Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Blood Elves are High Elves :hugs: glad you’re enjoying your Void Elf


What about LGTBYUXGEWAM hair? Are you a racist?

(above is just a cool picture)

its just taking the effects from this mount and applying it to void elf hair


I’m not entirely sure that person is a “pro” as much as the term applies.

My personal take is they’re someone taking a stick to a wasp nest, given the frequency of erroneous claims. Someone who cared about high elves or blood elves would know the lore.



They’ve been in other threads with the “Blizzard hates Alliance and VEs were an insult we deserve HEs!” takes that seems pretty “pro” to me considering now they are in this thread echoing the same things

Like you don’t get much more embodiment of a HE fan than

Someone bringing up “BEs only went Horde because Asia exists”


Oh really? I would like you to show me a screenshot of your so called horde high elf, or any npc referring to you as “high elf” or “quel’dorei”.

Until then we can establish that you’re factually incorrect. Capiche?


Do you think this is upholding the conversation in arguing in good faith?

It seems a bit hostile just from reading the tone but if I’m wrong I’d love for you to elaborate :hugs:

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she is a white supremacist

Honestly, I’m assuming Hoofhearted is about as genuine as the guy who started this thread or Alleriaria.

People with actual arguements care. People who just show up with occasional pot stirring… probably less so.


There, THAT looks like something we don’t have.

I too, would like eyeballs in my hair.


And that’s the sort of options you should receive moving forward.

Like softsong pointed out the other day I wouldn’t expect options that embody the main visual theme of BEs moving forward :hugs:


I have 2 void elves (I blame these threads for the doubling of my short elf population).

My warlock is as voidy as I can make him. My warrior is as high elfy as I can make her. I like the diversity.

I also have trolls for all the new skin tones, and dwarves. I don’t have Mag’har and regular orcs for all the tribes though… yet.

(Dragonmaw and Forest trolls when Blizz)


Except you don’t get to choose what I should receive based on your personal feelings.

I like brown hair, wouldn’t mind having eyeballs in it too though :wink:


Of course not but Blizzard does and has :hugs: you have Void blacks and blues to choose from for example I hope you enjoy

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I occasionally make this toon pale blue skinned when I’m feeling the more “deep frost” frost mage fantasy.

Otherwise I usually keep her with the fair skin and white eyes.

I honestly love the diversity void elves have, they’re gorgeous.

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And whenever Blizz decides that we all get more customizations, whenever they get to void elves (hopefully after races that need it more), we get some nifty, useful customizations and story for the Blueside short elves.


Cool, thanks I guess? :thinking:

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Persistent usually swaps between this, silver, or purple hair.

Sometimes purple eyes as well. I’m a barber shop addict.

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I like the Blondes, and Black (especially the natural hair toned Jet black) options seen on the visual fantasy that Blood Elves fulfill myself.

I’ve yet to use red though :hugs:

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Aelwis is pretty stable. I like his look.