HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

If I don’t care about M+ anymore because of delves being more fun, what makes you think these stats will improve much???


If you’re playing the game are the stats really bad?
Same goes for classic/sod, if you’re playing wow it’s a win.

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Zoumz there are some of us who actually enjoy trying to figure out how to get past the new M+ its awesome. :slight_smile:


It’s been around since Legion. It would stay way longer than you.

It’s only been getting objectively worse since Legion.

I am almost as the same as you but younger. And M+ is one of the best thing in WoW for me. My personal RL life and my fast reflexes from my fingers can co-exist.

I never said I couldn’t do m+.
I said I wouldn’t do m+.


bet you if you looked at +20s in Season one of DF week two it would look very similar

Tww season 1 is easier than DF season 1. It was way harder to get key 20 in DF week 1 than key 10 in TWW week 1.

well, people are under the impression its super hard and not doing it, its harder for pushers though than back in df

Fortified + Tyrannical does ramp up difficulty quite significantly I’d say. Plus, some dungeons just want to see you suffer and I’ve done a few +10s already. Stonevault and Necrotic Wake are an automatic deplete for the vast majority of groups.

Getting a group and beat 1x M+ dungeon is like 45 min. 4x dungeons in a week to get 2x Vault slots is like 3 hours per week.

Delves is more grindy. How much time to get those Coffer keys? Then spend time to beat a decent difficulty Delves. 4 Delves to get 2x Vault slots.

Too many excuses, the truth is many cant handle M+. Whats worse is after playing WoW for years, still cant handle M+?

That’s incorrect.
I was basing my half a percent on raiderio already. Go do the math!

DF never had fort and tyrannical at the same time

Now we do, for some unfathomably absurd reasons

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Both fort and tyran are nerfed versions ofDF ones, and we no longer have annoying affixes like bolstering or sanguine, which were the major time drain.

Tyrannical and Fortified both at the same time is just disgusting and unfun. The Challenger’s Peril affix was the worst idea and was 100% made by someone who has never played the game, both Xal’atath affixes are horribly designed and have the same problem explosive used to have with mechanic overlap sometimes making it impossible to get the stun ones, and sometimes the orbs are in spots you can’t get to, or float over the water in SoB etc.

This M+ season has really not been fun for me so far, I feel like I have to sweat just to do an 8. I haven’t even attempted a +10 yet because I just feel like I won’t have fun doing it. I did a ton of 20s in DF, and some were even full pugs at around this same time in the expansion. But even just 8s and 9s still feel insanely difficult for no reason, they really overdid it with the changes, they definitely just caved to Mythic Raiders saying it wasn’t fair that people who don’t Mythic Raid could get good gear so they overtuned M+ like crazy to make it way too hard for normal players. Keep in mind I don’t mean casuals, I mean even just above average players, they could do 20s just fine in DF, I doubt they will ever be able to do 10s in TWW until they tone down these horrible affixes. If they won’t remove Tyrannical and Fortified then they definitely need to nerf them.


Uh… that would be more like doing 27’s, 28’s etc… And I agree with that. It’s totally okay for top half a percent to be doing 27 keys and higher… title range etc…

But 10 keys? Nah, thats like gold in league at best… EDIT SHOULD BE*

I think this has made beating a 10 in timer way harder in tww than beating a 20 in df. Getting there is probably pretty comparable in difficulty. But the ilvl journey for tww will be way longer than df, the max vault key will be trivial at higher ilvl.

Given that you can farm 9s for gildeds, its not unreasonable for even non raiders to push to around 620 by this week, which should be plenty to get through 10s.

It’s just the 2nd week of the Season. There are more incoming freebies giveaways. WoW Anniversary would give powerful gear not just Tmogs.

very few people were doing 20s this early in season one of DF or SL. i don’t know why anybody would think everyone should be able to do 10s right now.

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