Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

That doesn’t change the arguement or adds to it. Everyone knows that BE’s where HE’s

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Created years later.

Who had been gone beyond the dark portal for years at that point…

Warcraft is not dnd or Lotr.

We are talking about wow. It’s lore.

Not anything else.

Dnd and lotr isn’t useful here.

Yes it is, unreasonable.

Lotr and wow have entirely different lore…

Dnd and lotr have entirely different lore…

Lotr and dnd are not applicable to a discussion on wows lore.

Especially since wow goes out of its way to do their races differently than previous interactions on those races.

Umbric was though so…

Not me.

Don’t remember who though. I’ve seen it a few times…


A lot of stupid happened in the War of Thorns storyline.

One of those stupid things was that a blood elf named Lorash, who is never described as aged, remembers getting kicked out with the group that summoned the arcane storm in Ashenvale… which was not long after the War of the Ancients.

Which would also mean Lorash was presumably born 3 feet higher and purple.

Elves are weird, man.

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You see why I want Alleria out of the picture, right?

Umbric… the poor guy’s in a corner all curled up and ignored and he will continue to be there as long as Alleria keeps on hogging the spotlight.


That is weird considering HE’s/BE’s are not immortal.

She’s right though. Lorash is supposed to be pretty ancient.

But also it’s not so weird that he looked the way he did by the time we’ve met him. Eeves, I mean, elven evolution, doesn’t work the same way it does for humans.


They need to give him the gandalf treatment with the beard and all… and maybe some get off my lawn jokes.

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The should have done the same with Voren’thal, the leader of the Scryers. But Blizz apparently doesn’t like giving decent beards to them… unless it’s some background character in an obscure manga >.>


World of warcraft;

Rule number 400302: No wizened looks alowed, everyone must look young and good or butt ugly!

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At least Male humans now have 2 actually handsome faces.

Customization updates brought us that much.

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The human potential still has giant hands :stuck_out_tongue:

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No they don’t.

They have “fugly middle aged man” and “Younger looking, but still really middle aged man” looks.

And no wrists or necks.

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They also lack the unlimited power of dreanei pecks! /flex!

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Excuse me, I want a cold beer, where’s the handle Mr. Fridge?



Sorry wrong machine, I can give you a good tan though! :stuck_out_tongue:


I hear someone needs the services of a Mechagnome?

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Only if your a mecha gnome mage, they can keep the beer frosty.


I made ice cream all on my own yesterday.

We got the workings for it no matter the class!


I totally have a really good comment to this but I know it would get me into trouble so I erased it. Lol. :wink: :wink: :wink:


You sure? I hear non-mage mecha gnomes tends to over heat and vaporate the beer in seconds.