Half Elf Thread

You want half-elf? Fine let me get an axe. Do you want the left or right half?

It is not possible for humans to interbreed with the other races. If it were, there would be half-everythings by now

Uh…you realize there are half-elves canonically in game such as Arator, right?

Edit: Also Vereesa and Rhonin’s twins. Those are another example. Half-elves are a very real thing in Warcraft.


Id rather have high elves added for the alliance and let half elf be a customization option for them.


We have 4 options of playable elves. We dont need another, and i love elves.

There are so many other races that can be explored and expanded on, but for some reason the alliance is fixated on white pretty elves. I dont get it.

“High elf” models are available to both alliance and horde at this point. Shut up and let other races be expanded.

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Can’t say how much you actually read on the thread, but as you can see I’ve replied to two other people stating that I said in the future and that no where do I want them to take priority over other possible allied races :slight_smile:. As in, no where do I want them any time soon, and it was a mere suggestion to something I’d like to see be implemented.

I also have already address that by no means am I some high elfer advocating for High elves anywhere, nor do I care for high elves in the slightest. I may think their lore is cool, but I find the discussion of high elves old and tiring at this point. I don’t quite see why the two need to be correlated if one person feels the need to bring up one singular idea that doesn’t at all have to relate to it, as there is also one non-canon half-elf that isn’t high elf based.

Thirdly, telling someone to shut up over a simple suggestion based off their personal preferences and ideas on what they want to see come about in terms of diversity later on seems a bit much, don’t you think :slight_smile:?

Tbh, I would rather something abit more unique then another variant of elf. But if we must, better it be a natural progression of what elves are and do outside of Quel’Thalas. Diluting there noble bloodlines with the “lesser” races. So yea, Half Elves.


Like I said lol, I’d much rather other races take priority in the current developments in regards to allied races. I’m well aware that we have plenty of elves, and that other races could very well be expanded upon.

When I say in the future, I mean in the future and that it can be years upon years from now when Blizz actually ponders the idea briefly, and even then it would simply be a brief idea.


Yea must of missed the future part sorry. Again tho, just throwing my thoughts in as to what another variant could be

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Fel, I usually agree with you. But the OP is clearly not asking for something thalassian-elf or even pure elf related. Half-elves would be primarily in the human department, considering the nature of them and what we know of them involving their place in human society and culture, and it’d allow Blizzard to explore things like a mudblood’s place in society where that kind of thing matters.

I feel like you’re too quick to snap because the OP brought up something regarding elf culture, considering there’s no real emphasis on anything Thalassian or even elf-related aside from heritage being diluted in the process. If anything, the inclusion of half-elves would put the high elf debacle in the gutter for good because that is their new lore. Diluted and not pure.


That’s fine :slight_smile:, accident’s happen and it’s not like you were coming off rude in the slightest. I don’t mind any form of hybrid races, it was simply the one race that was a bit more known and something I thought was quite nice.

There’s also Mok’Nathal, the half orc/half ogre race. However, the hybrid race idea isn’t something I expect blizzard to explore until much, much later into the future by any means, as hybrid races bring up all sorts of questions and ideas entirely. I just feel like at a certain point it’d be nice to be a bit more realistic in the way of who chooses to be with who in Azeroth despite many races being “Traditional” and what not.

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I find rather curious how Horde players feel entitled to decide which Allied Races the Alliance should get and which ones they shouldn’t.


Uh - people can play both, you know? I find it amusing how Alliance players beg for Horde races all the time, but you still do it.


TBH, I can understand the frustrations of people when there are more demands of yet another elf race, however a side argument to that discussion is that a good amount of WoW’s lore has quite a bit of elves in it somewhere in any timeline. Regardless, I don’t think all horde try to dictate who gets what, I think it’s just the frustration of the amount of people demanding certain races that have gotten shot down or something.

How do you feel when (main) Alliance players start to talk which direction the Horde storyline should go? When they said the Horde is evil, that warchief should die and that guy should be the next Warchief? It’s rather annoying right?

I feel this way when (main) Horde players start to say whether we should get High Elves or not, or that we should get Half Elves instead even though the specific Alliance High Elf story is part of, you know, the Alliance.


Don’t care. It’s the internet, and it’s gonna happen all the time regardless.

And then it became the Horde’s. When the high elves dropped their name and became blood elves. And how do you know what they main? The OP is posting on an alt. How do you know anything about them or who they are?


Thematically they’d have a lot of room to work with, without having to make the main character some divine predetermination of the wow universe.

(If anything the “mudblood” characters would be getting the horde treatment)


Not my problem if you haven’t realized that characters like Alleria, Vareesa, and every single individual who still refer to himself as a High Elf is not in the Horde.

You have to move out from your Horde point of view bubble.


I’m pretty sure I wasn’t saying anywhere that instead of High elves we should get Half elves as a replacement to that race. Like I’ve said, no where do I wish this thread to correlate to any high elf thread or anything high elf related unless solely for the fact that high elves are the main people mixing with other races. That’s all. I think their lore is cool, but I don’t care for high elves and that’s just my stand point.

Threads like these don’t really phase me, as people’s opinions will be people’s opinions all of which vary depending on person. For example, I quite enjoy Sylvanas simply because she is evil. Do I understand that the things she is doing is down right wrong and horrible? Yes, but at least it stays true to her character that has been put under a spotlight as warchief. But, all in all I would like an actual stable Warchief that I know won’t just get tossed to the side after they do whatever it is they plan for her.