Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

They’re described as not necessarily recruiting, and that they’re still welcoming people with similar interests.


We have no examples of them actually recruiting anyone, hindering your argument on their use of “necessarily” isn’t making your stance on this compelling.


Except you can actively see more entering through a portal to join them. You don’t need to see them go out and put up posters. Again, they’re directly stated to be welcoming in those with similar interests, which is similar to recruiting just without the primary group putting in work but instead allowing others to seek them out instead.


You’re describing RP tools but nothing concrete past that

Except none of these elves are called “void elves” and are deliberately titled “Blood elf” and “High elf” for this very reason. As of now we have no examples of any elf being recruited by the Void elves, or what sort of process it would even involve.

If this wasn’t the case, Blizzard would have demonstrated their presence in the same way they demonstrated the Blue eyes, and skin colors for the Blood elves.

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I should be clear. I have no issue with dye being added as a way to open up all hair colors to everyone.

But not if it’s just for one or two races.

Hair dye is an all or nothing scenario.


And to add, we don’t yet have any lore to explain the Skintones for void elves beyond the devs saying they wanted RP options for everyone.

I do wish we did in the case of void elves since it would explain how we get new members too.

But it did in the case of void elves.

We are hamstrung due to it not being explained.

This is what they meant when they pointed out that the Skintones don’t fly in the face of any blood elf lore.

They do in the face of void elf lore at present.

It’s frustrating.

Two things on that.

One they were absorbing latent magic from those things not entirely making them part of their being. (though it appears it was affecting them some).

Two, Void Elves were literally changed by the process. Their blood even changed color.


Thank you.

Odd the scholars don’t do that. Though they may just be rarer given the Rift is stuck in bfa timeline.

What Lore says below you.

They were stated to be not necessarily recruiting but not pushing anyone away.

Some are just coming to see what’s up.

Lore at this time is taking about what a dev said.

Though we don’t have confirmation that those who have come have become void elves.


I agree with Softsongs points, she kind of answered why what Lore was saying doesn’t add any concrete evidence.

It’s why I said Lore was describing why RP tools make sense but nothing past that.

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I agree and that’s why I said earlier that it wouldn’t just be something they added for Void Elves only because it would be unfair to all the other playable races, I really don’t know why the Gnome keeps using that as a way to try and justify having it for Void Elves and extending hair colors for Void Elves only.

I never once said I wanted it for Void Elves only.
All hair styles and hair colors should be available for everyone.
Within reason of course, I don’t see a gnome having the pandaren female ponytail with chop sticks in it for example.
Just because I never said it doesn’t mean I don’t support it.


I think even if hair dye existing for other races was a thing in the context of VEs/BEs and the stand point of visual distinction VEs shouldn’t have access to natural hair colors.

No other races have the situation / context BEs/VEs do with the same model and then allowing VEs almost two visual themes one of which is the BE main theme wouldn’t be right.

But in terms of other races I feel like that same situation doesn’t exist so with other races I do agree with you on hair dye situation.

Blizzard can always on the grounds of visual distinction keep VEs from being able to fully look like a BE while still awarding other races more selection of colors.

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I think Softsong and I agree though the exact wording is different.

I don’t think that the wayfarers or scholars are concrete evidence to support the new skintones, for void elves, as we do not have anything to suggest they’re making new void elves of them at this time.

Though they could be in the process, without something to actively tell us that, its just an assumption.

That said, I agree with Lore that they are “recruiting” those who come to them. Not actively seeking out others at this time.

I just don’t think those recruited in that way have yet been proven to be a new generation of Void Elves in canon.

He hasn’t used it specifically like that.

Hes pointed out several times that Dye is likely a thing and that its plausible to make the claim.

My contention is that while hes correct in that dye definitely exists I do not think its plausible at this time to make the claim.

For the record I always thought you meant it this way.

Though there are some Helf-Pros I think do mean it as a means to an end for specifically their void elves turned into high elves concepts.

On this topic I have never doubted your reasoning. Just whether or not the argument was valid in current wow.

This is still a concern in that case yes.

It wouldn’t fix the issue for Belf-pros.

I can accept your point of view, more so due to the fact I feel how I do about Nightborne and they don’t share anything with Night Elves, not that I would be the one making final decisions if hair dying did become a thing in WoW but I can accept why you would feel that way and I’m not going to knock you for feeling that way given they are almost a complete copy of us as it is already.


Which is why if people do want concrete future story with having them recruit, it should be done in a way that actively shows some aspects of new recruits having Void effects (like the hair) it would seal the visual uniqueness argument Blizzard themselves has always valued anyways while giving story that people apparently would like elaborated on. It just wouldn’t give them the hair options they seek that they arguably shouldn’t have as its a further infringement on the BE visual theme.


I’ve mentioned before but there are so many different threads I can’t remember which one I posted it in…


I would like the see an npc scenario where we see wayfarers and scholars undertake some ritual to infuse the void into themselves turning them into Void elves before our eyes.

At the end of the ritual they all have changed to reflect the current customization options available to void elves at random. Effectively saying that all current options are canon and that they are void elves. As well as answering how we’re getting more of our kind.

(Any new options down the line would also hopefully be added. I’d prefer more void themed ones before helf ones though.)


To clarify, I do think Void elves are recruiting, but I don’t think any of the High elves or Blood elves hanging out in the rift are examples of fair skinned Void elves. Every existing Void elf at this point in time has void skin, and hair unless the recruitment process implies differently.


That is my understanding as well. :smiley:

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And this I support, it would solidify what I am worried about which is further infringements on the BE visual theme happening, while giving HE fans story they have always professed to care about, what happened to all the HE fans who “would just love VEs if only they had come from former Alliance HEs” is that really the case or would this not be satisfactory for them because in truth they never cared about where they got the ability to be a BE on Alliance from it was always about appearance? We would have to watch and see in that case.


Like before I suspect we’ll see a mix.

Some will finally be ok.

Some will not.

I know a few I trust were using that claim for real, and I know a few I think were just using it as a means to an end.

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So long as any would be recruitment scenario shows new recruits with some aspect of the Void which will be a positive for people who value visual distinction because they can simultaneously seal that conversation with a bow in terms for why new recruits don’t have the visual theme of BEs.


I do feel like the ship has sailed in regards to the “Fair” skin customization for Void elves, and that it is only a matter of time before Blizzard touches up on it, and possibly gives us some canonical examples of them within the game.

But I believe the decision to leave out natural hair colors and blood elf hair styles was deliberate, and I wouldn’t hold out much hope for them in the future.