Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

So Pandarins, sure. Ppl be okay with literal walking talking stuffed animals, that can be both Alliance and Horde, but Void elves with brown hair? BLONDE HAIR?! BLASPHEMOUS. lol, I can’t even. I’m so confused. :joy_cat:

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My lore could be wrong here. But didn’t High Elves keep Quel’thalas in a never ending season of spring/summer? I know they didn’t worship the sun but the did revere it. If this is true it means they spent a few thousand years sun bathing in Quel’thalas. It isn’t like they were a bunch of cave dwellers rubbing sticks together to create fire in the arctic tundra.


I wish I could find a class I truly identifed with to main on retail, I’d love to have a void elf character. I’d give blood elf a go but not until cross faction account mailing becomes a thing since all my gold is on alliance.

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Awe yes the race that was intended neutral and is working as intended.

What is your point?

Blood Elves are not a neutral race and a Horde core race if you’d like to play one they are Horde.


Dude. Wrong fight.

Bring that up after the bigotry is over not during.

They did.

But it also doesn’t matter.

We don’t know the mechanisms of elvish pigmentation.

Blood elves/high elves with dark skin were established as early as cata.

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Yes, so by any logic, pale skinned elves make less sense, but don’t tell that to people here or they’ll lose their minds because anything darker than white ‘isn’t correct lorewise’ for no reason other than their own bias. It’s a tired argument that honestly needs to drop.

“Waaah my elves actually have options now and can utilize a variety of natural skin colors!”

Give me a break. Give me a break. Anyone with that argument is a variety of words I can’t say here on the forums, but I’ll make it clear that it’s one of the many reasons why I absolutely can’t stand these people. (and I’m sure I’m not even close to alone there.)


Oh, relax Goldilocks, I’m not gonna debate you on this. Imagine being threatened by hair dye. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:


Softsong has such good replies on this “oh it’s just hair dye” thing I’m just going to quote what was said a few days ago.

But the point remains visual distinction is left on hair colors because of sharing that’s already happened so yes if you want a natural hair toned Elf the Horde is waiting for you.

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Hair dye doesn’t exist in game at this time.

Blizzard has routinely kept many races hair colors unique.

We only get allotted what we get per race.

As such hair color being the only primary visual difference between void and blood elves means hair color is important. To both sides.


It may not exist in the game as an item, but it does exist in the lore. It’s stated that Tyrande has used hair dye to change her hair color a few times, and it’s implied when utilizing the barber shop that they use it too. It’d also implied to be what pandaren use for their highlights, or whatever you call it.


No one refutes that it exists…

It’s a silly notion to claim it doesn’t.

It would be implied if we had access to colored hair across the board.

At current blizzard only allots to each race specific colors.

They’re a racial customization not a mundane dye one.

That separation makes the dye argument a poor one to make.

You’d be on to something if blizzard let us make our hair, let’s say pink, purple, and rocket blue, on any toon but they currently don’t.

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Which is why my dream of pink hair for all races seems so unlikely but maybe one day that will change. I don’t see them just lifting the hair color restrictions for only Void Elves because not only would Blood Elf players get mad so would every other races players because they wouldn’t get universal hair colors either so it would be unfair to every other player race in game.


Except in the case of the Void elves, their appearance does have lore, or else we’d be seeing Blood elves and High elves running around with tentacles in their hair. There is a reason, and lore behind Void elves appearing the way they do, both from a lore perspective, and a gameplay perspective.


Not really, because not all of the void elf hair styles have tentacles. And as I’ve brought up, both Demon hunters and death Knights which both have been infused with hefty amounts of their cosmic force each have the ability to look like a normal version of themselves minus the eyes because energy infusion doesn’t always change things.

But all VE hairstyles do only have access to VE hair colors as intended.

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Even in Outland there were blood elves consuming void creatures which has no effect on their body.

And yet this isn’t the story of VEs and how they almost turned into Ethereals.

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Not the point, the point is the appearance of their hair is directly connected to the lore, and process of which they have been transformed. It’s not like they’re just normal thalassian elves that weren’t given other natural hair colors, they are “Void” elves who’ve been physically changed by the void. Some visual element must be present to maintain this thematic.

The point is that the appearance of the Void elf hair has clear lore precedent, it’s not some archaic oversight from 10 years ago. In addition they were clearly trying to retain the visual theme of the Blood elves, if that wasn’t the case they would have just added it when they gave Void elves the Fair skin customization.


If you stand around Telogrus near the portal long enough, you will see High Elf Wayfarers arriving through the portal from Stormwind. They stop and salute Alleria before continuing on to join the group listening to Locus Walker.

There doesn’t seem to be any indication of when/how the Silvermoon Scholars arrive though.


They are still described by Blizzard as not recruiting. I wonder why that was never elaborated on.

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