Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

As long as it uses our current options it would.

While we can look close to near identical, there is always void in our looks at this time. Which is a plus.

Even mine has the tinge of teal in the hair. (Plus I really like these no sclera purple eyes)

I agree.

Its just my hope that they shore up that lore incongruity with the NPC scene I mentioned a bit earlier.

I also agree with this, however, I don’t trust Blizzard not to go back on it.

We have 2 characters in lore that has children with humans. It is not a far stretch that more did so, espaiciallt what with elisande mentioned in legion about HE’s


Oh yes, how honest they were about adding more customizations throughout this xpac or it not being a never ending grindfest, Vulpera not becoming playable and those three were right off the top of my head, if I sat here and thought about it I could make a whole list. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Yeah I’m still taking my break for other games, I tried coming back and catching up on renown and story and just gave up it wasn’t fun for me and thats okay

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I totally feel you there, I’m to the point all I really do is level my alts then do renown stuff by the week after finishing the campaign questline and a battleground here and there as I upgrade my gear but that’s pretty much it because I don’t personally love this xpac.

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I have no answer for this. My bad.

Blizzard is either lenient, or incredibly stubborn. Considering that “hair” was already emphasized as an important distinction from Void elves, I imagine it’s significance is even greater now that both races share the same skin colors.

I feel like whenever anyone says the word “High elf” around Blizzard, all the employees just look at each other like they just heard a “bad word” They seem perfectly content pretending it’s not there, if not just to avoid the controversy that surrounds it. Which incidentally, is exactly what it took for them to even consider adding those options at all. I feel like they’re going to avoid adding anything to upset either side from this point on, though.


Yes, I’ve said this – about the HE. But we’re discussing the BE, a recently decimated population of elves that now live in Silvermoon City.

This is where people are getting confused, and this is Blizzard’s fault which was only made worse with the erroneous addition of the VE.

Basically three groups of elves: NE, BE and HE. Most of the BE were formerly HE, but died at the hands of Arthas. There are small groups of HE around (Silver Covenent, etc.). After Arthas killed 90% of the SIlvermoon elves, they ran off to Outland something, something.

I don’t know about the BE’s relationship with the NE, but I know they look down on the HE not associated with SIlvermoon. NE keep their colouring because of the tree, or something.

BE’s have green eyes because of fel magic. They live in the northern part of the continent and would have almost zero diversity unless they found a whole new group of elves to join them. Which don’t exist because the Alliance cannot get any elves to join them, other than VE, which are dumb…

NE are all over the continent, so colour variations are expected, and necessary.

I realize that it’s a fantasy game, but a little logic isn’t a bad thing. Without it, a silly story becomes stupid.

Nothing you’re bringing up is relevant when Blizzard has already stated the diverse options reflect long over due additions of how they’ve always seen their world.

Blood Elves have always been diverse. Period. Adding the options changes nothing on how BEs have existed.

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Same population.

90% of ALL high elves were killed by Arthas at Quel’thalas.

9% of the survivors renamed themselves to Blood Elves. 1% kept the name High Elf.

Night Elves tend to actually look down on most races, but yes they do look down upon Thalassian elves.

Their color is not canonly retained due to the tree as far as I can find.

However it should be noted that chronicle suggests that the highborne who went to the EK did lose their purple hue. It does not state if this was because of distance from the Nordrassil or the new well of eternity or not.

Given that Night Elves to this day do not suffer such changes I’m inclined to think otherwise. Further the Highborne who set forth from Kalimdor to the EK took with them a phial of the wells waters and used it to create the Sunwell.

Suppose it should be noted that the three other groups of Highborne who remained as elves that we know about, the Shen’dralar, Moon Guard and the Shal’dorei, also did not suffer this change of skintone.

Fel radiation. Nothing more.

Its also dissipating due to the renewed Sunwell.

They always had them. They just weren’t in game.

Stop looking for some explanation. There has never been a need for one.

Logic says they were always there.

You’re letting your bias cloud your judgement. A small part of the population doesn’t just change their skin colour. Unless it’s magic…

In which case I accept this, or the other alternatives someone else kindly added that would make sense.

But “okay, you can be black now!” isn’t an acceptable explanation from Devs.

I’m sorry, it’s out of the current topic (imo, that’s a good thing)… but I find this incredibly ironic coming from someone in favor of diluting Void Elves.


Pretty sure you’re pulling these numbers from your backside. It was 90% of Silvermoon city, not Azeroth.

Try to imagine the world beyond the limited scope of 2004 technology.

I came across a reddit thread once where someone went into great detail the actual realistic populations of Stormwind, etc. It was more than the twenty NPCs hanging around the AH.

That’s what I found too. But it would make sense if those further down the continent had variations of colour related to the amount of sun they got, etc.

" Corruption from fel energies takes a long time to wear off. It’s why most orcs are still green even though Mannoroth is dead. –

Logic says you do not even have a basic understanding of humans skin colour evolution.

I’d show you the exact tweet from Sean Copeland that says it was 90% of the High Elf And Blood elf population and not just Silvermoon but his twitter account is suspended lol.

Chronicle and devs…

You’re pulling things from your backside.

This amounts to “a guy said it once over the internet” argument.


Otherwise other highborne would have been similarly affected.

We have nothing saying the exact reason for the change in hue or stature, and there is nothing to indicate that they did not have the full range of skintones.

Retcon (as of cata) or not the new skintones need absolutely no explanation.

It’s stated by the devs to be fel radiation.

It’s only effect was to change their eyes to green.

It was also stated by devs that blue eyes would return.

I’m very aware. You appear to be unable to listen to anything though…


No, u r!

My point, was that it was an interesting way to look at the world of Azeroth. As though it was based in reality. So how big would the city of Silvermoon be? To you, it has about 30 NPCs, and Arthas killed 270…

So explain how a race that doesn’t get around much, and lives in the northern hemisphere would have such diversity? Humans didn’t change colour with a patch…

Are you that guy who is mad at Amazon because there are no Asian elves in LotR?

Well then he knows even less about the lore than I do. The HE’s that survived Arthas
resided in Silvermoon, and became known as BE. It wasn’t HE and BE in Silvermoon. They became BE after the assault.

There were a group of distinctly different HE that the BE looked down upon.-- according to a Warcraft book you’ll probably make me Google…

Just a reminder to players who don’t know this, but dalaran was sacked by both arthas and archemonde before silvermoon was sacked, making the HE population there quiestionable at best.


For crying out loud.

Dark Skinned High Elves have been cannon for a while now.

Can we move on from this?


They’re elves… In a fantasy world.

Elves that primarily change due to magic not environmental pressures.

There isn’t any lore saying they had only one skin tone after they changed.

Wait… Back up…

What does this even mean and what does it have to do with anything else? Lol

Please. Yes.

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