Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Orcs ain’t got nothing on meh! /flexes harder then that orc.

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It does if the Lore includes a xenophobic race that chose to remain secluded until they needed allies.

It would make sense for the HE, but not the BE. The BE were the HE that were left in the city, about 10% remained. There were other HE scattered around Azeroth in small numbers, some allied with the humans, etc. These are not BE.

If anyone is upset by this retcon, you need to remember that Blizzard has done way way bigger retcons then this and everything was fine. The most noted being the Me’dan retcon, retcons that are good for the game in the longterm are fine, or does anyone want mary sues in the game?

I might consider race changing characters to Half Elf’s if they looked something like this.
or this

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The thing is the retcon implies that black elves were always a thing, it’s not some new, divergent racial that has come into play in recent times. A lore precedent is not needed for a retcon that doesn’t conflict with pre-existing lore.


So if I thought my dwarf should suddenly grow wings because I can’t a mount, that would make sense to you?

What if I was Jewish, would it be okay for me to demand my dwarf get a yamaka customization option? If you say no, it’s because you’re racist since apparently we’re ignoring lore and common sense right now.

Half elves make far more sense than VE. Have they given any reasons for omitting a plausible AR?

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You presume they didn’t start with them.

Nothing in the lore says anywhere that their tones were pale.

They’ve always had them.

No reason not to request one.

Actually that’d be a neat thing to get for the game…

You’re ignoring lore and ignoring common sense.

I’ll use small words here… This people not like other people, this people stay with own people. This people no live near part of earth with lots of sun. This people would be pale.

Yes, and we could put a synagogue in IF. And no raids on the Sabbath!

Do you know what a retcon is my dear?


Yes Please something that don’t look like a Ren’dorei hasn’t took a bath in 6 months. Think the greaser look went out in the 50s.


In this case, it’s butchering the lore to appease the woke crowd.

Same people who are trying to make Anduin gay, because we’re not talking about lore or continuity, we want inclusion for a small, but very vocal fraction of the playerbase…

Edit: Over 90% of the BE’s were killed by Arthas in Silvermoon. Not sure why you’re thinking that it’s this huge group of diversity.


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I always get confused for a moment every time I see someone use “lore” with a capital ‘L’.
I’m just vibing.

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ah yes butchered totally destroyed :joy: it’s skin tones they didn’t resurrect arthas from the dead lol.


This doesn’t reflect well on you…

Why would you respond like this?

That don’t make no sense.

Since the actual religion doesn’t exist in game that’s likely unneeded.

But I’m sure there are Jewish players who would love the helm appearance option.

Can you show how?

Where is anything butchered?

How does it change anything about them?

Technically that’s 90% of all high elves.

Of that remaining ten percent 9% would change their name to blood elf and 1% would remain high elves by name.


Considering that skin color has no significant lore within their history as elves, it’s not really butchering anything. It’s like giving someone blue eyes instead of green - not a big deal, and certainly not a reason to complain, especially when it involves being inclusive and allowing people of all races and skin colors to feel represented within the game.


If you people could actually learn basic biology, that would be great. If we get down to the basics, someone in the sun on a regular and constant basis, like forever-spring, for example, would have fairly dark skin. The shade of one’s skin isn’t due to “Remaining with one people” (honestly who even believes that nonsense), and on top of that… everything you said is incorrect lorewise anyway. :roll_eyes: Not every single elf on the planet is going to refuse to explore, they weren’t in some bubble and unable to ever leave. They’re people with free will. So yes, some would be viable to actually travel.

You people wonder why your community is hated and this is one of the prime examples. :slight_smile:

Not only do you ignore basic science, but you spout nonsense to try and justify your bigotry. It’s tiresome.

Edit: Also “lesser races” nonsense, give me a bloody break, gods this attitude is so disgusting. Going back through what was said, you even acknowledge the fact that the sun has sway on skin tones, so at this point you’re just blatantly obvious with your nonsense.

The fact that adding skin tones is such a horrible thing to you says everything. Wherever there is fair skin, there’s going to be different shades, regardless of your bigotry. Unless the creature is cave dwelling, which elves are not, then bloody sit down. Even in that scenario, there could be different shades.

The world you people live in is so incredibly boring and bland, I’d feel sorry for you, but then again I’d actually have to care about what you have to say.


Just going to drop in and say that just like skin colors, hair also has no significant lore and sharing them doesn’t really butcher anything either. I can’t remember who said it since my memory is short, but giving void elves normal hair doesn’t make them less void elf since they would still have their racials (like entropic embrace which was clearly designed to mimic what alleria does).