Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

I haven’t seen you post in awhile! Your forum avatar looks so cool Hella! Have you seen Fenelons collective list of Void stuff?

My phone logged me out and I’m stuck on Lannistealth instead of Lannisterian I feel like I’ll try to fix it later by logging in and out but not in the mood to do that atm.


I don’t hate on it. I’ll probably race-change my one BE pally (maybe it will change his luck with drops!), it just doesn’t make sense other than to pander to certain groups.

It’s a fantasy game and the colour is no different than the gender I choose – I’m not roleplaying anything. If I were, the only way it makes sense if my char was living Tanaris desert for the last twenty thousand years.

I’m one of a few that haven’t been triggered in this thread…

How about new options for the races that didn’t just get updated at the start of shadowlands

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That’s how Blizzard should do it but if they will who knows given they have said currently they aren’t doing anything new customization wise at all.

I am, that’s why some people are upset. You’re obviously getting confused here, so pick a number… 90% of what, 50, 100, 500k?

You haven’t given me any truth other than some rounded up number that tries to explain holes in the lore.

At this point, I’m not sure if you’re the “special” sort… This is a complete contradiction. If there is “nothing more” then no elves practiced fel magic. Not sure why this is such a sticking point for you: fel green… fel-crazed orcs were green, elves using fel magic had green eyes, elves in the proximity of fel magic had green eyes.

So strange that this is so upsetting for you. I’m not sure what point you’re even trying to make here.

They lost their violet hue, and turned dark brown… I’m guessing you didn’t take art class.

Thank you for finally agreeing with me. Wow, that took a long time!

I’m glad we can finally agree it’s nothing more than pandering. Let’s move on, shall we?

I feel as though we both have grown as persons!

This why this is a yikes take because to see other people getting options that they can identify with on a matter of diversity inclusion and being able to say “oh that’s pandering”. You do realize there’s only four new non white skin tones? There is 14 skin tones on BEs 1-10 are shades of white. Who is Blizzard pandering to and what is your point?


Thanks! I’ve changed things up a bit. :smile:

I have! Lots of really cool stuff suggested in there. I especially like the black eyes and the runic void tattoos. Hopefully we can eventually see customization like that get added to Void Elves.


How does adding new skin colors to be racially inclusive, pandering? Like what’s so immoral about adding diversity? It doesn’t negatively impact the overall lore, or game experience so why does it matter?


All high elves.

You misunderstanding is somehow both surprising and not at all.

I said they lost their violet hue.

It’s part of chronicle.

As blizzard has added the Skintones, some ended up more dark skinned some did not.

Nowhere does it say they were only pale skinned.

You’ve been using biology to try to explain it the entire time.

I do not agree with you.

It’s pretty clear your growth is currently stunted by your own hand.

Pretty sure at this point we all can see the reason they’re upset about it.


People want the game to feel more inclusive. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but the game has a lore aspect which has gone ignored, and logically ignored in achieving this.

According to one scientific theory, people in northern Europe were much more diverse than they are now, with our species having originated in Africa. Having said that, it took 7-8.5 thousand years for people to lose their skin colour.

What’s the timeline for the HE after getting exiled?

The issue I’m having is with the introduction of the VE and Blizzard painting themselves into a corner. So if there are a few thousand elves exiled (not sure if they have any actual numbers), and they live in a certain area with few (1%) venturing out amongst the dumb humans, how can we reasonably expect diversity?

IMO, Half-elves would have been a great idea to fix Blizzard’s problem with the portion of the playerbase wanting HE on the Alliance, and nobody would bat an eye if they came in every shade possible.

Instead we get a fraction of the 1% who become addicted to the Void and become VE, but there are apparently not enough HE to justify an AR.

So we’ll go with 125? So 112.5 HE died in Silvermoon (and all over Azeroth because that makes sense) and there are 1.25 HE. This latter group consisting of the remaining Windrunner sisters because your argument isn’t stupid enough yet.

And these 1.25 HE become VE. Now there are no more HE, but we can have a small village of VE… with magic! Not fel magic, of course because that would only get your panties in a bunch.

Yeah… that’s not how evolution of mutation works.

That’s because you’re wrong. You know this, of course because that’s why you’re so angry.

So angry!

posting this video again I apologize but it is a lore video that claims that pretty much over 90%of the High Elven race was slaughtered by Arthas and his scourge army. He doesn’t say just the High Elves of Quel’thalas he says the High Elven race. That means the entire race not just those in Quelthalas.


its also worth noting metzen saying “blood elves are OUR high elves”

meaning the blood elf fantasy IS the high elf fantasy

hoo boy imagine how great void elves could have been


That’s both amazing and depressing because those look great, really great, I might have mained one or at least made one like a second main equal to this character if they looked that great instead of like Blood Elf Wannabes or Blood Elf Lite.


I am increasingly concerned for you.

Where are you getting those numbers?

My number came from the game devs.

There you go again trying to use biology… for no reason at all… in a fantasy game… on a race that isn’t real…

I haven’t been wrong about any of the things I’ve said…

Everything I’ve said came from the devs or canon sources…

You seem to think I’m angry… I’m mostly disappointed and tired.

People like you stopped putting this ridiculous viewpoint out in the public like this months ago.

Oh, those are nice!

Where did you find that?


You didn’t give any numbers. You said 90%

90% of what? Pick a number to make your argument plausible.

So you admit there is no reason for the BE to vary in skin tones?

I’ve only just begun!

I don’t appreciate Blizzard’s half-hearted attempt here. They made a mistake giving us VE, might as well go all in now and give HE. Give us that 1.25 HE that are left to the player.

Easy enough to make a back story, and it would be far less silly than VE. And don’t get me started on that heritage armour!

Which would eliminate the possibility of varied skin tones.

I win!

90% of all high elves.

They just have them. For which the lore has nothing in it to say otherwise.

It never did.


Not exactly, I do believe that lore stated that when Kael’thas got news of the destruction of Quel’thalas he recalled all the Living High Elves to return to Quel’thalas and fight to reclaim it. So Many of the remaining 10% weren’t in Quel’thalas to begin with but scattered about. Some of that 10% were probably High Elves that managed to either flee or hide. Still the remaining 10% who 9% became blood elves would have been from Lordaeron, Dalaran, etc as well. Thus the skin tones would make sense, unless you are saying that the darker skin tones also make no sense for High Elves and Void Elves as well?

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I really like the jewelry the female is wearing, i hope we get something like this for VE.