HALF A PERCENT of players doing 10+ keys

I don’t think this is very true this season. I’m pretty certain every spec has a top 3 trinket from M+, if not more. 5 of my best 7 hero track trinkets come from M+ or delves. Until I’m getting myth track items, my top 3 trinkets all come from M+ or delves. YMMV, but there are some beefy trinkets for healers and casters from M+ as well.

Enchanting mats always start off expensive because of needing to get gear from from high end sources for those mats. It’s not like herbs or leather where players can farm to their heart’s content.

Gathering mats are selling wonderfully. Ive made about 2 million so far this expansion with my gatherers alone. Should give it a try some time

I think the biggest issue here is simply people want max ilvl from vault, but, people don’t want to do 10+ keys for it. The max ilvl should have just capped at 7 or 8+ keys, with gilded crests dropping at 8+. Tyrannical and fortified, while I honestly don’t think it’s difficult, the time spent doing them is disgusting and boring. You need stacked groups to clear these, can’t really be carrying anyone, which honestly if you care about IO its fine. But, again, most people don’t, most just want to get their vault filled and move along and there lies the problem with the current setup. The people who do mythic raiding will do the keys no matter what, deplete or no deplete, they’ll finish. Then you have the extra hardcore IO pushers that only care about timing and will leave the key with just one wipe, ruining the experience for the middle class. And of course, then we have the casuals, who dare not step up their game or challenge themselves for such a volatile experience, and tbh, alot of people have no business doing 10+ keys.

If they just lowered the threshold for mythic track vault, alot of the complaints go away tbh.

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That’s the issue. Portals at 10/20 used to be something neat for making it there and timing it. You could gear before then and aim for that as a goal. Now if you can clear a ten you’ll be able to time a ten without the gear from a ten. But if your 613 now and can’t time/clear a ten your not going to be able to at 619 where you’ll be hard capped. M+ had no gear path to achieve the highest achievements portals and KSH.

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s3 df was the most fun m+ season imo. tww feels like dog and the tank representation approves my point. i have to give them the point if they want to destroy the mode, you absolutely did it. :clap:

my problem 10s/20s were a end goal now you get max gear from it but cant use it because you already did your end goal in m+. gear is usless :rofl:


I mean the extra hardcore IO pushers aren’t going to be in the range where the middle class run for very long. And by the time they get into keys at levels beyond 10, everyone is there just to time anyway. They all understand that if a key can’t be timed, there’s no point to stay.

According to who? Do you have inside information on those board meetings? Because it sure as hell hasn’t been mentioned in the investor call.

You want Blizzard to announce in investor calls,
“And just so we’re all clear, Microsoft is not making any decisions for our game.”

“Yes, Ion. We know…”

Im 610 ilevel with full KSH from all SL and DF and cant get invites to +4s.

pretty much done with this season. I get I can run my own keys, but no tanks queue so its pointless.


Sure. The top 1% of players or whatever has always existed. The same can be said for mythic raiding etc.

Also if only the top 1% of players are currently clearing 9s regularly for gilded crests, did you take into the account that we are in week 2 or so of M+ and there is likely another 10+ weeks to go? Do you think that more people will gear up and clear those 9s by the end of the season? Of course they will.

+10 is the new +20s from last time so yeah of course. Most aren’t qualified to do the dps required.

I got my KSM achievement in s1 dragonflight. Took me a while and was pretty hard. Came back in s4 and 10s were like doing a s1 m0. Players have been conditioned to believe they can do a real +10 and are now confused.

You may need to actually improve if you want to do it.

You put into words my exact feelings.

My interest in M+ has died due to the difficulty of the dungeons and seeing the grind required to get to higher ilvls.

Tanking is not fun and the idea that gear will come is not as accurate as people think it is. It is harder to get the gear and requires a lot more to level it up. I am just not interested in that grind along with all the other grinds in the game currently.

Challenger’s peril. 5 deaths is 1 min off. Previously it would take 12 deaths to take 1 min off. 12 deaths now takes 4 minutes.

Also when they start catching up, they’ll have Fortified/Tyrannical at same level 10 keys.

They should move:

  • Level 10 affix to 14 keys
  • Challenger’s Peril to 16.
  • Nerf severely the AoE damage that exists in Mythic+ right now because otherwise everyone will have to keep farming heroic pieces with avoidance… and we’re back to Legion (at least we had Titanforging while doing it).

well undertune them again that was more fun and welcoming to the playerbase. people are meta gaming so freaking hard right now with every slot in a key to even do 7s. not even risk a non meta class because of the success rates


if they do that, move loot to 15.

Also adding to that list:

  • Don’t listen to Fauxstrasza, who is out of touch and lacks common sense.

You want free loot. Might as well lower everything to LFR difficulty and queued content.

Wouldn’t want to exclude anyone now, would we?

All the proposed changes scream: set the difficulty here because “I” am good enough.

There’s always someone that isn’t.

where do I get free loot, do I just go and open your empty head and take it?
Weird because I haven’t said anywhere I want free loot.

As I said, you’re out of touch and lacks the minimal common sense.

See, how you are out of touch to the point that you are even trolling? Because you’re not that smart to use sarcasm.

I’d say if we were able to exclude you the community would be a lot better.
People don’t like you at all, if you have missed that.

Propose changes don’t scream anything.
They are a response to the changes they accumulated for this season.

Challenger’s peril is an overly tuned affix for a low level that is currently holding people from progressing over, making 10 keys (the minimum to get Myth track rewards) very restricted.

If you are pugging, you’re most likely not getting it - statistics are very clear.

It should be a higher affix for people working for title. At 14 or 16 whatever it fits.

And to show everyone here how out of touch you are, you want to restrict loot even more. We used to get Myth track at 8 and the highest crest at 6.

So, just a tip, when you have such idiotic things to say, keep it to yourself. Because it doesn’t make me feel better to talk down to you like this, not that you don’t deserve, though.

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Challenger’s peril takes the place of sanguine/bolstering/bursting etc.

We can bring those back, better that they do.

I don’t like challenger’s peril, but moving it elsewhere is also a bad idea.

Yea, it should not have happened. Highest loot should’ve remained at 20.