HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

What I’m hearing is the OP thinks the game is too hard and doesn’t want to put in the effort. You can accept your participation trophy on the way out.

So +8s should drop 5/6 heroic track in vault.

Bro, it is not that at all. Stop blaming each other. It takes ages to form a group and one wipe one small mistake should not brick the key at all.
This community sucks because of people like you. Freaking troll you are.


Bro there is no remedy for this I just can’t.
You never admit you were wrong.


Before upgrade system and post upgrade system loot isn’t the same. Sure it was higher loot but it was “junk” because it wasn’t the best.

Season 2 midway and season 3.

Which key level did you have to do to get Myth track in your vault???

Season 4, which mythic level did you have to do to get Myth track in your vault?

That’s them giving loot away for free, lowering the bar.

Clearly you can’t admit you were ever wrong.

Clearly, pre-upgrade, +20 was superior to loot that came before. Post upgrade, it’s the same pretty much.

I guess it just feels like right now, if I want to gear up to get the portals from the harder dungeons, my only option is to either run 8 untimed 10s a week (so I at least get 3 choices in case one is bad), or hope for 8 timed Mists (not a guarantee with pugs) which at least gives me more crests. Since at this point a hero track vault is not going to give me upgrades in most slots and I can just run a 7 anyway to try to upgrade those 2 slots missing a hero track item. That’s not really what I’d consider fun, but maybe other people like it…

DF season 1 was 10 Shadowmoons


The upgrade system dilutes rewards.

Now, we care largely about track and not dropped ilvl.

Yeah I remember that. At least in the later seasons I did a better variety of dungeons each week if I’m remembering right.

Ion designs things to be as braindead as they can possibly be bro, I donno what you’re on.

If the upgrade system did not exist, I bet people would have more fun.

Or… if they kept the Season 4 system things would be ok.

S4 is trash.

Design is trash, so are bullions.

Nah, bullions are fine and fun in a season where we are just repeating old content anyway. I’d say get rid of them in s4 only if they gave us a new raid and I don’t see them doing that.

The Mythic system was good.

Bullions were fine, I just think they over did it but again it was season 4.

They should’ve kept it but differently. I think Dinars worked better, but then again they were more restricted with the gear you could acquire, but with the upgrade system I’d say it would be fine.

5% is still hilariously low for what is supposed to be a main piece of pve content. Those other 95% are not playing mythic, so you have to wonder what they are doing. Is Pvp or world content enough to keep them subbed? Probably not.