Half Elf Thread

Not going to lie sir, I don’t see how there needs to be some sort of compensation thing just because one person asks for one idea from blizzard. If you want Bard then make a thread advocating for it something, but to tell someone the only way you’d accept half-elves is if you get something you want seems strange… Idk this is just me though.

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I dont even know how the idea of a Bard class is tied to Half Elves. This thread isnt here to discuss what they have to add to make Half Elves playable, its here to get Half Elves added. Im not the biggest fan of the Half Elf idea, but glad yall can get back to discussing it.

Side note, yay! thanks mods for fixing this thread. Maybe do the same for the High Elf one? Long shot lol.


Half elves + bard class = Bard half Elf win?

I don’t play elves and I do not RP, but if I could make a Half-Elven Bard I would sit in an inn all day playing songs for everyone.

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Why must a bard class be added though? What lore do you have that links Half Elves to being bards?

None. I liked the idea of a Half-Elf Bard.

Is that ok with you, oh glorious leader of the forums?

Haha I mean its fine. It just seemed like having bards is the only way you’d be okay with Half Elves being added. Sorry, I didnt mean any offense. It just seems like they are two unrelated topics is all.


Well technically it was a joke… but apparently not a very good one.

Half-Elven Bard is very D&Dish from back in the day.

Go for Half-Elves!


Ah, gotchya. Yeah I typically did a Half Elf back in the DnD days. What fun days those were. No one to play with nowadays. =(

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Elf bard + human bard = epic mashup

Ah, it’s kind of hard to tell whether or not someone is joking, especially in this forum thread lately given everyone’s hostility towards one another on occasions. I personally don’t know how they’d add Bard since I think most Bards are made for buffing and debuffing? But maybe!

I’ve never D&Ded though :slight_smile: it’s always seemed interesting, just never personally gotten into it or tried.

While we have too many elves and plenty of humans, I would still like to see half elves, but make them human/Night Elf.


oh i like that idea! then hyper could have her dark skinned elves. it would help to differentiate them from the other elves

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We all have that right, and it means nothing. Blizz does as Blizz does. All they have to decide is if they want people to be able to play any given race. Population numbers and lore mean nothing, all that matters is if Blizz wants a race playable.

But, keep it up- I guess. People said we were silly for standing in the shadow of the Wall of NO!!! for so many years, professing our wish for Classic. Now, I’m playing it.

: )

i dont think you can really compare years of pressure from private servers to a forum thread with less then 20 regular posters including myself

: )


I’d agree, but it’s not about what we want. I’m also in favor of defending the right to speech I don’t like, as long as it’s not hateful or a lie. I’m personally sick to death of Elves- it’s nice seeing none in Classic Horde. No offense.

: )

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There is technically 1 non-canon half human half kaldorei. Sadly it’s not really a thing I think that would become canon anytime soon since they haven’t recently done much with RPG that comes into WoW but I wouldn’t mind that. However, as for the race thing, the idea for half-elves would be something Blizz could think about after the other possible races come into play, so the argument of too many elves would sort of become diluted. There’s also only 2 human models in comparison to the what…4 elves currently? Don’t really think theres that many humans, as truthfully I don’t consider Worgen part of humans since they can’t stick into human unless out of combat :stuck_out_tongue:.

That’s my own personal opinion on it, but you could argue theres 3. But, ye, again the argument for those would be after theres way more equality.

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And the only reason you are is because people stood up private servers based on Vanilla and clearly demonstrated a market for it. You are not playing it because of forum pressure. As soon as Helf fans do that same I’ll be impressed.

I’d love to see Half Elves (half human) as an allied race :grin:

I think any other Half Elf wouldn’t make sense, but a Half Elf/Half Human hybrid sounds plausible enough to be an allied race. I also think it would make a lot of alliance players happy.