HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

Why am i forced to run dungeons I ran 2 expansions ago??
Why would I want to run the same dungeons over and over on some timer for a small gear upgrade if i make it in time. Running around like some zoomer on crack. No thank you
I ran these dungeons years ago now I need to do them all over again. Seige was bad then and its bad now.

M+ were made just so Blizzard could make you grind the same OLD content over and over.
Your literally running dungeons from 6 years ago and pay 15$ a month for the privilege’s to do so.

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How is it Microsoft’s fault?

And enjoy every minute of it

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Where is your evidence of these numbers?

Most players weren’t pushing 20s within the first few weeks of a season to begin with.

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I’d kill to have Bolstering and Sanguine back if it was the price I’d have to pay to get rid of these terrible affixes. 15s per death is ridiculous, 10’s became nothing more than a huge dps check and this is the worst seasonal affix ever since G’huun. This is the first time since Legion that I can’t have fun in M+, I did some 9’s and 8’s (and some 10’s out of time tho) and it’s just boring, it’s not even satisfying, just feel relief that it’s finally over. I wish delves 12 gave Myth gear too so I could actually skip M+ altogether.

This is the worst season ever, it’s made for content creators, pushers and esports. Zero fun, terrible rewards and basically timegated content. I’ll be getting portals in 2 weeks when everyone is with big Ilvls and dungeons are actually doable for most ppl, since most of them are actually overtuned af.


That doesn’t make the design philosophy any less garbage. The goal wasn’t stated that they intend on catering to only the top .1% like they currently are. This game is just reliving the SL season 1 situation but with more cosmetics people will grow old of in a month of two.

I’d disagree. Challenger’s Peril alone will kill off 99% of the pug groups since 1 wipe usually equates to a bricked key since most people will give up. You could stick most groups on a template ilvl of 619 with full bis and most groups will end up disbanding still because of a singular affix. This doesn’t include the multitude of bugs currently affecting the dungeons that aren’t being addressed. (Ascendant trash in GB still isn’t showing the big red line until the second it’s going off).


rAIDER io Simply scroll to the last page of 10 keys, and 9 keys. then go to last page to see how many pages there are divide 1st by 2nd.

I’m not looking for it myself… but I’ll take your word for it, it’s believable.

It’s also still early in the season, most people aren’t sweating and rushing to the end… those numbers will rise.

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Neat. I have an 11 NW im gonna try tomorrow.

Oh no… it’s week two and someone has the same gear I would have if I had the time! I guess I will just have to make sure I am caught up by 2026 when 12.02 comes out.

Pretty much a Method Liquid Echo stat at this point :yellow_heart:

ok, and?

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You realize this game has MULTIPLE difficulty levels? What do you think about a game where difficulty is only LFR or heroic dungeons?

Usually when people complain about difficulty it’s if they fit on the other side of the line, just forget about everyone else.

We’ve already had this discussion and you know where i stand. The goal isn’t to make everything instantly easy, but instead to avoid (like they currently are with the raid) catering to 60 people. Challenger’s Peril is a death spell for most pugs and will just continue bringing out the worst in people.

If the goal as stated was to retain players and build back a good reputation with the community then Blizzard is doing the complete opposite at this point of that.

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Look, I’m actually doing better score wise for the point I’m at in the season than in DF s1, but I still think this season isn’t really fun. I had more fun in the later DF seasons.

Far more than 60 people are doing +10s.

The very basis of more difficulty levels is exclusionary.

Challenger’s peril does not impact loot. only score. Which doesn’t grant any power.

But that’s such a subjective thing. Manifested Timeways doesn’t exist this season, at least.

Well, that’s one thing we agree on, hated that key solely due to that boss.

First 2 weeks??? FIRST WEEK or nothing!