Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

I want more hair colors for gnomes too!


Cilantro is so good, though.

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It tastes like soap to me


Velfs having lots of hair colors makes total sense. Now that they have been in contact with other races and seen the variety in hair colors, why wouldn’t they want other colors?


That’s so weird to me. You wouldn’t like anything they cook here.

Blood Elves are right there, and visual distinction is important.


Pretty sure it’s a gene thing a lot of people have with cilantro but I hear it’s great but I’ll never know

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I reject coconut without knowing why. Maybe it’s the same thing.


Tentacles. Its gonna be big…

Wait… that… came out wrong.

Very much on the same page here.

Fun fact: It tastes like soap to a portion of the population and citrusy to another portion.

See above.

Its a biological oddity.


I bet anybody with that gene either left or starved to death. Because everything has cilantro, and parsley, and thyme. All it needs is sage to be a Simon and Garfunkle song.


It tastes soapy to me. I just like eating soap apparently. lol

Took me awhile to realize that as the taste profile though.


Well, it has a clean flavour profile at least.


needs to be lemony fresh too.


Ignoring the fact that Blizzard explicitly said that the Void elves weren’t recruiting when those High elf Wayfayers were added, this doesn’t mean fair skin Void elves are canon. Those High elf and Blood elf Wayfayers have not become Void elves yet, so they are not examples of “Fair skinned Void elves” just elves curious in possibly learning. or becoming a Void elf in the future, and even that isn’t certain.

Except they’ve added no examples to demonstrate this within the game, despite adding multiple examples of the customization on the Blood elves. As of yet we have not seen a single Void elf utilizing the fair skin, or blue eyed customization, and until we do we can’t really say that it’s use is canon.

They’ve done nothing new to Void elf NPCs, or zones reflect the new customization on Void elves, it’s still in the same stagnant, status quo from before.

They’re not going to limit the amount of Void elves people can create, that’s not how the game works. When Blood elves were added, they were suppose to be on the verge of extinction, but there were more Blood elves than any race in the game. Let’s not confuse gameplay mechanics with the actual story and lore of the game.


Bliz hasn’t updated or said anything about Westfall, either. Maybe it’s still on fire.

It’s dangerous to draw too many conclusions one way or the other from what they do. They shoot for lowest possible work (which isn’t necessarily bad) and they run off explosions and gameplay first

But what they have done is deliberately add more high elves in places where they could have used gnomes, humans, or void elves.

Because they’re like that.

Anyway, we’ll see whenever they get around to it.


They’ll get around to it in Cata 2.0, coming soon after Systemlands. Haha. :joy: :joy: :joy:


I’m not over the first Cata.

The Fargo Flintlock guy wrote a funny comic, but his entire writing style was nails on a chalkboard for me.

The point that they tend to do the bare minimum makes the things they do go out of their way to implement and change, that more significant. Adding a new, named Blue eyed elf Mage trainer in Orgimmar was clearly done to reflect the canonical presence of those visuals among the Blood elves, as were the darker skin tones on other NPCS.
They had every opportunity to do the same for Void elves, whether that be just changing the skin color of some void elves walking around Stormwind, or adding a new flavor NPC with fair skin and blue eyes in the rift.

The point was they neglected to change any of it, and that’s likely not incidental considering the amount of effort they went to demonstrate it among the Blood elves.

Until I see it within the game, I remain skeptical.

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We’re talking about a company that still hasn’t told us what’s going on in Ashenvale. Or Tirisfal.


But it will bring new class and race combos like last time, actually now that I think about it that will probably be the only selling point of it because these days xpacs are really blah minus like one thing so gotta take what you can get. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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