Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

m8 draenei are bringing knives to a GUN show.


Yes, the Lore is that they’ve been in close proximity, or have used, fel magic. Same with green Orcs. After a few generations they will go back to the same colour(s). According to the Devs.

Come to the Light…

Yeah, I’ll try and find it again. I posted it in another relevant thread (I think). It was from the Guardian Newspaper, an interview with the BLizzard CEO in 2008.


Not true. We all want Tuskarr. For the Alliance.


I thought it was weird they gave BE a black-skinned model. If they’ve been holed up in their city for centuries, they’re not going to develop new skin tones.

This should’ve been given to the HE…

:grimacing: another HE fan upset about BE diversity I see

Blood Elves have the natural generic Elf theme.

It’s weird didn’t you claim you were new to the convo yet you continually show you aren’t shocking I must say, but you feel HEs had entitlement to diversity but BEs wouldn’t? Blood Elves are High Elves. You were never getting the far and few between Alliance Affiliated ones that fantasy and continuation of story is fulfilled by Blood Elves.

Diversity doesn’t need a lore reason to exist on human skin toned races which Blood Elves are and have always fulfilled the generic human skin toned Elf fantasy.


Nothing. At all.

Anywhere that is canon.

Ever said they did not have these skin tones.

I’ve tracked down ever lead anyone has ever given me. Only one source ever said anything about their tones being specifically pale. It was the non-canon RPG.

This… is your proof of this?

This is what they say in the interview.

How do you solve the current numerical superiority that the Alliance have over the Horde?
A lot of people think that we introduced Blood Elves to offer the choice of an “attractive” race for the Horde. But there is a lot of backstory and lore that is the main reason for the new races. But having Blood Elves as a Horde race does have value, particularly in Asia where players tend to play more attractive characters. And there are more Alliance players in Asia so this should help the imbalance there. Also, it’s not widely known but all of us at Blizzard play as Horde characters.”

They literally point out they’re not adding for that reason in that fist and second line… but they admit that they probably will attract more from that market to Horde…

This… is not the best proof of your claim.


honestly if they are going to blame anything for Alliance not getting their precious High Elves. They should blame the person who drew that first Night Elf. That picture that lead Blizzard to decide that Alliance was getting Night Elves and High Elves were getting a face lift and heading to the Horde. I mean in the 2005 Blizzcon Lore panal they talk about how they were going to have to give High Elves a facelift. That Facelift was turning them into the Blood Elves and giving them to the Horde.

Sadly they didn’t stay as awesome as they were back during the day. :sob:

Also on another note. It still boggles my mind that when cut off from the well of eternity we shrunk and started becoming Human instead of reverting back into dark trolls.


I’m a fan of the dwarves, sir!

I didn’t really care until they introduced VE. Now the arguments for VE, and against HE for the Alliance, are idiotic. Objectively speaking.

Not according to the lore. It was a different group that became mana-obssessed and secluded. The HE are (apparently) too low in number to qualify for an AR. Even though, realistically, they would number more than the LFD or the VE, possibly even the MG.

Just because you see a darker skinned person in the UK, doesn’t mean they’ve always been there… Unless you’re suggesting some HE were living in warmer climates for a couple millennia and decided to move to Silvermoon City to get a mana addiction?


It’s more of a Tolkienesque view I think, that elves are more xenophobic than the other races. As humans, we’re not opposed to mingling with other races – unless you like in places like Kentucky or Alberta…

It was a marketing decision. Or are you seriously suggesting that multimedia companies don’t want anything to do with the Asian market?

I don’t play Alliance like play it so how I would I know what that side wants outside of a 100% Blood Elf copy only on the blue team.

This isn’t Tolkien.

And literally what? Are you saying you consider diverse skin tones to be “other races” you shouldn’t be mingling with? Because there’s not much else to this statement considering if diversity was always there the diversity we see from BEs would there for come from the diversity of BEs a human skin toned race.

Blizzard has stated these diversity options on humans were something that was long over due and how they always saw the game the world just didn’t reflect it, the fact they gave the options to all human skin toned races makes sense off that basis.

The fact they gave the options to VEs effectively opening up a second visual theme is it’s own topic.

It was a lore decision with a marketing bonus. Unless you are suggesting that Blizzard knew back during Warcraft three reign of chaos, that they was going to be an Asian market in need of a pretty race years down the road. Because it was during reign of Chaos that the Night Elves were introduced and Blizzard decided they wanted to do something completely different with the High Elves. So the decision was made before Asai and it’s like for pretty races was even in the picture. So yeah it was a bonus that it would help to balance asian servers not the reason.


Thank you I love that you pointed this out, I was gonna touch on that too but they have me to heated on their takes about BEs receiving diversity options.

The quote they linked even says it was for lore reasons. I eat salad all the time because I love a good salad it’s one of my favorite foods, the fact salads tend to be healthier on average is a bonus but it’s not the reason I choose to eat salad. It’s like people are ignoring the reason and concentrating on a secondary factor for some reason.

It was a mistake that they did that anyway, it diluted Void Elves from what they are supposed to be and it made the problem even worse because now they feel they deserve everything we have as Blood Elves which in a way is ironic considering they don’t want to play the actual race any of this stuff belongs to.

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Half Elves in hindsight would have been the best option imo with a unique model etc.

In any case the validity of diverse skin tones on the human skin toned races shouldn’t be in question and their comments so far I find highly questionable.


You have your elf lore messed up apparently.

The majority of high elves changed their name to blood elf.

Those who didn’t were very few in number and spread out.

We’re not talking about tolkein.

We’re talking about wow.

Nothing is wrong with the new skintones. Get over it.

That’s not what they’re saying in your source.

They say they did it for lore reasons and a convenient upshot is likely more from the Asian market might go Horde.

You have to reach to get from there to: “blood elves were added only so asian markets would play Horde more.”

Your bias on this subject is affecting your take on this source.


From my limited understanding of the lore, because elves are long-lived, or even immortal, they don’t mingle too often with the lesser races. The NE were not explorers, neither were the BE. The HE were probably so, so at the very least half-elves should be an Alliance AR, unless Blizzard wants to attract more of the Asian market and the devs want to play half-elves… In which case, we’ll get another halfass manipulation of the lore to accommodate the Dev’s desires. Just like the BE.

Are elves immune to the sun’s effects on pigmentation? I have no idea, I can see NE’s having colour variation, but not the BE who didn’t stray far from home. The HE on the other hand…

The VE are dumb. It was a lazy and sloppy attempt to appease both sides.

Their skin tones reflect long over due diversity Blizzard always saw as the case whats hard to understand about that?