Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

raises hand an opens mouth.

Lowers hand and closes mouth.

We’re not goblins. We’re normally fairly accurate… .though we’re gnomes so… sometimes it might end up on the other side of Azeroth…


People continue to rant about how Dark Skin High Elves ruins the lore.

They sadly won’t change as a good better person.


Actually Alleria didn’t do jack. Alleria ingame barely even had any screentime at all during BFA other than being on a Boat, Final Boss in Visions Run, and Hill in Durotar. If there is a Character who randomly shows up while the Windrunner Sisters are in the corner. It would be Sylvanas, and Tyrande, and other big 5 main characters.

Yeah, I’ve already said this. And Legolas was only buddy, buddy with Aragon. Elves disdain and distrust of humans is common to LotR and WoW.

Thank you for agreeing with me. :slight_smile:

I have been consistent, you’re just easily distracted and forgetful…

They called themselves blood elves after 90% of the city was slaughtered. Their eyes are green because they were using, or in close proximity to fel magic. When I say they, I mean the Silvermoon elves, not the small percentage of HE still out in the rest of Azeroth. Those have blue eyes.

My har is wite

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Is that from age, something genetic or marriage?

its of wite and ash. Life expereance made it that way.

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After some time away from the Well of Eternity, they became peach or pink like the humans. They were no longer immortal, but apparently lived long lives.

90% of all high elves were killed during Arthas’ attack on Quel’thalas.

The devs confirmed this.

Not 90% of the city.

90% of ALL high elves. Total. Entire.

Of the remaining 10%, 9% renamed themselves blood elves. 1% did not.

Get. It. Right.

Their eyes were green because of proximity. Nothing more.

The devs have confirmed that fel radiation alone changed their eye color. Nothing else.

Get. It. Right.

There is no canon source that states their skin tone.

The only information says they lost their violet hue.

Nothing more.

Get. It. Right.

Your headcanon is not real.


Calm down, princess. Are you sure it wasn’t 89.619%?

So why are you ignoring the Devs now? Many HE’s were using fel magic.

Get. It. Right.

This is a contradiction, if there is no stated lore on the subject, it’s up to interpretation.

ie logic. Do humans change colour over the course of, say, ten thousand years? Then perhaps it makes sense for BE to come in all colours.

Now it makes one wonder how they can change colours, but remain one of two shapes… The plot thickens!

Sorry this is upsetting you, maybe you need a nap?

Fenelon is giving the stance that echoes the devs words in Ask CDev Round 3 that the blood elves didn’t consume fel, and that their green eyes were caused by passive radiation from the fel magic used to rebuild Quel’Thalas.

And even by those standards you would be wrong, as being in constant state of spring / summer diversity options make more sense, but that isn’t here or there considering diversity per Blizzard was always seen to be in game.

Arguing against the diversity options isn’t “logic” it’s just you showing your hand on where you stand on this and it is honestly some pretty yikes takes, at one point one has to wonder why people get certain impressions from people requesting HE options whether on the forums or in other outlets when by and large if others requesting HE options don’t echo your statements they manage to be quiet as a mouse save for a few here and there sometimes but not always just depending on how bad who ever is speaking is making their side look depends if it warrants trying to save their image in the current convo.

I went back and quoted some of your comments / stances that are pretty suspect to me, do you have a reason for that?

Diversity has always been seen by Blizzard and simply not been reflected in game, there is nothing hard to understand about that.


So you will accept the truth or not?

Stop dodging, admit it’s 90% of all high elves.

Follow lore.

I am not ignoring devs. The eye color change was fel radiation and nothing more.

Nothing else was needed. Whether any elf practiced fel magic is unimportant.

Follow the lore.

No its not.

It’s not up to interpretation. The lore says nothing about their tones.

You’re making things up because you don’t want to accept something. You have no leg to stand on.

You’re trying to find an issue with something where there isn’t one.

No one changes color while still being alive.

The Thalassian elves did.

Real life biology doesn’t matter here.

Not to mention the amount of sunlight is only one factor in pigmentation in humans.

You have no idea what you’re taking about.

No it doesn’t.

They lost their purple hue and their stature shrunk. That is canon. Nothing else.

It’s not biology… Nothing works like that in humans. Plus they’re elves so it doesn’t work anyways.

Follow the lore. Get. It. Right.

Sorry you can’t accept the truth of the matter.

You need to think a lot harder about why you’re ignoring things to fit your one narrative that goes against what is there.


The blood elves that practiced fel magic (warlocks) did, the others where just change by proximity at most. Also note HE’s that retained the name was not exposed or used fel magic.

We have a Warlock High elf in dalaran


Wow, just wow at how much animosity over simple customization options, looks like a bunch of children fighting over who gets what and why the other people shouldn’t get same kind of enjoyment. Also, it’s Blizz game, and as much as we may not like it, they can do whatever they please, if they want to add natural hair colors to void elves, they will.


So far they haven’t so it’s on you or others on how to deal with visual distinction being upheld. As a BE fan seeing that you can already achieve 90% of the look I don’t think it’s necessary for you to achieve 100% of it do you?

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This is common sense, however Blizzard hasn’t and didn’t add natural hair colors for Void Elves so clearly there’s a reason they didn’t if you are going to feign having the high ground at least go all the way with it.

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Honestly I don’t care if they do or not, but the sheer amount of animosity I’m seeing over this is beyond me. Point is, it’s their game and they will do what they please, you and the others can argue for or against it all day, won’t make Blizz stop them from doing what they want to.