HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

I dunno if this is a trick/life hack. Static melee group love this weeks affix. WW monk/Ench Shaman/Ret Pal/Any Heal/Any tank felt kinda easy in comparison to last week.

(Enhancement Shaman can charge tempest before the first pull too).

I can barely get a group to invite me to a +6. Let alone even being allowed near a +10 lol

Ain’t gonna make it funner, tho.
Unless they rewire my brain to enjoy having to ruin my setup constantly because of all the bad flying around and God damn CC crap is throwing out.


and how…pray tell, does this affect me?

there’s a lot of outliers as to why it’s low.

Myself personally, I just haven’t had time to play WoW that much.

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What gear are the 10+ players usually around? 610? Or higher?

Does it make any substantial difference how far you go in M+? If one group makes it to 3, another to 10 and another to 19 what’s the difference?

I get it, better gear to do the next higher level but is there anything else, like more of the story or access to something else other than M+ if you make it to higher levels?

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I don’t get why it’s bad to have a small sliver of the community doing the top-tier content, while the rest of us do what we do for fun. Or is having the best gear just fun in and of itself? I don’t get it.


I feel like half a percent still seems a little high. Where did you get that info? Maybe half a % of all people doing keys and not the playerbase at large

I’ve done a 10 for vault and have been smashing 9s pretty routinely. This isn’t about me, it’s about the design of the game. I think this design was a terrible call, for reasons I’ve outlined. The progression is not smooth. You have the same reward track for a 9 in vault as you do for a 3. So the vault you get is only two spaces higher than the gear you get in the spammable chest. That feels wildly wrong to me, and I’m clearly not alone in this.

It’s a major issue, but not the only one. I expect if a poll was done about Challenger’s Peril among the playerbase, you’d get 90% or more wanting to see it gone. Not a fun affix.


why would i want to do 10+ keys tho


im grumpy old guy… i know i will never do a mythic key + anything, i might try a mythic0 but I am happy jus doing t9 delvs (I wish they gave better than t8 loot).

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Gilded crest should 100% come from 7s. 7s are where the new (disgusting) affix Challengers Peril comes into play, would make sense that’s when gilded crests come into play.

I would say max ilvl vault should come from potentially lower keys as well, but the crest issue is at least one complaint I am seeing a lot, as well as holding that belief myself.



Why would you walk away because you cant do 10+s a couple weeks into an expansion opening?

“if something is remotely hard, or has any progression…I QUIT!”


So what though?


I got 2k score at about 610 ilvl.

That’s a mix of +6/+8

Gonna wait until 615+ before trying 10s

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now that i can gear up to heroic level without doing m+ i wont, the furthest i will more than likely go is 2k to get the seasons mount, and thats about it. o.nce i get my 4 set tier so i can blast through 7 keys

I would say that’s more a problem of the upgrade system than of M+ gear rewards as it still scale, personally I dislike any upgrade system because of this kind of thing that can happen and that it always end up being a grind. But I would note that saving heroic crests early can be valuable and the point of M+ early on is more to gear yourself when you do M+, not just the vault.

I wouldn’t doubt also that any poll would prioritize what is easier, most people do not want to do hard content. But that’s kinda the point, the new system makes it so you’re more incentivized to do hard content.

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Relax. It’s week 2 of M+.

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this just in: the top 1% will be ahead of the bottom 95%

news at 11


I think even if you polled exclusively people doing 7 keys and above, they’d want the affix dropped. If the target demographic rejects the design, they should drop it.