn’t really something to ask, as there are in fact canon half elves that have been noted above, and the also unknown rest of them.

Just because the pairing might be rare doesn’t mean they don’t exist, and doesn’t mean two races with drastically different life spans can’t come together and create offspring either. Like I said, in a very distant future, I simply feel it’d be worth looking into if blizzard thought on the ideas of hybrid races as a whole. Since it would be a bit unrealistic to believe that all races of all different personalities and preferences just pair together perfectly. Half elves just being one I often see running around in the RP community and is very popular, and something I too actually think is neat.

Stop. Derailing. the Thread.

Over, and over, you keep opening an unnecessary can of worms. Can you discuss the topic of the thread without derailing and falling into the trap of: “Oh I got baited”. Because that’s what people are going to do to you when they see your ridiculous lack of self-control. The OP wishes to discuss half elves. Why do you keep going down this road? Ignore 'em! Move on! I don’t go into your high elf mega thread and derail it about murlocs. Be courteous to your fellow forum goer.


I can like a post based off of certain things people state, for example the fact that this thread somehow turned into a high elf thread when I had no intentions on doing that. The thread itself was simply made for my own idea that I came up with late in night.

If it’s how people feel on that discussion it’s how they feel and they can discuss that in a different thread with you where high elves are the main discussion, but this is not. In no way are we showing our ‘bias’ for one race over another just because we may agree with certain things we say.

No where did I personally state that blood elves are high elves, and to my understanding only 1 person came in and said that. I stated that this isn’t meant for high elf discussion and isn’t me asking for it as some sort of compromise. The compromise was made.


It’s just hard for me to get behind the idea when the most upvoted response in the thread is a post saying “High Elves never! But do make Half Elves instead”.