Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

I would like seeing void elves with sparkles highlights in many colors.

I mean, I tried to make that compromise at the start of the thread and you see where that got us.

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But why blonde? Is like the most boring hair color when it comes to Blood Elves because almost all Blood Elves are blonde. They are like the Maghar Orcs who all look like Garrosh, brothers, lol.

Not to undermine your petition. I myself would like pure black/white and not watered down colors like the ones they have currently.


Because basically high elf fans want to be high elves on the alliance and that means blonde and red hair options.

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I can get behind red, red is cool. There is also white or silver that could fit a High Elf. But yeah, makes sense.


IIRC blonde isn’t even actually that common on belf NPCs compared to reds and browns

Nightborne Males: “Can I maybe please have a 6th face option? Maybe a happy one?”

Nightborne Males: :sob:


thanks! i prefer using white myself.


I don’t mind blonde and brown, but the Blood Elves should keep red for themselves.

I’ve been increasingly feeling like all four elven subraces should have most of the eye color range from each other. It’s an incredibly minor thing, I know, but highborne options and all that since in practice belves and velves already have the main nelf/nb colors.

Hey I just wanted to tell you your character looks awesome!!

That black skin + golden eye combination is sweet! Handsome looking elf :+1:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

Edit: or wait are those green eyes? Sorry I’m colorblind haha! :joy:


I’d be happy with white.

but more than anything they need more hairstyles that don’t say “I live in my moms basement listening to slayer all day”


I think we need another allied race of elves, it’s about that time. Let’s put this one on the shelf next to nightborne-four-face.


They’re gold eyes; would be red if I have the option for such, but alas only for Dark Ranger NPCs it seems.


I’d settle for just jet black and brown. I get that golden is claimed by blood elves but there’s nothing inherently belven about brown and especially black, which is the traditional “void” color.


I’m just here for the salt for my popcorn.

Very curious how furious some people here get over this idea. How they sob about “faction identity” – the latest excuse, as if they weren’t talking with a smarmy smirk about inadequate population back when that was the Blizzard line 6 years ago before Void Elves and to a degree LF Draenei demolished that being an issue and Blizzard hastily cobbled together this pathetic excuse.

  • As if Pandaren don’t exist and look exactly the same on both factions.
  • As if High Elves haven’t been part of lore and the alliance identity since before WoW was launched (and they still are, you can see the silver covenant involved in all kinds of things from the Argent Tourney in Icecrown and Dalaran to the Battle for Lordaeron event in BFA).
  • As if having both light-zealots in the form of LF Draenei and Void heretics in the form of Void Elves on the same faction isn’t screwy and inexplicable.
  • And as if burning down Teldrassil, the ancestral home of night elves didn’t severely alter both the faction identity and leave the racial identity of nelves in absolute shambles.

I just want more haircut more than color tune


rgb void elf hair please

Void elf jokes:

First was high, then blood, and now void. Get the order right.

Actually we are all Quel’dorei…


I’m really curious why anyone who plays a Blood Elf is so against their own self-interests. Why anyone of sound mind would actively seek to harm themselves is suspect and concerning. It’s probably rooted in attempts to gaslight Blizzard and readers into thinking actual Blood Elf players don’t care. But trust me, we do.

  • bUt PaNdAs!! — This sub-par justification for destroying Blood Elves does not work because of how each one was introduced. Blood Elves were introduced in Burning Crusade and players signed on to play a Horde exclusively. Never would any Blood Elf player ever expected in a million years that Blizzard would give away the Blood Elf model to the enemy faction. There are already plenty of people who are angry that Void Elves were introduced in the first place and their ire is valid. The fact that people want to destroy Blood Elves by giving their fantasy to the enemy faction is extremely telling in terms of entitlement, greed, and lack of empathy. Meanwhile pandaren were always both factions from the getgo. People knew what they were getting and consented to it.

  • bUt HiGh ElVeS aRe PaRt Of LoRe: So are High Arakkoa and ogres and sethrakk. Just because something exists doesn’t entitle players to be willing to pay it. The Silver Covenant is part of Dalaran not the Alliance and all non Silver Covenant High Elves can be safely swapped with Void Elves and cause no issues with lore whatsoever. I do think Blizzard should phase out High Elves entirely so people can stop with the dAnGlEd In My FaCe complaint.

  • bUT tHeRe Is DiVerSiTy On My FaCtIoN aNd ThAt MaKeS iT sCrEwY—while it’s nice to criticize Blizzards writing, it doesn’t entitle you or any other anti-Belfer to destroy Blood Elves. Sorry. Not happening.

  • bLiZzArD sHoUlD dEsTrOy BlOoD eLvEs BeCaUsE tHe FoRsAkEn LeAdEr WhO lEfT tHe HoRdE aNd BlOoD eLf PlAyErS dEsErVe To Be PuNiShEd FoR iT—How about no? This is illogical. How about lets not completely and utterly destroy something players like because of Blizzard’s rubbish writing.

As a Pro-Belf player I find your justifications for total and complete destruction of something I love unimpressive and unmotivating. But what am I expecting from a level ten alt?

Keep Blood Elves District!