Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

The inclusiveness new skin tones brings breaks no lore you just have an issue with it that no one at Blizzard who makes the game has.

You were never entitled to High Elves. Blood Elves are High Elves.


I’m not sure if they have an issue with the skin tones, as much as they have an issue with Blood Elves getting the skin tones. Have they made any complaints about gnomes getting them, dwarfs, void elves? Or is it just Blood elves that they think shouldn’t have them?

Blood Elves are a human skin toned race, all the human skin toned races received diversity. Blizzards comments we can extend on the topic are that they always saw diversity as being in game these additions are long over due.

By that logic whether they complained about others or not they more or less do have an issue with it.

They are still using yikes logic to argue against the skin tones.

But being a salty HE fan who only has issues with BEs receiving diversity almost makes it worse wouldn’t it? Because their logic is telling of what they think of the skin tones over all which is pretty sad but that they took the time to simply come share their thoughts about BEs while asking for HE options seems like the embodiment of a perfect example of what people say about many HE fans.


Yes, exactly, it does make it worse. That is what I was getting at. The only race I’ve seen them saying the new skin tones make no sense for are Blood Elves. To me that seems like they are only against Blood Elves having these skin tones. I think it is a weak pathetic argument trying to state if void elves cannot have natural hair cause it makes no sense, then blood Elves cannot have diverse skin tones. Skin tones that according to blizzard they have always had they were just never available in game. Also don’t treat me like the enemy I’m not a bad person… most of the time.


I think we are on the same page then :hugs:

I apologize if it came off like that, it wasn’t my intention trust me, sometimes when I am unclear of someones point I have a very monotone / to the point way of engaging, it wasn’t personal, I was more so unsure if you thought it was bad / worse like I elaborated on or if you saw it as not as bad since they never specified other races, and since I wasn’t sure it kind of triggered that to the point response which isn’t intended to make you feel bad or make you think I think you’re an enemy more so I just don’t know what you’re saying in that moment so I find it best to re iterate my point or elaborate on what you’re saying in as neutral a way as possible.


Those are already looks that the void elves have access to minus the stripe accross the males face. What is your point?

And the woman in the 2nd image looks like a night elf.


I dunno man, I see more anti-HE people complaining about the brown skin tones than pro ones. There was one just the other day on the MMOC thread ranting about how Void Elves shouldn’t receive new hair colors before preceding to complain up a storm about the brown skin tones.

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With 90% dying, 10% was left of the high elf population.

Of that 10%:
9% became blood elves
1% are still high elves

So if there’s 10 000 elves remaining.

9000 are blood elves
1000 are high elves.


If you’re asking for an exact number, it isn’t really known, and we can’t make assumptions based on the # of npcs in game either.
Silvermoon is likely teeming with life and ingame doesn’t really reflect that.


the elves on the right in both pictures have options not available to void elf players

However, a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves. High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political

a few elves never took the name, so? the high elves are playable. what is your point?


Already went that route with them…

Pretty sure they’re intentionally saying they don’t get it and requesting numbers just to be obtuse…

Thank you though.

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Those look like pretty basic void elves to me. Obviously we don’t look like an someones fanart, but the blue eyes, blue skin and hair are something we have.

Also the game clearly making a distinction between high elves and blood elves does not care about your propaganda fyrebusche.

Also good job replying to the wrong post on purpose, the “what is your point” comment was about your void elf fanart :roll_eyes: which is pretty accurate to what we currently have in game.

What a joke.



I just figured she wanted exact #, which isn’t something we have if I’m not mistaken. (Other than percentages)

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politics is a minor distinction. theres also a political distinction between stormwind humans and defias humans, but no one tries to say humans arent playable because it doesnt say defias human under their name. modern ‘high elves’ are just political blood elves

void elves have starcursed hair, ear jewelery, and tattoo options in game??



I just think I’ll breeze in and note that the greatest modern human genetic diversity (not-withstanding Neanderthal and Devonsonian DNA) is currently found in African populations.

Which also doesn’t apply to magic robots cursed by ancient hostile deities or a bunch of trolls transformed by another deity and then mutated by magical vagaries.

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This seems like a pretty false claim.

One there’s a reason for the HE community’s reputation exhibited recently in this thread, but also spans to their discord server, to other forums, and twitter, a common theme among HE fans.

Two you’ve come in to throw shade at antis and act like you have no real stake in this before only always seeming to manage to be Pro HE on the issue, with that said there is a difference between being upset diversity options exist on human skin toned races, and giving Void Elves a second visual theme of which wasn’t there’s to embody, being upset VEs can be Void and Non Void isn’t the same as a human skin toned race receiving diversity options, people being against the HE request isn’t on the same level of actual yikes stances / takes, but nice try.

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Wtf is starcursed hair? Also I already specified that the stripe is the only thing that’s different, you consider 1 stripe accross the face some amazing tattoo option that redefines void elves?

This is fanart, obviously it’s nicer than the pixels in game. I could post a pretty blood elf picture too.

But the blue eyes, blue skin and disheveled purple hair is something we have in game, will anyone actually disagree with me on this?


Don’t forget the implications of HEs returning home :hugs:

I guess those “Alliance” HEs numbers just keep dwindling, BEs are HEs, and we also have implications of HEs who never took the name BE returning, and I love that

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Honestly, I’ve seen both sides throw around the “You only want pale skinned blue eyed blonde skinny elves” more than I’ve seen anyone actually seriously request extra… that… elves.

For what it’s worth.


I love BEs too, and I also love HEs.

Glad were on the same page finally :hugs:

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Only one side repeatedly has yikes takes to the point it is a defining factor for peoples impressions of their community though.

Stuff like

This for example comes up a lot, thats not being said by antis and the one time I ever recall someone having a bad take like that who was in a thread and arguing against HE options almost every anti called them out on their pretty yikes take.

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