Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Yes, I’ve said this several times in another thread. Or possibly this one…

Yeah, it’s a fantasy game with bows and arrows and space ships, but do we have to ignore all rational thought to mark off a checklist to appease RL groups who like to complain?

Oh for God’s sake someone is mad that blood elves have black skin tones again?


We all know what happens if they give those hair colors to void elves. We already saw it when they added those skin tones. We are 2 steps away from people asking : “hey might as well change the name to high elves.”


I’m not mad, it’s just dumb because it makes no sense.

If I’m making a game based on African tribes in 500 AD, I’m not including white trans people just to appease a group of morons. It doesn’t make sense for a secluded race to suddenly start developing skin tones, something that would take hundreds of thousands of years.

I always assumed two things with the newer skin tones. First didn’t Ion claim that they have always been canon just weren’t in the game. Second they can be from the Elves returning through the Dark portal from outlands and returning to Quel’thalas. Or perhaps the new light from the Sunwell allows them to tan up quite nicely. Oh wait that is three things.

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I’m already at that step, which is why I think VE were a mistake.

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You think diversity options are dumb and make no sense?

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This is actually better writing than a lot from Blizzard of late…

Pretty sure the blood elves had different skin tones they just weren’t in the game my guy. See how some of the blood elves skin color was changed once we got the options.

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You know that diversity doesn’t just happen, right?

Do you honestly believe that if every race just stayed to themselves over the last ten thousand years, that we would be as diverse as we are now? Seriously?

The Eurocentric options needed no reason to exist and neither do the diversity options and that is echoed by Blizzards own stance on their own world.

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LOL, why on earth do Blood elves and Void elves need to remain distinct? Y’ALL DON’T INTERRACT. You’re on different sides!!! WHO CARES. :flushed:


Why is this so complicated… Do you think Native Americans would be black, white, etc. if Europeans didn’t come across the pond?

I don’t think Void Elves were a mistake. I think the mistake was giving High Elf options to Void Elves. Blizzard should of just given the High Elf Model a facelift and given Alliance High Elves. Then Void Elves would still be Void Elves, Blood Elves wouldn’t have lost 90% of their theme and the Alliance would have a race called High Elves.


I’ve had a lengthy discussion on this topic with some ignoramus in this thread and another. Apparently, according to him, you can only be VE or BE, and there have always only been VE and BE.

2 + 2 = 5…

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There isn’t anything irrational about it.

We didn’t have the Skintones before because they weren’t in the game.

The races that got them have always had them. They were just not playable.

Heck the first dark skinned thalassian elf was back in a cata book.

He did.

They just always existed.

Whether it’s a retcon or not. (also they’ve been a thing since cata at least. just not playable)

Not earth dude.

You know nothing of any of these races skintones.


In video games it can- the new skin colors were clearly a retcon to make the game more inclusive, and welcoming to players of all races, and skin tones. Having tanner, to black skin as a blood elf doesn’t conflict with any aspect of the lore, so it really isn’t that big of an issue. Keeping them exclusively “fair” is likely a result of the “times” when the game was originally created, where “diversity” wasn’t really significant to movies and games in the same way it is now.

The only problem with “diversity” is when it has a pre-existing context within the world of the game. If “dark skinned” elves already existed, had their own society, and beliefs, Blizzard would have a harder time implementing them because they would need to reckon with the implications it has on the story.


I stand by what I said other day they should have been the pale Night Elf model like they were in Vanilla WoW before they made the model and customizations they made for Blood Elves AKA us. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I was always a fan of the half elf that was kinda a lankier human model with elvish looking heads.

And shorter ears of course.


I’d accept this as well better than Alliance having a model that was made for Horde given we got a tweaked model in return instead of an actual copy with awful and I say awful strongly customization options and males of the race that basically no one wants to play.