Half Elf Thread

If you consider Night Elves, Nightborne, Blood Elves and Void Elves the same “thing” just because they’re elves, then you most definitely can’t consider Undead a different thing from Humans - they’re just animated dead Humans.

Plus, other games have way more elf options and variants than WoW.

And, Half Elves aren’t Elves - they’re Humans and Elves. That’s the whole point. And it could bring a whole new plethora of hybrid options too (Moknathal, Half Orc Half Draenei, etc).

Because that’s specifically the kind of half-elf OP is discussing. Look at his references for in-game examples and mentions of half-elves.

Any other kind of half-elf doesn’t currently exist in lore.

Because usually both are more compatible and have better coexistence than with other races!
I can’t imagine a half dwarf half elf!
And imagine an orc with a blood elf hairstyle? Or an elf with troll tusks? AHAHAHA

Uh… the Windrunner sisters comic book? Hello? They’re basically Humans with smaller pointy ears.

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I don’t think that’s a very good reference point. I’m going to try to be very careful about what I say here, but the artwork in that comic is often rightly criticized.

Well afaik those are the only known Half Elves, am I right?

But I’d most definitely like to see a toggable option that lets me choose the “parent” races when creating a hybrid race. Like, a Half Human Half Night Elf, or a Half Orc Half Troll.

I wouldn’t want to imagine what Half Dwarves Half Gnomes would look like :confounded:

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Of course it’s criticized, it was horrible, but the point still stands: Half Elves most definitely do not look like Thalassian Elves. Kalec looks nothing like one.

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I played a half-elf in other games, it was not fun to say the least.

I mean by comparison she had a good life.

In a comic book where everyone’s proportions are often so dramatically misshapen to an unfortunately unintentional comedic effect, I’m not sure you can look at how Giramar and Galadin appear and claim “yep, this is the standardization for all future half-elf appearances.”

I’ll wait for another canonical depiction of half-elves before I can be certain that they aren’t supposed to just look like high elves.

Kalec has a unique model because he’s not a half-elf. He’s a dragon. They can make themselves look however they want, no?

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Pixies. :fairy:



Half elf and what though, I don’t think i’m ready for half elf and tauren. Or like half elf and goblin.

I personally think all races should be converted to different forms of elves. 4 elf races is not enough. Rename the game to World of Elfcraft while they’re at it. That’ll bring people back from classic.


No! absolutely NOT! we already have too many Gnomes, Goblins and Dwarfs! we don’t need some freak show half an elf race, … now get back to your crack well!

The fact those two look completely different from Thalassian children, regardless of any comedic intention, is enough proof they are not supposed to look the same as Thalassian elves - it wouldn’t make sense either. We’re talking about hybrid races, they must look different. We also know Garona is supposed to look different, but Blizzard never bothers to update her model. That doesn’t mean that all half orc half draeneis just look like orcs.

Kalec doesn’t have a unique model, he simply uses the Human model with blue hair. He is a dragon who deliberately chose the Half Elf physique - this is canon.

I mean if you want to play a half elf you might as well play a human. Think about it, you are mortal with blood the colour red and have feelings that mortals do. You live and die in a realm envied by the damned and blessed by the gods. Just roll human.

If I rolled half elf I would probably date tauren, gnome, possibly another elf, maybe goblin, fool the orc, and pass on the dwarf, sorry dwarves :frowning:
I probably wouldn’t date another human.

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Ah sh*t, here we go again…

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Everquest is over there.


So, since I can only reply once in my own post thanks to blizz, I’ll try to fit a few responses into one, so here goes lol.

This is a bit of a wonky argument as well, as 1. half-elf and half-elf that choose to be together still produce a half-elf, and as I put above, Elisande basically pokes Vareesa saying they’re basically already killing off their race by procreating with humans as it is, so whether or not the numbers will increase can’t exactly be known truthfully.

I do believe in my OP I did state in the future :slight_smile: Just saying. I never stated anywhere I wanted it this instant or anything of the sorts, as I’m well aware we have plenty of elves currently and would like to see diversity, something I also enjoy. The preference of half-elves is just something I thought would be neat to see in the future like I stated.

It doesn’t really, it’s just the more common hybrid that I know of and thought would be nice to have. There could be half x and half y suggestions if that’s what you wanted.

No :slight_smile:, a half elf and another half elf it would still make a half elf, something I believe a part of the non-canon RPG part of wow, as I think there was in fact someone of half-elf/half-elf descent. And as it stands sure, but the multiple different representations doesn’t really hold to a set in stone canon appearance for one, so the idea that it can’t look other than a slightly smaller high elf would be a bit absurd to say.

Half Orc/Half ogre was a suggestion made since many people do like the Mok’Nathal, or Rexxar in specific, and tbh I do think his model is quite nice and him as a character is nice as well. :woman_shrugging: It really doesn’t have to be half elf in specific really.

OP already touched on it, but I’ll expand on it.

Mok’nathal. That’s a big one people want / speculate about considering Rexxar got a new model. And, fun fact, that new model is a modified version of the Kul Tiran one, where the rigging is done a bit differently for the sake of specific animations.

If Alliance got half elves, and Blizzard is trying to keep things even, Mok’nathal is right there, totally viable, and brought forth a brand new model which means blizzard could equalize the model treatment out to the Horde since Kul Tirans got a brand new model / rig that we’ve never had before. That was also confirmed in a Q&A. It’s why Zandalari had gotten pushed back as far as they did.


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