Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Blood elves are natural Thalassian elves, asking for different shades of “natural hair colors” is removing the visual distinction that allowed Void elves to be playable on the Alliance in the first place. Trying to circumvent the goal of looking like a Blood elf by asking for “slightly different shades of the same color” is not an honest argument, and is quite frankly hard to take very serious.

You’re an allied race who’s whole inclusion is based on a void themed distinction from their parent race. I suggest you try getting comfortable with it.



No it’s not, you don’t have ownership over natural hair colors that aren’t blood elf natural hair colors, to say so is just being ridiculous.

There are many races that have natural hair colors, you aren’t special.

I have never asked anything from blood elves, so you can stop trying to make it seem like I am. You’re the one claiming everything as belonging to the “blood elf theme” (despite it not even being a blood elf option in the first place). That is your own delusion and I am kindly asking you to not force it upon me, as having brown hair doesn’t suddenly make me not a void elf.

I guess you should cover yourself in blood then, since apparently that’s strictly what your race is entitled to based on their name.


In this case we are very special, since the race you’re currently playing on is based on ours, and was designed deliberately with the void as the visually defining aspect between us. Trying to circumvent that by asking for “other natural colors” as contrasts simply doesn’t cut it.

Having a slightly different shade of brown hair as a visual distinction from Blood elves is not a “Void” theme.

You might not have asked yourself, but you can’t ignore that Blood elf players have already relinquished a lot to Void elf players list of requests, and I bet my bottom dollar you’re taking full advantage of them as well.

You can’t barge into an ongoing conflict and say “Well I didn’t ask for that stuff, so I have every right to demand more” and then act shocked when people disagree.

That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.


It was naive of me to think that calling out your disingenuous argument would help.


Help with?

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Help with stopping them from happening but, alas, it’s pointless it seems.


Look, you clearly don’t understand me.

I haven’t demanded anything, I like brown hair, that is all.
If anything I’ve made it clear that I support more customization for any other race before void elves.

If you’re going to prance around claiming that blood elves own hair colors that aren’t even blood elf hair colors, or that I have to abide by your rule of strictly having blue hair because I’ a void elf, that is your issue entirely. I am asking you to not force your standards on me, they make no sense to begin with.

Thank you.


It really is, earlier they were trying to spread lies about me and about how horrible of a friend I supposedly am and it’s like I’ve never even been your friend so you wouldn’t know what type of person I am anyway so you really are wasting your time. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Well I’m still waiting for you to stop making assumptions about me wanting to be a blood elf because I want brown hair.

But alas, I don’t expect any less of you.

Unlike you, I’m not making assumptions.

I’m seeing your poor arguments being made in real time.

I might need to staple my face in place to prevent it from disappearing in the black hole of cringe.


LMFAO! Do you want me to start linking your posts back to you like others do because I will and it’s not that I have to be friends with everyone, I at least try to get along with everyone which is a whole lot more than you can ever say.

This is a public forum and most people like my comments and input where once again you can’t say the same so maybe you should consider taking your own advice Zuc because clearly not many people like you.

I feel like The Accuser when dealing with them, it’s like your ignorance is not innocence when we can all see it again and again and again.


Yes you are though.

You’re claiming I want to be a blood elf without proof of me wanting to be a blood elf, I’ve elaborated for you many times which just leads to you retracting back to your sassy condescending remarks.

Like I said, I don’t expect any less from you. Keep going


“Blablabla u suk im gudder than u i hav so mani frends lul”
…I wish there was simultaneous yawn, barf and laugh emoji.

Anyways, I have lost interest in conversing with you…again. Have a good night.

Lets not forget they tried to (I mean besides villainizing people for being anti HE options anyways) but make me out to look bad because I privatize my post history.

All their alts they post with have private posts too, then trying to play it off like “oh I forgot I set it on this character” like you set it on all your character what lol, its not a big deal but

To call you dramatic and then act like that about post history is just wild to me.


See this is why people don’t like you, do you not get it yet? I mean honestly.

They hide post history because they don’t well nevermind I won’t go there because I don’t want to get silenced, we all see Zuc for what he or she really is so.


The last thing I need is for anyone in the lannsquad to like me, muffin.

This is so beyond uncalled for, unlike you Naughtymoon argues in good faith, and respects people on both sides which I applaud.


And if you were a little bit less disingenuous (you keep behaving this way, and I’ll keep using the word since it will continue to apply), you would admit that just because you don’t explicitly say you “want to be a blood elf”, asking for roundabout ways to look like one anyway it’s essentially asking to look like a blood elf.

If you at least were straightforward with this, at least you’d get points for honesty, but instead, you insist on claiming it’s not that.

So as long as that act continues, the sassy remarks shall keep on comin’.

Oh, are you one of my fans?

It’s not even ignorance. I’m pretty positive they know what they’re doing and they’re just playing it off.


If getting along and being civil makes me part of Lannsquad then thanks I’ll take it.