Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

My self-interests lie in blood elves having good story developments or the devs continuing to forget belves exist whenever they want to push more nonsense storylines that require villainizing genocide survivors, nothing else. If you can’t accept that then you care less about belf lore and stories than you do about faction nonsense, which is frankly sad.

The idea that a couple hair colors being swapped around is bad for blood elves is incredibly stupid. Faction loyalism has been cringe since Cata, also.

The half of Quel’thalas that’s been getting fixed since BC is still ours last I checked.


It’s not just a couple of hair colors and it’s intellectually dishonest to claim so.

The anti-Belfers want all of the hair colors and hair styles and classes and everything until they’ve picked the race dry and made an alliance knockoff.

We have barely anything left and it must be protected from malicious individuals that seek to harm Blood Elf players.

Why do you think destroying Blood Elves is good writing?


“This has no effect on the BE visual theme or BE players”

That is the thing that sends me, because it obviously does even if using Kul Tiran hair options, why would VEs continue to get someone else’s favorite races options when they have two visual themes to pick from minus hair options that they don’t need, they can get more void hair color options and void options in general.

Also always much thanks to Izzabelle and Somand for the comparison image :sparkling_heart:

This is very much the stance I have to take, and thankfully others have as well.


I’m not even sure where “blonde is belf territory” started - the leadership NPCs are redhead, blonde, squenix-white, black, which afaik is about even with the the main ren’dorei and quel’dorei NPCs everyone cares about (sorry for those who warmed up to Umbric on their ren alts/mains but you know I’m right)

Territorialism around hair colors is silly and is, more importantly, not writing. My concerns in the writing department are elsewhere.


No trying to destroy Blood Elves over them being added to the Horde 16 years ago is silly.

Your concerns about writing belong in their own thread. Destroying Blood Elves and harming Blood Elf players because you are hurt by Blizzards writing is actually kind of skeevy and reflects poorly upon you.


Again making hair colors a notch more uniform will no more destroy the blood elves than expanding eye colors to cover a range that includes blues and purples did.

You sound like the worst helf fanatics when they announced blue and purple eyes would be available for both sides.


I disagree. I think it will absolutely harm Blood Elves.

We’ve already been harmed enough.

Make Blood Elves Distinct Again. :clap: :clap: :clap:


This is incredibly childish.


No trying to destroy Blood Elves is extremely childish.

Actually you sound like the worst helf fanatics promoting the destruction of Blood Elves so your high elf main can be the perfect pure blonde haired blue eyed sus amogus alliance elf you’ve been curling your toes for.


I guess we’re at the part where people who are overinvested in factionalist nonsense (and this whole paranoia about precious visual identity kind of is, let’s be honest) start plunging into paranoia about people having a hidden agenda.


I don’t care about factonalist nonsense but I want to protect what I enjoy from people trying to gaslight on their Belf alts to make it appear like the total destruction of Blood Elves is supported when it’s not.

I don’t understand why you helfers can’t just ask for Alliance hairstyles and colors from like Kul’tiran.

I think it’s a personal vendetta against Blood Elves and Blood Elf players that drive this ridiculous and selfish demand for everything Blood Elves have thusly their destruction.

PS: You can switch alts all you want to make your take look more popular but I have more alts I can say no on.


I have comains, one per side, neither is a ren (and I don’t mean “I rp a ren’dorei as quel’dorei”)

It’s just very funny to be accused of having a hidden agenda of wanting more stuff to play quel’dorei when my opinion of most common helfer headcanons is overwhelmingly negative - when I say I care about writing and not relatively minor cosmetics, that’s what I mean.


You aren’t even leveled or in a guild. Who is your Horde comain? Seems pretty sus.

You already have skin tones, TRP3, and your imagination. You don’t need to completely destroy Blood Elves.

Heck. My high elf is still using a human avatar and I do just fine because I’m not imagination deficient.


Cool paranoia


The visual distinction is that they look like filthy fools for choosing Horde over Alliance!

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I don’t support taking any more Blood Elf assets and giving them to Void Elves.

I support new unique assets or using assets from other Alliance races.


I’m happy to report that nothing has ever been taken from blood elves :smiley: they still have the exact same stuff as before, no options have ever been removed


Don’t troll people. you know what they meant.


I do wonder whether the attitude would be as hostile if more belf players requested some of the hair and eye color options that are still velf exclusive (iirc there’s still at least one of each).

Because I could see it being an acceptable trade for some who care less about exclusivity.


Literally what?

Why is there this continued angle of trying to finesse the visual distinction Blizzard themselves left in place. Void Elves have two visual themes, they lack the hair options and you think an eye color from VEs in return would fix the loss of visual distinction in BE players favor?

It’s like if there is a cake and you’ve already had most of it and you’re trying to negotiate over the last piece and call it fair, Blood Elves already shared with VEs and you think it should be a negotiation moving forward?

Visual distinction remaining in place is not the end of the world and Blizzard has done so in the way of not adding those natural hair options for VEs, I hope they come through and change Alleria to reflect the void, as well as voidify remaining HE NPCs.

I think new and unique options for both moving forward would be amazing and actually bring new unique options to the game.