HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

Why do you guys say some of the silliest stuff like this. I laughed way too hard than I should’ve.


you’re wrong again.

Season 1-3 we were getting “myth” track gear already from 16s, that is, +6 now.

With Season 4 it changed to 8, 9 and 10 (increased).

Like I said: you are out of touch.
But I lied in my last post. I like you.

Come back to reality.

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I think… that perhaps mythic crests should of dropped from 8s.

The jump from a 9 to a 10 is really large this season and its a weird place to be with how much more valuable a 10 is to a 9. It makes for a very,very limited gearing zone of only 9s having value to grind to gear for 10s

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You realize since Ion took over, every expansion he does more and more and more for people that arent the “sweats”?

Devaluing raiding.

Making M+ drop tons of loot, very easily.


Ion is the greatest activist of the casual, group/solo oriented player. No one in WoW has done more for that subset of players than Ion. So its absolutely hilarious to see him take flak for the opposite.


That is a age old issue… its like how the grand majority of WoD was designed around world content but it was all ignored because garrisons gave better rewards. Power drives all players barring those that can max it out. Then the challenge pushes them.

What if, we all our “The Sweats” and we just haven’t caught on yet? Talk about some strange twist of fate. :disguised_face: :+1:

/The Sweats, 2024

These changes were made in DF before Microsoft bought blizzard. Not everything is Microsoft lol.

my favorite part of this season is the people cried about the 1st round affixes they planned to do “my class won’t get invited to groups” while the previous expansion they cried about having to use their cc/interrupts on affixes they have to interact with.

Now we have buggy affixes with orbs that path and spawn poorly, or we waste out cc interrupts to destroy them and the same people complaining about tank shortages and still not getting invited…

Good Job everyone!

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Well, I guess we will see what they do next season and we’ll know if it was a success having it at 10+ only. Personally I’d like to see it drop. I’m at 6/8 10s for my vault this week and already dreading having to do this every week to have 3 myth choices. I’d have a lot more fun if 8s or 9s were for gear and 10s were just for portals.

Weird because we had that direction in the whole Dragonflight, but you can’t say that anymore.

Ikr, my guild’s mythic progress is slow, and m+ was my major gear upgrades. Now, they even take that away and I only play for pushing higher. It is uber boring to try to find a decent group, it takes ages.

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Crests did not exist in S1.

You linked S2, which they were added mid way. Stop gaslighting.

Prediction: they buff loot drop rates in s2, (by lowering where crests are.) Then raise it for S1 again when they try to better align loot and difficulties.

Of course didn’t have crests, but vault was already awarding mythic level gear from raid starting at 16 keys.
We would do 20 for the 421 highest level.
Did you play DF at all bro?

Mythic gear that couldn’t be upgraded isn’t the same as ones that can.

It’s in no way equivalent.

Loot was inferior, and that’s all that matters.

Of course it couldn’t.
But it was already higher than the others you could get.

And without the upgrade system in play, so too will other stuff instead of being equal.

Like any 1/6 heroic piece is equivalent to 4/6 via crests.

On the one hand, pushing it to 10 motivated me to at least try 10s earlier in the season, even if I only timed one of them so far. On the other hand, I can’t say I’m having more fun this way at all. But Blizzard may only look at participation as a metric and not “fun” because it’s so subjective.

I’m having way more fun because I haven’t gotten all the portals yet, gives me stuff to strive for. Then maybe peek into +12 before settling into a few keys for score per week.

It doesn’t change the fact that in your vault you would get Mythic level gear from doing 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 keys.

From season 1-3.

And season 2 (midway however you prefer to say) and season 3, the same. You would get your myth track gear from 16’s.

Either way, if anything they made loot worse and you stated otherwise. We moved from getting myth track gear from season 2-3 to 18’s (equivalent). And you know it.

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