Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

And why does tides of darkness design have to do with current WoW design, the art back then is entirely different from the ones being used now.

Alleria was in WC2.

She was designed first. Though she was a clunky ludicrious sprite beast.

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:face_with_monocle: More like

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I don’t know if you are just playing obtuse, but the character has the same looks. The look the character has were designed first. The character looks like a design that was drawn at an earlier date than a later design.

The 3D designers had the 2D model to copy from. What they did is take the earlier 2D model and recreate it in 3D.

Hey Sledge: How could I have made that more clear?

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Samwise drew Alleria first.

Alleria’s WoW model is based on Sylvanas’s WoW model at the time.

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We are talking about 3d models right?

Half the conversation is. Which is where the confusion is coming from.

Midare and Atraxios are arguing while talking about two different things and fundamentally agreeing and it’s making my head spin.


Nope, hence why I wrote 2D. You are being obtuse, so nevermind.

Sledge got it though.

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Have you all gone over the changes to her tattoos?

How nitpicky are we getting?

I’ve been out all day.


I want to read some Wittgenstein to recover from the amount of temporal nonsense I just explained.

Edit: I agree that Mid is right that the 3D model came first. He does not agree that the idea or design came first.

I kind of want to go into classic and pose in front of Alleria’s statue, but I cannot summon the care.

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That’s the whole issue. After 25 years, less if you substract the amount of years that it has gone by when Sylvanas was changed from her Night Elves self, WoW was already a completely different game than WC2. Heck, even before that it was clear that it had branched off by a landslide.

For all we know, when they gave Sylvanas the model they gave her, they didn’t think Alleria would ever come back, or even remembered she existed. Blizz has forgotten more current characters before, so it’s not like I’m making an assumption based on something that never happened.

EDIT: Why am I still here???


Also, Sledge got the argument, which makes me think that Mid and Great were just using language games to avoid making sense.

This is one of those times where I kind of feel like you’re projecting a view onto me that you should know by now I don’t have.

Ah well. The great circle.


Same reason I keep missing my battleground queues, you can’t look away from the drama. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Not appropiate.

Warcraft history the concept of alleria was from wc2, this is correct. Sylv is from WC3

In WoW sylvannis came before alleria, which is an edited copy of sylvannis


Yes, that was what I wanted to say. Thank you.

Not appropiate? Don’t ask me if I can speak english. I know you didn’t know I’m ESL, but don’t do that, ever.

And Sylvanas was an edited Alexstraza.

Bliz is lazy.

Anyway, I’m glad we’re all finally on the same page.


Well like Mag pointed out earlier

Made all the more evident if you’re really arguing VEs are a continuation of the HE story and are HEs just like Blood Elves are.

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Self punishment perhaps? But you are right they do forget their characters! Red shirt guy must be reeling around in pain from that idea!

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