Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Things are getting too spicy for the pepper in here.


This thread is distracting, I got so caught up in the drama and bit ago I got vote kicked out of my epic battleground. :yum: :yum: :yum:


“B-but, my pretty elves on the good guy side don’t look like the stereotypical good elves! That’s super important!”

I wish I had it so easy that this is what drives me to call others intolerant.

(And for the record, this topic is a form of scapism from life for me… should tell you how bad things are over here.)


And if I had to take a shot for everytime you use the word disingenuous out of context…

If you want you can try to convince me again how choosing brown hair magically turns me into a blood elf and ruins your gameplay though :slight_smile:


You seem to confuse me and Lann a lot.

Though to be clear I do not support removing the Skintones currently available to void elves.

In fact I specifically want a npc event in the rift that shows new void elves going through a ritual to become void elves, that shows All current customizations as canon to void elves.


It’s good I don’t do group content often because of how much I window out. I forget I’m even in game.

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Damn, I do. That was also a mistake, I’m sorry.

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“Out of context” applies when something that doesn’t follow through with what has been said it’s mentioned.

Considering that this is your train of thought, and that you ignored all that’s been mentioned, “disingenuous” applies perfectly.


Yeah I just have no idea how this effects BE players :roll_eyes:


So you’re basically willingly making a void elf and blood elf with blue eyes, calling them the same and getting mad about it?

You realize there are other options, and just the hairstyle and haircolor alone in this pic differentiates them despite your attempt to make them look identical.
Also the blue eyes weren’t even originally a belf feature.


Gee, why in the world I’m using the word disingeuous when addressing your points, you’re absolutely not missing the entire picture and are totally considering every implication.



Because you already asked, and got the Blood Elf model. Then you asked, and got the Blood elf skin color. And now you’re asking for the Blood elf hair, and continue play dumb over the idea that anyone could possible mistake you for a Blood elf, while actively trying to look like one.

Players don’t want a carbon copy of their Horde race on the opposite faction, that shouldn’t be hard to understand. It’s why people value faction exclusive mounts, armor, toys, etc. These things are a side of factional pride for players, so doling them out to the opposing faction will obviously cause friction with players.


I have never asked for blood elf hair or their colors, you can stop right there.


Asking for the traditional Elf fantasy of Blood Elves is asking for the BE visual theme. The fact you can ignore that is wild.


No, you just want them to look the same.

You use the same old “it doesn’t have to be taken from blood elves” spiel, when the result would be exactly the same.


Except I don’t?

I want brown hair because I like brown hair, I don’t want the blood elf brown or any of their colors actually.

(Or any blood elf options)

Now, that being said, if you’re going to claim that blood elves have ownership over hair colors that aren’t even blood elf hair colors, YOU’RE the one being absurd.

That is all.


“Nope, I can’t see how two races that already share the model sharing even the color scheme makes them look the same, it’s you who are wrong!”

Aye aye…


It’s the reason they never replied to Softsong earlier, so they can continue pretending like they have no idea what we’re talking about when we say this is our stance.


Whats the difference?

The point of the picture Lann posted a few posts up is that even with slightly differing colorations the difference is almost nothing.

I can see why people who are interested in Blood Elven uniqueness would still be upset if the colorations came from another race (say humans) or was a new version of that color at all.

Its also why I don’t judge them too hard when they come back on me for wanting the NPC black option void elves have or wanting Stark White.

Though everyone seems to agree with pink. :smiley:

Not even the ear sizes?

Its less ownership of the hair colors more that it simply strips them of any differentiation between Blood and Void Elves.

Even if its not entirely the exact same color ripped from Blood Elves directly.


If they think I’m an easier target, hooo boy.

(I mean, Soft is a tough cookie on her own, but I’m also snarkier)