Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Amazon is producing a LotR show, but some unknown Asian actor is all upset that there are no Asian elves because the elves in Tolkien’s world are how I describe the BE.

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Without knowing anything about Tolkien the fact you’ve been continuously wrong about BEs you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t take your word about Tolkien without looking into it myself.

That aside I’d like to point out Warcraft isn’t Tolkien so what is your point?


You mean the ones in dal that got wiped out? Are you talking about the few that remained with the alliance? If so reminder that plenty of those were smack dab right in the middle of Arthas’s sights as well, some even worked with the scarlet crusade or followed jaina to theramoore because they were in the middle of all of it. They were still heavily affected by the scourge. And there were plenty of groups of HE’s that were IN SILVERMOON before they departed from the blood elf faction. They left because they didn’t want to drain the arcane out of things to put it simply.

This is why it was 90% of all high elves and not just silvermoon. Because the “high elves” that were with the alliance at the time were either in dalaran which got sacked or some other city which probably got sacked too. It’s also pretty insane that you think you know better than someone who’s job at blizz is literally to make sure things added to the lore are historically accurate lorewise.

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In. A. Heartbeat.



You think Warcraft preceded Tolkien?

Silver Covenant, for one.

And you realize the leader of the VE was a HE, right? You know she has a sister, not a VE or BE…

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This is not Tolkien

There is a LOTRO if you’re interested in Tolkien.


You mean the faction that was made years after the Third War? Oh yea that totally adds up lol. They exist but high elves were wiped out over all over the eastern kingdoms.

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Warcraft gets a lot of it’s terminology from D&D, which would not have existed without Tolkien. IMO.

If you ever watch any of the LotR films, remind yourself that those elves are not BE. And Gimli is not from IF. And Legolas is not in marksman spec. And the orcs are not the good guys. And I could go on, and on…

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And if you play WoW, you should remind yourself that blood elves are not Legolas nor all buddy buddy with humans.

Because, shocker, even if someone takes inspiration out of something, if it followed every single same convention, it would be a copy.

If you want a copy of Lotr, might as well play LortO.



I’m fully capable of recognizing franchises are different tyvm. I don’t have that problem thankfully as I don’t think it’s fair to the franchise you’re judging.

None of this by the way excuses or explains why you have continually pushed rhetoric which isn’t applicable in Warcrafts setting let alone for you to use as a basis for arguing against diversity existing in this universe.


There is no lore for this. They are few and far between. Not enough to justify an AR apparently.

What’s the lifespan of the HE? I can’t find anything on this.

Apperantly anywhere between “old after a few hundred years” to “same as night elves, lol”.

This is Blizzard we’re talking about, after all.

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Umbric was a blood elf.

Alleria isn’t the true leader of the void elves, and even if she was, how she got her powers is entirely different then how the VE group did.


Okay, but if one race is obviously based on another source, it’s not unreasonable to compare the two. For example, the BE live in a secluded area in the northern hemisphere.

But before he was a BE, he was a HE. Not every elf chose to become a BE, named in respect to the elves killed by Arthas.

So then they don’t care for the dead and so they should be put to death, Fen said that once I think or maybe Midare either way no one likes people that don’t respect the dead so.

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One source said they not received their immortality from the World Tree. The first king’s irst successor lasted for about 2800 years. I don’t know how he died because that would require more reading on a subject that seems trivial…

So which is it, they “turned” into BEs because of the fel, or they chose to?

Can you at least remain consistent with your headcanon?


Diversity was always there.

That is Blizzards stance, Eurocentric skin tones don’t need an “excuse” to exist and neither do diverse ones.