HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

Okay? And what % of players were running +20s during the 2nd week of Season 1 in DF or SL?

Idk I think I’m ahead of where I was in S1 of Dragonflight. I also think the dungeons are waay better balanced that what we had in Dragonflight S1, remember Ruby Life pools?

In Dragonflight I got KSM in week 3 and for timing my first +20 I think it was also week 3 maybe even week 4… Now in TWW I got KSM on day 3 and even timed a couple of +10s in the first week, by the end of week 2 I should have all +10s timed (only missing 1)…

Granted in my case I was lucky to find a group early on that was in need of a healer so that has improved the experience over running with Pugs, but I have also pugged a few of the +10s this week and yeah it definitely feels better than Dragonflight S1.

Remember that it’s still early in the expansion and Hero track gear can be upgraded up to 626 (I think, somewhere around that)…

Unless you bought your way to that 1791 you’re doing pretty good for just week 2 in M+, you just here crying since others are doing 10’s?


Beyond earning KSM who cares?

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That just states that the 99.5 % don’t care and don’t value gear as much as 0,5% do. Its the similar reason why there are 8 billion ppl in this world and 99.9 % don’t play wow :rofl:

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I’d do it for the mount reward, but once I got it, I’d dump the mode entirely.

It’s just not fun to me.

Health-sponge enemies and 1-shot mechanics abound. PvE is more of an annoyance than fun for me.

The gear is only a means to an end.

I play PvP for fun, but people hate that lol. Folks just like different things.

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does it count if my only 9 is a mists? :wink:

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10s are tuned like previous 20s I believe.

They are probably about the same as DF season 1, but people didnt had to do +20 for the vault or +19 for crest, it does make it seem like the whole season is a lot harder when you have to go +2 keys higher for the same rewards you used to get.

Imaging you only had to do +6 for crest and +8 for vault, would anybody be complaining?


Of course they would be. These are the wow forums, finding things to complain about is quite literally our reason for being.


Why don’t you wait and see what happens before you start making up scenarios?

You talk as if Blizzard doesn’t already have the numbers and know what they’re doing. They have more info than you do.
Relax and just play the game already.

If it all falls apart, it won’t be because of that.

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This is not a “scenario” this is reality. Its already done… But the part about bliz not knowing… ABSOLUTELY they know… you’re right! THey definitely are aware… they just dont care. They did it to slow prog down. A lot of ppl get 2500 or whatever to get mount and then quit. So they’re just tryin to buy a 2nd or 3rd month out of those many many players. At the cost of ruining a lot of peoples experience.

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Isn’t it week 3? And 10+ keys are equivelent to like s3 df 18s right?

Because having loot feel irrelevant by week 3 is not a good feeling.

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Maybe it’s just me, but feels like it’s a lot harder to get into 8-10 keys this season.

I’ve gotten into 8s, but 100% decline rates for pugging +9s, at 2100 rating.

Cause 2100 is extremely low for pugging 9s. You get 2000 for timing 6-7s.

That’s kind of to be expected.

Because we don’t have tier/trinkets making us do 30% more dmg and dungeons haven’t been nerfed 5 times ea.

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We have no idea how much interest there is in M+ because Blizzard raised the bar to entry while adding new content to fill the void that used to sit below the bar. There are players who would run keys below +12 in previous seasons in the first 2 weeks who would be contributing to M+ participation rates that are simply absent because they are in heroic dungeons, M0, or delves.

To be clear, I’m not saying there won’t be less interest, there might be. Just that it’s far too early in the first standard season we’ve had in which the first key level was this high up the difficulty totem pole. We really need to take a pulse in the middle or end of the season to make any kind of meaningful conclusion.

This is just blatantly false. M+ from Legion through Shadowlands S3 used current dungeons for the M+ rotation. It wasn’t until Shadowlands S4 that Blizzard pulled in old expansion dungeons for M+, and that was actually at the behest of players who were getting tired running and possibly more important, farming the same gear at higher item level from the same dungeons for 2 straight years.

That’s fine if you want to assume the motivation for doing so now is them wanting to be lazy by reusing old dungeons. But when M+ was brought to the game, old dungeons weren’t included in the dungeon pool.

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Nerfed versions or not, they simply buffed everything else to compensate it seems.

more people do M+ in the end of the season when you’re not as capped by crests.

news at 11

it would absolutely annihilate the entire playerbase if crests weren’t capped and you could max progression at will. you think it’s hard to get into a 2-6 now?