Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Which was my point entirely.

But I think it would be a good time to change Alleria / finally give story updates on the Wayfarers so many HE fans supposedly care about.

Will it bring you the customization to fully look like a BE? No, but it could bring you more story that some do care about.

And you think they “want” to defeat the purpose of their own AR?

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It fits like the rest of the game, I still can’t figure out how a supposed normal looking High Elf is taken seriously as the Void Elf leader it’s like yeah no, Umbric is better in that department and I never really liked him but at least he looks right.

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It sounds like they already defeated the purpose to the AR you think they created.

If what you said was true, then Alleria wouldn’t be respected, there would be no fair skin and the void would be all of our thing. But it seems the AR race they ended up creating was not that construction at all.

Alleria is a hero of the second war in a second war nostalgic expansion. She comes in like she owns the place and talks directly to the high king.

Umbric is all like “I’m sorry I failed…I hope I can be useful”. And Alleria pretty much gives him orders, so he’s not effectively the leader.

He’s just the leader the other faction would wish they had. Like one nation wanting another nation to have a weak president.


I don’t really know why you’re thinking that.

But no, I do not think Blizzard wants to “defeat the point” of void elves.

I hope they want to utilize them to their maximum potential and take advantage of several niches they naturally occupy in the story.


VEs dont occupy the HE niche, that would be Blood Elves.

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Hey hey hey.

Comrade Umbric is a sweet indecisive loon and he deserves affection.

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No, because blizzard hates the Alliance


For example, during the war campaign.

Why make Alleria and Vereesa walk side by side? They could have used this opportunity to show how different both kinds of elves are. But they just showed two sisters. And Alleria spoke about letting Sylvannas fight N’Zoth without Umbric even present. He’s a nobody in the alliance.


There’s no way to know if they will do this or not.

I don’t expect them to. Because they already chickened out when the little cinematic at the Seat of the triumvirate happened, and chickened out again during the VE intro scenario.

If they’re not known for their consistency, their haphazard decisions are also well known, so I don’t expect them to grow courage and go through with it. But I still can hope for it.

Yeah, they hate the Alliance so much that you guys keep on constantly saving the world.

Wish Blizz hated the Horde like that too.


…agree to disagree!

I think they both do, as two different choices going forward. And the lovely thing is that both of our viewpoints are valid and supported by the high elf customizations Bliz chose to add, by that name, for both sides.


they usually do model updates when a character is about to become prominent in the current story


Maybe they will if she becomes like the Void’s Illidan in the big void expansion.

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They didn’t update Alleria’s look at all though.

Maybe that’s how much they care about her.

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This isn’t a place I feel that is applicable, BEs are HEs. You have some RP tools on VEs.


Didn’t they have to do her model from scratch, though?

She’s a recolored Sylvanas.

Old Sylvanas at that.

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Copy/pasting at it’s best with a bit of changed coloring if that. :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

Well she is her bigger sister.

Alleria is essentially Sylvanas’ blue quality Overwatch skin.

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Except she got designed first? And at some point, when they were designing Sylvannas they told the artists to portray Alleria’s younger sister?