I need to keep these humans away from the womanfolk. Let’s burn Stormwind.
I think half-elves should work better as a cosmetic customization option for humans, blood elves, and void elves instead of being a new race. Imagine the RP potential of this decision. A player can argue that his/her toon is more human than elf and therefore should get human racials.
Make the option unlockable via a questline involving the windrunner family and diplomacy missions with Quel’thalas.
The decision will add more story content, less hassle for developers instead of making new races, and the playerbase gets what they want (sort of… We still want our high elf blizz! We’re willing repgrind for it! We’ll roll it even if the racial bonus is not that good).
Gonna be straight - I think you’re reading way too much into this. The OP wants half-elves because it’s something different, and it’d be something Blizzard could go off the rails with. Doesn’t even have to be the human model with long ears, it could be any combination of elf / human models.
With how the OP phrased it - it’s just a for-fun idea that’d be neat to explore. Doesn’t need to be some kind of methodical, thought out idea. Based on all of the feedback involving Kul Tirans, you’d imagine Blizzard was out to gut the Alliance and give them the laziest things possible. Or how void elves are some kind of terrible thing.
Involving the LOTR comparison - LOTR is a different franchise. Warcraft is a different universe entirely. Blizzard has gone out of their way at multiple opportunities to diversify themselves from the LOTR stereotypes. Orcs are just green in LOTR. Orcs in Warcraft are brown prior to the corruption of the fel - which just turns everything green anyway. The fair skinned elves, which would be with the humans in LOTR, are actively against and despise humans in Warcraft and believe they’re inferior in every way. The only Thalassian elves still on the side of the humans are elves who abandoned their nationalism and their pride and would rather mingle “with lesser races” instead of remain with their brothers and sisters. In hindsight, blue eyed high elves are traitors to Silvermoon, a shock to no one.
LOTR and Warcraft don’t belong in the same sentence. They’re two totally different universes sending two totally different messages, and ideas. Comparing the two or saying LOTR is more memorable doesn’t work, in my opinion, because I couldn’t give a damn about LOTR, but I do give a damn about Warcraft.
I confess I have trouble imagining a blood elf having a recreational or marital relationship with an orc or troll!
Can anyone imagine a troll with blood elf hair or a blood elf with tusks?
Or a blonde orc?
Go to RP servers. People put trolls with blood elves as couples all the time. Many have children.
It doesn’t have to be solely to explore some sort of discrimination angle though? I feel it’d be interesting to incorporate in WoW’s story since it’s already there with plenty of other races, and half-breeds are very different to many races. While it may be fine to some people, other races may not be fine with it. There are indeed plenty of purebred high elves that condemn half-elves because they are not the purebred high elf that they should be, they’re mixed with something else. No one is saying that the people that produced the half-breed is condemning them. But other elven races will, and do in WoW society look down at a half-breed. Just like some humans - not all - will be skeptical of the half-breed also, because they may think they may feel superior to humans just because half of them is this ethereal race.
There’s no reason it has to be a human model rig, it was a mere suggestion to an idea i’d like to see implemented. However, I do think that they should use a different rig that isn’t solely thalassian since they’ve already given over the thalassian model, and each Allied race is based on the Original Races and their rig, minus Kul Tirans and a bit of Zandalari Trolls.
In regards to the LotR reference, I’m going to be honest and state what Shadina here said, and what I said to someone else in that they’re two entirely different stories and things. Just because WoW takes similar tropes as all other ‘exotic’ tropes in the fantasy world doesn’t mean they’re the same in any way.
But, as for the other stuff, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say in the respect of mannequins and what not, that sort of falls short… As again, it was a mere Allied Race suggestion for Blizz to look into. And mostly just Hybrid races as a whole.
I also don’t really see this. Half-elves are indeed their own race, and because of the certain discrimination that would be in the game because they are their specific race makes it hard just to shove them off into one category or another. Some human’s aren’t going to accept the elven part of them and perhaps condemn that race, where as quite a bit of elves of all sorts will most definitely condemn the human part of them as it is seen as ‘lesser’ in some way. I also feel that Blizz wouldn’t necessarily want to blur the line of X-Faction races just yet in regards to giving that to Blood elves. And Void elves are a new thing that no one knows can reproduce or not, so those ones are a bit out there as well.
Since a majority of Allied Races often fall under using the rig of the other race that is to their respective similarities, we’d have to assume the race itself would have to use something. And we already have the thalassian model. However, I wouldn’t be opposed to it being given as a customization option to humans, I simply just think it doesn’t necessarily work as best as it could that way.
I also discussed hybrid races as a whole as someone brought it up as a nice touch to Blizz in the future, to see the mixing of races. For example, if Alli were to get Half-elves, horde could get Mok’Nathal.
You can have trouble imagining it, but to say It doesn’t exist would probably be false, since no one is restricted to being only with their own race. It’s more so simply that some people in that race wouldn’t do that because it may be seen inferior in some way due to the mixing . It’s a discussion I brought in earlier, to say there aren’t people being with whoever they want to be with seems a bit out there, even for WoW
Half Elf, Half Worgen?
While that would be funny to see, the Worgen curse doesn’t get handed down by their offspring .
Unfortunately for you, they are canonical!
Blizzard created it!
They may never be a playable option but Half elves do exist, created by the hand of Blizzard!
They could change that
This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.
This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.
On a related note, It does make me wish they found a way to make the worgen curse affect non-humans; The original curse was Kaldorei in origin, and Arugal modified it to affect humans.
And while NE Worgen would be fun, the potential for other races to be worgenified is so good.
Honestly I just want Frostwolf Orcs that can actually transfrom into Werewolves.
How about stop talking about high/blood elves and derailing the thread? This is a half elf thread, you can be for or against but dont bring that stuff here please.
Can anyone imagine a troll with blood elf hair or a blood elf with tusks?
Or a blonde orc?
I can kinda imagine a blood elf with different ears and teeth and mixed facial features. An orc/belf hybrid sounds weird to me though lol
I can kinda imagine a blood elf with different ears and teeth and mixed facial features. An orc/belf hybrid sounds weird to me though lol
A while back I used to be really good at editing the textures (mostly to give my character tattoos) I’ve forgotten how to do it though since it’s been years though. I’ve seen some people do “texture swaps” with some models. Its pretty crazy looking. I haven’t seen anything like Orc to Blood elf or vice versa though.
Yeah, it was against TOS. I mostly did it when the Warcraft Model Viewer was in its heyday, and I would keep backups of the original unedited files so I would never screw myself over.
You guys committed a mistake by posting here again. It was nice, it was quiet.
If you don’t care for the thread then don’t be in the thread, I don’t really see much point in sitting here and making comments like this in a thread that someone actively wants people to discuss the main topic on…
On a related note, It does make me wish they found a way to make the worgen curse affect non-humans; The original curse was Kaldorei in origin, and Arugal modified it to affect humans.
And while NE Worgen would be fun, the potential for other races to be worgenified is so good.
Honestly I just want Frostwolf Orcs that can actually transfrom into Werewolves.
Yeah I was sort of bummed to see that Worgens were human specifically sort of feature, but I guess in a sense I understand it to some degree. I mostly just feel this way because the curse itself from my only lore standpoint was Kaldorei, so for the two to become separated and what not was kinda bleh. I also imagined the NE worgen model looking along the lines of the…er, saberons? I think is their name, can’t remember… But the cats in WoD lol.
Wow, seriously guys? I’m legit happy for your thread to return and you flag my post as spam?
I’m just gonna go back to lurking.
Oh jeez, everything is getting flagged- you guys are gonna lock your own thread!
I agree! I feel there’s so many open ended things that Blizzard doesn’t delve into or discuss at all as to how it could or couldn’t happen. For example do certain races have an immunity to the curse somehow, or something like that. I’m unsure, but since certain things can be passed down to one another it’d be nice to see addressed. For example, now that Void elves are a thing, I feel like that opens up a whole new world of possibilities, since technically any race can use the void and anyone could be…void infused, I guess is the word?
But, I seem to see a few number of people that aren’t the biggest fan of Void Elves . I understand the frustration, but idk… I suppose the shoehorned race is still very neat imo.
side note:
Oh jeez, everything is getting flagged- you guys are gonna lock your own thread!
I’m not sure who’s flagging things, but it sure isn’t me and it’s very unfortunate to see that this thread is going to get locked again simply because people can’t agree on something and seem to feel the need to be petty with one another.
Which, is the very reason why I have asked things remain hybrid based, but if you’re happy for someone then you’re happy for someone. It was simply me wanting to discuss a fun allied race idea(s) that I would’ve loved to see in the future but apparently that can’t be a thing .
But then again, a LOT of races get a LOT of hate on the forums.
The problem is not the race being proposed, the problem is that is not a topic about an specific one.
I confess I have trouble imagining a blood elf having a recreational or marital relationship with an orc or troll!
Can anyone imagine a troll with blood elf hair or a blood elf with tusks?
Or a blonde orc?
Luckily, we don’t need to imagine that because Horde has its own hybrid race option: The Mok’nathal.
And I’m sorry I know I keep mentioning them a lot (even if I’m not particularly interested in them), but I just really think they would be the perfect counterpart for Half-elves.
The concepts behind the VE’s have a lot of potential, sadly so little has been realized about them
I’d still hold in there, I mean, look at how long it took them to give something to Trolls or even give something to gnomes?
EDIT: I just realized I messed one of the quotes… I fixed it, though.