HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

okay. and? what’s wrong with that?

When is the last time we had an expansion where the majority of the playerbase couldnt catch up to the top 1% in ilvl?

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That poll would make much more sense if done by the end of the patch tho and I would still say that even if people like to play hard content they are much more likely to vote for what is easier. Just in term of time as a mythic raider I would save much more time if keys would be made easier, so I would be incentivized to vote for easier keys. That doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy current gameplay but wow players are generally more reward driven.

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They were.

Wow is a progression based mmo
take that away, and the game will bleed out
it doesn’t need to be easy to get that gear, but the numbers are way too low atm


People too busy owning their time in delves to tolerate the M+ PUG misery vortex. M+ is for teams now, which is perfectly fine. That will, of course cut down on number of people doing it. This is a truer representation of actual interest in M+ that aligns with the implementation, because it was never meant for PUGs.


Usually higher. The difference in power between a 610 and a 613 player is pretty massive (2 key levels), and the difference between a 9 and 10 key in difficulty is considerably larger than the 7 to 9 jump.

I did a weekly no leaver siege 11 last week at about 612 ilvl and it was an outright massacre (nearly 100 deaths, 1.5 hour run).

I don’t think most players will be comfortable in 10 keys until they are around the 619 ilvl range. And a good portion of people already at that level are cutting edge tier raiders.

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who said anything about taking it away?

it’s possible for anyone’s gear to go from X ilvl to X+Y ilvl. that’s progression even if X+Y isn’t the highest ilvl possible.

Just run 6s and 7s + weekly delves until your gear is higher and move up to 9s. It’s not difficult. It’s week 2. Soon people will be doing 9s and 10s no problem. The difficulty scales really at +12 and beyond. The lower levels are for M+ players that don’t want to bang their heads against a wall.


This is my perspective, too.

I don’t have a friend group in the game, and I am just not super comfortable with most guilds I have seen. I enjoy playing in a world that feels ‘lived in,’ and there are times where I really enjoy working with others, but by-and-large I want to go at my own pace doing my own thing. It feels to me like delves are perfect content for me, and I have already almost filled the delver’s season bar. M+ on the other hands feels like what Blizzard was advertising for delves: a challenge for your friend group.


Not all since I do not do them. However the part of the game I do play is affected by mythic+ players in that changes are made for classes for a subsection that represents a small percentage of players.

It would be nice if the folks who enjoy that game play had their own server and if it is truly about skill, equalized equipment sets. Then they could play all they want and try to set world records with them all being on equal footing.

its the 2nd week. no durr peole arnt doing 10’s yet

wait a few weeks and then alot of people will be

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Same. I have 2 myth vault slots waiting for me next week. Debating going for a 3rd. This was a dumb change. Just make it 8 again or even 9.


1% of players in the game even attempting it.

Congrats blizzard you’ve turned M+ into a game mode exclusively for Mythic Raiders.

Gear will make them easier in a sense that you will be able to kill things faster to not have to dodge as many one shot mechanics, of which there are multiple on every single trash pull and every 15-30 seconds on every single boss.

It will not change the fact that the dungeons are brutally punishing and are completely prohibitive to even Heroic Raiders past a certain M+ level in each key.


We have had one (1) week with M+ vault rewards. It’s very, very early days.

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A lot of people have managed a fairly decent ilvl and it doesn’t make them easy.

Blizzard has changed the track from Heroic Raiders getting Mythic vaults and slowly getting gear throughout the season to it being inaccessible, exclusively for Mythic raiders.

I don’t have aspirations beyond AOTC and getting to 2500ish M+ every season and slowly reaching the max ilvl, that path is no longer available for me. I have no incentive to keep playing the game once my AOTC is finished.

You can call it early days, or it’s the start of a new xpac, but gear doesn’t fix tanks taking 1.5 million damage per second and there being multiple one shot death mechanics going out every 10 seconds. This is a difficulty that gear won’t fix.

I’ve played through the start of xpacs before, this is the hardest M+ has ever been and it’s not close imo.


Don’t you think it’s bad game design to make major game modes for 1/200th of your player base?

Sure you’re happy, but when you’re the only one left playing the game, and they have to make M+ a solo mode because there’s not enough concurrent players to easily form groups, you’ll probably be even happier then.


Congrats to them, may they enjoy their R1 awards assuming that’s still a thing.

If that was true they would have stopped doing top end raids decades ago.

Whatever the top end of content is, only a small percentage of players actually do it.

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Not everyone is playing 10s yet, but other keys are being run plenty. Delves are being run too. There’s people in raids and in the open world. The auction house is as bustling as ever. Almost like the game is alive and well and supports a diverse player base of varying playstyles.